Emo Quiz [x] Wear black clothing (Sometimes...)
[x] black has been your favourite color at one stage, or still is
[ ] you're a guy and have your ears pierce
[x] you wear black eyeliner (I have attempted to, but it didn't work out sweatdrop )
[x] you wear dark heavy eye shadow (um...)
[x] you like movies with death
[x] you have thought about suicide (read a book about it, MY ENGLISH TEACHER MADE US)
[] you have known people that committed suicide
[x] you have issues (What kinds?)
[ ] you wear heavy metal band shirts
[ ] your only favourite exercise is screaming
[] you have cut yourself
[x] you like blood (SWEENEY TODD!)
[x] you listen to music about death, and suicide (Looonng story, me and Jackie trying to figure out the meaning of Simple Plans song "Untitled." wink
[X] you have dyed your hair black (streaks for Halloween)
[] painted your fingernails black
[x] wanted to paint you room black(Black WITH white)
[ ] hooked up with a member of the same sex
[ ] watched two people of the same sex hook up
[ ] hooked up with a person that has a boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] cut your hair strangely
[x] been told you are scary
[x] told you are evil
[x] been called emo (Some kid at art camp said Jackie and I were emo because we listean to Evanescene music)
[x] have been depressed
[ ] worship Satan
[ ] had/want the number 666 tattooed somewhere on your body
[ ] you're a guy and wear jewelry
[x] you like darkness
[x] night is your day (screwed up my sleep patern
[] you walk alone in the dark
[ ] have run away from life cause its hard
[] want a tattoo
[x] write poetry
[] draw disturbing images
[] researched ways to kill yourself
[x] have been sent to a counselor. (LOOOOONNGGG story)
[] woken up feeling too depressed to get out of bed
[x] listen to Simple Plan
[ ] have an obsession with telling everyone your life sucks (I've HAD one)
[ ] you have seen saw or saw 2
[ ] you liked saw or saw 2
[x] you think vampires are cool (THEY ARE AWESOME)
[x] if you could be a vampire you would
[x] you have attitude
[x] you hate some of your teachers
[ ] you are a known trouble maker
[ ]graveyards or parks are your hot spot
[ ] you have bitten someone while kissing them
[x] you enjoyed watching Paris Hilton die in House of Wax
Shizuka467 · Sat Jun 28, 2008 @ 08:06pm · 0 Comments |