This or That
Vacation or stay home? Vacation...duh :]
Nails painted or not? not...
Short shorts or Bermudas? BERMUDAS...?
Ice cream sandwiches or ice pops? ice pops... =)
Flipflops or Crocs? Crocs...
Beach or Swimming pool? Beach?...
Noodle or Inner tube? noodle..?
Sunny or Cloudy? Sunnyy...
Read a book or Magazine? Book....♥
Watermelon or Cantelope? Watermelon..?
Sleepover or Campout? Sleeeepoovvveeeer!
Six Flags or Disney? Disney..
Road trip or Plane ride?Pllane ryde...
Bikini or One-piece? One-piece..!
Aviators or Plastic sunglasses? Aviators..?
Spray tan or Real tan? Real tan...
Air conditioner or Fan? AIR-CONdiiitioner
Summer flings or A Summer relationship? Summer flliiiiings....
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Xx IMperfectiion xX
Hates Beauty...
it is better off with maii IMperfectiion...
hee hee...! ^_^
XX chocolatte-lollipOp XX
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