European Hell
In Norse mythology, the underworld is ruled over by the goddess Hel. she controls the realm of misery. Legend tells us she is the daughter of Loki and will return to midguard (Earth) during Ragnerok. The medieval Christian version of Hell involves nine levels. Dante's Divine Comedygoes in depth on this subject, but in the ninth circle sits Lucifer in an icy realm. there he devours the three greatest sinners, Judus, Brutus, and Cassius. Finnish Mythology also has there version of the underworld called Tuonela. there, the dead were expected to continue to take part in family rituals. Tuonela is not seen as a place of punishment. The sun shines and plants grow. though, few who attempt to go to Tuonela return alive.
Tying together Music, Genius, and Insanity
 Not Quite Fire