I AM SO BORED!!!!!! huh o sorry its just that im bored and i dont know what to do have u been really bored on gaia well let me tell u what 2 do about it first of all when ur on gaia ur never really bored so u cant say that if u were on myspace or face book or aim etc............... u could be bored but not on gaia i mean think about it on gaia its so much more interesting i mean u get an avatar do u get an avatar on my space no u dont and u could go to watch a movie with friends and do stuff have a party at ur house or go into towns thats were most people r so when ur on gaia ur not really bored u can allways find something to do here thats what makes this stuff so fun so remember u cant be bored here this is a bored freezone lol biggrin THIS IS ALL A LIE YOU CAN MOST DEFINITELY BE BORED ON GAIA