"Wake up!" called a voice.
'Who is that?' I ask myself.
"Please wake up! Jenna you need to wake up!"
I open my eyes to find myself starring into a mirror... at least I think it's a mirror. I move my hand to touch it-
I open my eyes and awake from the dream to see Miu running towards me.
"Miu? Uhg, my stomach" I wince at the pain and the thought of what had (or even could of) happened last night.
"I've been looking for you every where! What were you thinking?! Going into the middle of nowhere at the dead of night?! You could of been killed!" she yelled.
"Not so loud please." I mumble.
Not only a stomach ache, but now I even have a head ache, Miu's yelling isn't really helping either. But I guess because I was having a headache she continued to yap and yap and yell. She was nice enough to help me up though..... thankfully.
"And I'd never even think of going out here alone! Well, okay it's alright if I do, but you're only a human! You could of brought me if you had to go to the bathroom so bad!" she exclaimed.
"For the last time, I couldn't sleep so I decided to walk. I didn't even have to go to the washroom that bad!" I yell.
She won't stop yelling at me. Note to self: Never worry a Cat Demon. Miu sighed and we walked back into the forest. We walked and talked about some things then suddenly I felt a hand grab my leg. I screamed and Miu slashed her claws at it, hissing in the process. Then I notice that I was standing next to some sort of pond. I look at what Miu is still hissing at.... a red mow hawked merman?
"Ed! What the hell's going on?! Where's Edna?! Edna get your tail up here now!"
Suddenly a green haired mermaid appears next to the one called Ed.
"Forgive my brothers rudeness Miu, but when he wants something he always looses control to get it." she said in a soft voice that all the creepy cute girls in the scary movies have.
Miu spat in a near by bush.
"Well! Make sure it doesn't happen again you traitors!" She huffed and then started to walk away.
I stayed for a bit, looking at the both of them, who were looking at the back of Miu. Then they both turned and starred at me. I got scared so I ran after Miu.
"Who were they?" I asked when we were back in the cave.
Miu and I found some dead birds on the way and was cooking them for lunch.
"Ed and Edna? Just the mermaids..."
"C'mon, there's more of a story then that!" I say.
"... They live in that pond because their suppose to take care of all the souls that pass over, that's why the pond's called 'The Pond of Death'... their other purpose is to rid the Island of evil people and warn us if they can't. They didn't do that when Mioca and her follower's came along though. So now their considered traitors. Edna's on no one's side in this, but Ed announced that he's thinking of taking the witch's." She explained.
"Edna's not taking a side?"
"That's Edna for you. She helps both sides and doesn't choose either. Ed on the other hand is Ed, so he likes taking the side who's more powerful."
"But Edna's the stronger and smarter one anyway... so it's kind of alright."
I look at Miu. She looked sad and slightly torn. I smile.
"Edna was your friend?"
She nodded.
"She helped me cope with the loss of my clan."
Then lunch was finally ready, but i asked a few more things of the subject.
"So do they still carry the souls in that pond?"
"Oh yah. Their the only one's who know how anyway, and with out them the souls would escape the pond and roam around here instead. We don't want that so that's why we haven't killed the two of them... but they're strong so it would be hard to if we ever had to. Which we probably won't."
"But after 2 years they make sure that some of those souls get reincarnated, some of them don't come back to the island though... which is why they couldn't bring the clan back... but y'know." she continued.
"They get the souls reincarnated?" I asked in awe.
"Mhm, only the one's that come by though."
"So what did they do with Lady Luna's?"
"Nobody knows, not even the forest spirit." whispered Miu.
And with that, we ate our birds.
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The Past Life
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Friends, Familly, Boy's, Cake and Music.

All I need To Live my Life! ^_^

All I need To Live my Life! ^_^
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