Im a negative person by nature and dont know how many of my posts here will actually be this may be it. Anyhoo, here goes the list of folks that have donated to me in the DTTPAY forum in the last few weeks.
THANKS GUYS!!!! Lotsa Luv 2 Ya!
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
Anca_92 - my gorgeous birthday present Bookfanatic1991 - 500g Mac and Cheese Cheesy - 150g Cant Escape - lots of cool items! luv em! Alla Zul - 150 g N0cturnal Rainb0wz - 275g This Lost Heart - 150g Angelitoz - Art work and 132g Caramelized - 300 g, 50 tokens, lots of flowers and tons of items! Fullmetal1010 - satin bow & 230g Weebabydee - 120g & tan peasant gloves Phoenixsongbird - 100g Mac & Cheese Cheesy - 400g Teddyz 92 - Bat eye mask! Mac & Cheesy Cheese - buck teeth Treeko Lupe - 151g & blue zerox paper Crazy-azn-chick - 238g Mac & Cheese Cheesy - ALL the gold she had left flowers!!!! O o TOFO o O - 100g Xx L0V3_LUBB_S3XYxX - 450g Frozen Claw - 150g Azam64 - 500g!! Sister-Morphine - 400g Im-a-pretty-little-girl - felicia's gloves & 200g
iSizzle - 1500g in a return trade!!! hidiojesus - 200g Eternity in an hour - 1041g Anonymous Donor - my beautiful heart necklace Im currently wearing.
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
Ive been a member of Gaia Online since April 19th 2008. In these past 2 months I have donated over 500,000 in gold and items to people in the forum and also some random people in towns or if I needed help with something and posted in the help forum, the first person to help me got a donation of something they wanted on their wish list. I am very generous and love to donate!!!! I also love donations of ANY KIND!!!! Doesn't matter what it is, I will greatly appreciate it!!
4laugh 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh
I absolutely love tektek!!! One of the members here wanted someone to tektek a scary avi under 50,000 gold. I tried, really I did...but it just didnt work out. So, heres the will cost 32,650,396 gold, but it is so cool!
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