Welcome to My World.
Here you will find all the little tid bits of info youll need to know about me.
First off, let me introduce myself.

My name is Dan.
I am indeed 20 years old.
I have three sisters, four brothers.
I have three cats, two dogs and a parrot.
My life is full of things going on.

In this little Journal of mine I will write down from time to time important things I feel that need to be memorized for myslef.
I may also put down Poems I write in my free time.
If you are a faithfull reader of this, you will be rewarded trust me.

I will also be adding details about what happens in my house.
That is not with my family actually, though they will have a spot here as well, im talking about paranormal happenings. I believe my house is haunted.
And thats where people call me crazy.
Fact of the matter is, I got alot happening in this home of mine that I cant explain, things moving, voices, shadows, and I truly do believe my house is haunted.
Got a problem with what I believe?
Then leave, dont try to make fun of me, Ive never like anyone who feels the need to pick on others.

Well, this being the first journal entry, I will leave this with a fond good bye.
I promise tommorow I will give this Journal a proper birth into this life.
But, I am going to find something to do right now.
Good Bye.