Today's outfit.
For most of the week I've been laying low. Hit the casino a few times (I'm constantly finding tokens people drop). I do pretty well with Blackjack and sell my tickets for extra gold.
I was hanging out in The Garage in Durem and got in some good games of pinball. I scored over 750,000 on one game, and even got into Von Helson Manor! Screw Tommy, I'm the pinball wizard! But this entry isn't merely to record my prowess at pinball.
I'd heard Timmy hasn't been sleeping well since the incident last week. I'd even heard that he seemed pretty out of it. Most people just chalked it up to lack of sleep. I finally saw him with Dr.Singh today and he doesn't look good. His eyelids are real dark and heavy, a lot like when he was first out of that barrel. He's yeeping too. The going on about death and destruction, "Goodbye forever" could be dismissed as a result of the trauma of the event, the subsequent lack of sleep, and typical childhood melodrama but I'm not entirely convinced, and I suspect something more sinister and won't rule out a reinfection (call it what you will) by ET without further observation.