Day 66
We are home! and things are already crazy here again! before I could talk to Xemnas, i had 3 things to take care of-
1. Axel's growing cookie problem, er, addiction.
2. Caron's on probation for his women chasing, again!
3. Saix's most recent debate subject...
...and after that, I had to help Abyssa with her training. Then i was able to talk to Xemnas, and my questions were answered... here's the conversation...
Me: Xemnas?
Xemnas: Yes?
Me: I have a few questions i need answers to.
Xemnas: Ah, this would be about Abyssa, correct?
Me: You've already heard?
Xemnas: Yes, Xigbar told me. I suspected this would happen. It seems Abyssa does not know what she wants to do in her future.
Me: What?
Xemnas: She has no goal, no purpose. She does not know what she wants to do in her future.
Me: So, we need to find her a purpose?
Xemnas: Yes, that's why her mother sent her here.
Me: Her mother?
Xemnas: Jewelara, Mother of the Gemstone Maidens.
Me: She's a part of that humongus family? Who's the father?
Xemnas: That...I will not say.
Me: Why?
Xemnas: It is not... "Possible" for you to know right now. Maybe another time.
Me: Okay, second question. If you and Riku have been there before, why did you send us?
Xemnas sad laughs), figured you'd ask me that one. it's simple, really. i needed some... "Reassurance" information.
Me: What?
Xemnas: I needed additional information to prevent any falsification of our trip there. a place like that is said not to exist...
Me: ok
Xemnas: Now, for your next assignment. You are to meet with Axten a member of an Organization XXIX(29), and discuss a few things.
Me: Such as?
Xemnas: The nature of a partnership, the nature of his purpose, and the names of the other 15 members.
Me: Don't you mean, other 28?
Xemnas: No, Axten tells me that we were the first 13 members. there wrer originally 29, but we broke up for some reason. it's strange, but i have no recollection of that event ever happening. just like everything else in my memory...
Me: So, he should have knowledge of the other 15?
Xemnas: Of some of them at least. when you get the information, seek them out. But make sure to keep in contact with Axten at all times. Here, his Gizmo number (Tosses me a Gizmo chip). And if all else fails, recriut more members. From this point forward, i give you the authorization to do so, until such time as i deem it unnesscesary.
Me: and where will i find him?
Xemnas: Hmmm... try Natalia. He and that friend of yours who lives there have good connections. Axten visits him often.
Me: ok
Xemnas: Report back after you speak with him. I will wish to know of your findings.
Me: Alright.
... So my questions were answered, but 2 new ones arose: Who is Abyssa's father? And why won't Xemnas talk about him? well, i'll find out eventually. Right now, i have to find this Axten and discuss a few things with him. Xemnas says he and Xaldin will oversee Abyssa's training while i am gone. Axel will oversee Caron's probation, and Saix will oversee Axel's growing cookie addiction. So, i'm good for now! until next time!!!! biggrin
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RIP Socks the Cat. 09/15
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The Eternal List of Scythes

Please Gaia, Make a Little Reaper Kin! You are my only hope now!
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