If she could just get the [ w o r d ] out
God knows she's TRYING
They're watching her with e y e s [ c l o s e d ]
She's always STUCK with the old route
Does anyone knock when they barge in to beat her D0WN » ?

» [ 6. 19 .08 ]
About me finally finished! n wn
I haven't been online for a while..
I've been going to places; sorry about that guys! D:
If you have messenger; then that's another way to keep in touch. C:

Important;; My profile is made by Darth Jinstu. He did the coding and everything. 8D
The profile is copyrighted to me. Copy / mimic the layout and I'll hunt you down and slaughter you.
Not really; but I hate it when people steal my profile. x:
So please; for the sake of your comment box and your inbox;
don't steal. c;
Pictures however; belong to their respected owners. (:
Lyrics;; Tisbury Lane by MAE. *
ilovethem. <333

Will [ y o u ] come back?
It's all she wants to know
She knows she's p a r t of the PR0BL3M 2
Could she let it go?
It'd take a [ m i r a c l e ]
So that's what I'm PRAYiiNG for