it started as an ordinary trip to the park. i brought sydney along with me and we go towards the swings and i flip them over so that my feet wont drag on the ground and she likes them higher up she goes to get the other little girl, vivian. so they're playing on the playground with some game i wasnt really paying attention to. I'm sitting on the swings with my cd player singing to that cassie song when suddenly i'm flying through the air, for such a short distance it was a very long second that it took me to hit the ground. and in that second i'm thinking "wait, what happened?" and then when you hit the ground your thinking "CRAP! that hurrt!!" so i sit there dazed for a couple seconds and i realize that my cd player has magically vanished and i'm thinking "now how did THIS happen?" so i turn around and realize that the BLOODY SWING BROKE!!!!! and also discover that my cd player was only a couple feet from me, and luckily, still in one piece. (although the batteries DID pop out) so i stand up and realize that my back also hurts quite a bit. meanwhile the little girls are laughing they're heads off and going "did you just BREAK the swing!" and i laugh it off and say " yeah i guess so" when i go to look at how it happened i see that one of the links broke loose on the chain probably because i flipped it (whoops). so then i go over to the OTHER swing and UNFLIP it, although that kind of hurt to do since i have to put so much power in it to get it over the stupid bar. soo then i resume my swinging on a DIFFERENT swing. and of course whenever another kid came to the park they'd be like "WOAH you BROKE THE SWING!!!" aaah. you know this is the SECOND swing i've broken!!!!!! i also broke one in like fifth grade because meli was twisting me on it and she twisted me so far that it broke, although that was a less painful fall because the twisting delayed it and i didnt fall too far. so there you go, hope you enjoyed my pain and i'm doing better now, although this corset is kind of getting to me. XD but that has nothing to do with the swing incident at all. toodles!
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Don't you just hate when someone says, "I <3 you."?
I mean seriously, all they're saying is "I less than 3 you."
Woot. Someone less than 3's you. Celebrate, why don't ya.
I mean seriously, all they're saying is "I less than 3 you."
Woot. Someone less than 3's you. Celebrate, why don't ya.
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