Name: Megami Mizu Yari
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Birthday: 10/16/93
Height: 5' 2"
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Light blue
Sexuality: Straight
- Favorite -
Color: Red, purple and black
Food: White rice
Animal: Wolf and fox
Fast food: Kinda salty french fries
Activities: Being a nerd
TV Show: Avatar, Simpsons, Family Guy
Movie: The Golden Compass
Shoe brand: None
Video Games: Smash Brothers Brawl
Songs: Bouken Deshou Deshou Cascada Remix and other remixes of Haruhi Suzumiya songs
Bands: None
People: Nerds and otakus
- This or That? -
Coke or Pepsi: Both
Black or White: Black
Summer or Winter: Both
Spring or Fall: Both
Mountains or Plains: Plains
Rock or Pop: Most of the time both
Message Boards or E-mail: Both
Some good friends or a lot of bad ones: Good friends, obviously.
TV or computer: Computer
Cordless phone or cell: Cell
Survey or Quiz: Both
Pink or Red: Red
Christmas or Easter: Both
Read or Write: Read
Take or Create: Create
Pizza or Antelope: Pizza 0_o
- Love Life -
Have you ever had a boyfriend: I don't think so.
Do you currently have a boyfriend: I don't think so.
- How Many -
Piercings: 0
Tatoos: 0
CDs: None
DVDs: A ton
Computers: One
TVs: Two
Pairs of Shoes: Two or three
Musical Instruments: Drums
Pets: One dog and one cat
- Talents -
Can you sing: When I'm alone.
Can you dance: Sorta
Can you type fast: When I know what to write, yes.
Can you train animals: I suppose.
Can you write: Yes 0_o
Can you read fast: Not really. I make a movie in my head while I read. I change voices, make them move, have music at emotional parts and have every detail down. o_o
Can you paint: Not really
Can you draw: Of course
- Family -
Do you have siblings: Nope
Do you get along with them: Have none
Do you live at home: Yes
Are your parents divorced: No, but they thought about it. The Simpsons changed their minds with the one where Milhouse's parents get divorced. It was really weird. Right when they started talking about it to me, the show came on with that episode. o_o
Most annoying person in family: My dog
Name: Megami Mizu Yari
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Birthday: 10/16/93
Height: 5' 2"
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Light blue
Sexuality: Straight
- Favorite -
Color: Red, purple and black
Food: White rice
Animal: Wolf and fox
Fast food: Kinda salty french fries
Activities: Being a nerd
TV Show: Avatar, Simpsons, Family Guy
Movie: The Golden Compass
Shoe brand: None
Video Games: Smash Brothers Brawl
Songs: Bouken Deshou Deshou Cascada Remix and other remixes of Haruhi Suzumiya songs
Bands: None
People: Nerds and otakus
- This or That? -
Coke or Pepsi: Both
Black or White: Black
Summer or Winter: Both
Spring or Fall: Both
Mountains or Plains: Plains
Rock or Pop: Most of the time both
Message Boards or E-mail: Both
Some good friends or a lot of bad ones: Good friends, obviously.
TV or computer: Computer
Cordless phone or cell: Cell
Survey or Quiz: Both
Pink or Red: Red
Christmas or Easter: Both
Read or Write: Read
Take or Create: Create
Pizza or Antelope: Pizza 0_o
- Love Life -
Have you ever had a boyfriend: I don't think so.
Do you currently have a boyfriend: I don't think so.
- How Many -
Piercings: 0
Tatoos: 0
CDs: None
DVDs: A ton
Computers: One
TVs: Two
Pairs of Shoes: Two or three
Musical Instruments: Drums
Pets: One dog and one cat
- Talents -
Can you sing: When I'm alone.
Can you dance: Sorta
Can you type fast: When I know what to write, yes.
Can you train animals: I suppose.
Can you write: Yes 0_o
Can you read fast: Not really. I make a movie in my head while I read. I change voices, make them move, have music at emotional parts and have every detail down. o_o
Can you paint: Not really
Can you draw: Of course
- Family -
Do you have siblings: Nope
Do you get along with them: Have none
Do you live at home: Yes
Are your parents divorced: No, but they thought about it. The Simpsons changed their minds with the one where Milhouse's parents get divorced. It was really weird. Right when they started talking about it to me, the show came on with that episode. o_o
Most annoying person in family: My dog