Sometimes I hate being the "detective"... But sometimes I really enjoy it, like when I worked my heart out in step class pretending I was getting ready to join the Special Victims Unit or the Major Case Squad, and I needed to be in top physical fitness to be able to run alongside Olivia Benson or Elliot Stabler. And still sometimes I run around like a nut, screaming how much I love Criminal Intent and dancing furiously...WOOOOOOOOOOOT!! CI!!!
But...I like snooping as much as anyone else...but not being forced to do so. I do it at my own pace. God, I really wish I was on CI, partnered with Bobby or Alex...
But in my insanity I've found some bitchin' Criminal Intent videos on Youtube!!! Watch them now!! NOW!!!
an Alex and Bobby video--very cute
"Be Without You"
more Alex/Bobby love
"I Begin to Wonder"
because Alex Eames kicks a**!!
And definite kudos to all the people that made these awesome L&O music videos that kept me up all night thinking about Alex & Bobby. ^__^ I love u like Goren loves Eames after a hard day at the office heart whee
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Lady Dorian's Journal
"Take care to get what you like...Or you will be forced to like what you get...right??"
--Scooter, "Apache Rocks the Bottom"
--Scooter, "Apache Rocks the Bottom"