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The thoughts I currently have.....or had once.
In ages past heroes and evil villains weren’t hard to come by. Magic and wizards, dragons and Elves, all these are what made such ages fantastic and wonderful. This story I hope shall inspire in the readers what it inspired in myself and others who read it before I typed it up, such visions of grandeur and a place of magic.

As dawn broke, Alexander looked up at the sky. Looming in the distance of the city of Huang Xi were its most distinctive features cast dark shadows over the land. These monuments were to “The Everlasting Moon”. They reached high into the sky and were visible from long distances out from the city. “Another day another fight eh?” said Frederick with a wry smile. Alexander smiled before replying, “Yeah, you bet.” These brave men were wanderers. They came about in search of glory and quests for honor. But these men were a breed apart from your everyday wanderer. Alexander was a tall man. His hair was very light and thick, blond in color. His eyes were piercing blue, sometimes changing to green with his emotions, but they had a soft yet resolute gaze. Frederick was almost the opposite of Alexander. He was a bit on the short side, easily two heads shorter than Alexander. Frederick though had very dark hair, always in a mess, a sort of rustic color about it. His eyes matched his hair, they were a dark shade of brown, and looked as if the fires of Hell itself would leap forth to consume those he gazed at. Both men were no older than twenty five, but none could be sure exactly how young they were by just looking at them. This city was the first stop on their list of places to go. Here travelers came for information and supplies. This is exactly what Alexander and Frederick had come for. They walked with the looks of courageous men whose goal was far off, but were willing to do as such. Their longtime childhood friend, Kim had gone missing. This was their search, and whoever stood in their way or threatened their mission would be destroyed.
Upon entering the city they looked around slowly. Each went to different merchants and vendors looking for some shred of information about their lost friend. Receiving no such information they regrouped. “Well while we’re here I say we get some supplies and weapons to augment our current stock….” Alexander suggested with a slight nod. Frederick nodded back. “Yes, meet back here at sunset?” He questioned. Alexander only nodded before running off. As the day waned and they returned to their original meeting point they both looked mildly satisfied. Alexander now sported a re-curve bow, and suit of armor, as well as a few throwing knives and a broadsword. Frederick sported his own armor, as well as longbow, and two short swords. “We really need to find a place for the night…” Both spoke in unison. They smiled at each other. They had done such things since childhood and neither one of them doubted that they would continue to do it for the rest of their lives. They walked to a nearby inn and paid their fee for the night. Both laid down on the straw mats that were there in place of beds, neither of them stayed awake for more than a few moments before the warm dark blanket of sleep covered them both.
As dawn arose the next day they stepped outside. The freshness of the morning air woke them both up rather quickly. Frederick had an idea. “What about the king? Maybe he could point us in the right direction?” Alexander nodded. “Perhaps…” Their new goal set they went towards the castle gates, located right in the center of town. A large knight in all white armor barred their path. “Who approaches the gate? Step forward!” He boomed. Alexander and Frederick both advanced. “I, Alexander and my companion Frederick do! We hail from Fu Chou, just down the river. We would request to meet your king good knight!” The knight looked them both over and held his spear at the ready. “No one is to see the king, not until the season has come and gone!’ he bellowed with a threatening look to each. Alexander was a bit taken aback by this, as was Frederick. Both men looked at each other and raised their hands, backing up a bit. “Step aside man! These men obviously mean no harm to the king!” This voice was loud and shrill, coming from behind the knight. The knight snapped to attention and stepped aside. A small frail, elderly looking mage stood. “But sir I thought…” “You aren’t employed to think Captain! You are employed to obey and bar this way from those whom we deem are not to pass, correct?” “Y-yes sir!” The knight responded obviously fearful of harm. Alexander made a mental note of this, to make sure not to cross the mage’s path in the wrong manner.
The mage’s expression suddenly grew kindly as he looked at Alexander and Frederick. His cloudy gray eyes now held a fondness of the two. “I am sorry lads, the Captain here sometimes does his job a bit too well…” he glanced at the knight for a second before looking back to the boys. The knight seemed to let out a breath that he had been holding in fear. The mage motioned with his arthritis ridden hand at them. “Follow me boys…I shall take you to the king…” He said before wandering off quickly for a man of his age and stature. Alexander and Frederick looked at one another before jogging to catch up to the mage. The mage kept walking as they spoke. “I assume you boys are here for something correct?” The mage asked in a kind but still shrill voice. Now at the mage’s sides Alexander and Frederick nodded. Both had to speed walk to keep up with the old man. “Yes…we are here to see if the king could provide for us any information or point us in the right direction so that our search may continue….” The mage looked contemplative for a moment, as if he wished to speak of the matter. “I see, well then let me take you right to him…” This time it was Frederick who seemed unnerved by the mage. It seemed he was hiding something.
The mage guided them to the doors of the Throne Room. They were large and very old decorated oak doors. Alexander whistled at their sheer size, which was easily six times his own. “Just step right on in…I will guide you out after you have spoken with the king…” Both men nodded and pushed the doors open. They entered slowly before another booming and elder voice sounded. “Approach travelers and tell me of your needs!” Alexander and Frederick scrambled forward and got on one knee. “There is no need for such things gentlemen! Rise and explain yourselves.” He said with a warm and hearty smile. Both did as they had been told and were surprised to find a man of incredible girth sitting on a throne that seemed to be swallowed by his back end. He had a full brown beard and bright brown eyes, full of kindness and something else, hidden beneath. Alexander was first to speak. “My lord, my companion and I seek information from your grace…” “On the matter of what sir?” The king responded slowly stroking his beard. Frederick cast a glance to Alexander as he spoke. “My lord we are on a quest to find our friend, Kim. She has gone missing and we are at a loss as for where to look….”
The king looked over the boys. He shifted his immense girth in what seemed as an uneasy fashion. “Hm….looking for someone…” He repeated. He answered a moment later with the same kind but hidden look and voice. “I am afraid I can’t help you boys, but I could point you to someone who can…” Alexander looked hopeful. But Frederick the more cautious seemed a bit skeptical. “I know of a few men in the city whom deal in information.” The king smiled, as if he had used such information for more, shady deeds before. “Pay the right amount and they can find out anything for you that they don’t already know.” Alexander and Frederick bowed lowly. “Thank you your majesty.” They said then walked out. The doors shut and Frederick pulled Alexander aside, out of earshot from anyone listening. “This seems a bit too convenient, we should be careful.” Alexander shrugged, “Whatever you say Frederick.” Frederick frowned. He knew Alexander wouldn’t listen to him. “Let’s go back to the inn and rest…” Frederick suggested. “Yeah…but I was to train a bit first.” Frederick sighed and walked off shaking his head. Alexander went towards what he guessed was the sparring room. He watched for a long while, unsure of where to jump in. “Have at you!” Someone shouted and lunged at him. Alexander drew his sword and blocked. It was the mage! He carried a hand and a half sword that seemed to big for him to be able to wield at his age. “It’s you!” The elderly mage only smiled. “Well? Raise your sword!” He said and lunged at him with the speed and ferocity of a man half his age. Alexander raised his sword, struggling to block the hard blow. The mage whirled and went to strike at Alexander’s left. Alexander raised his sword and blocked again. People began to gather, watching them fight. Whispered words were heard but what they meant Alexander couldn’t get. Now it was his turn. Alexander went on the offensive. Every few seconds he would change his tactics. He would strike high then low, left then right. More people gathered speaking in an unfamiliar language. Finally Alexander went to strike. The Mage brought his hand up and knocked Alexander’s sword from his grasp. The mage brought the point of his sword up to Alexander’s throat. “You lose.” He said simply, but smiled.
Alexander looked awe struck. This mage had nearly twice his strength and endurance, and yet he was more than three times Alexander’s age! The mage chuckled and vanished. Men pat Alexander on the back or clasped his hand. “That was amazing! No one has ever lasted that long against him before!” One man said. Dazed and sore Alexander sheathed his sword and began walking towards the exit.
Once outside Alexander wandered around. He visited a tavern and bought some mead. Drinking slowly he sat within the almost empty building. Finished a slightly warm feeling gripped him. His mind was still sharp though. Suddenly he froze. The tender had left the room, and no one else was there. He stood up but stopped. A dagger, long, thin and curved was pressed against his neck. “No sudden movements…” Said a female voice. Alexander cursed silently. “Now then soldier boy….” The female said slowly. “Drop your weapons off the belt, then walk forward until I say to stop.” Alexander complied. All the while he was formulating a plan. The woman kicked then weapons into a corner. “That’s a good boy…now if you will slowly move forward…” Alexander took each step with great caution and made sure he could tell exactly where the female assassin was. Confident the female dropped her guard for a split second, this was all Alexander needed. He whirled around, and in the process knocked the dagger away from the woman. He jaw nearly dropped. “An Elf!” He exclaimed, having lost his plan. The woman scowled and picked up her dagger. Alexander was still in shock and merely stepped backwards. With unnatural speed the woman advanced and drove the knife into his stomach. Alexander grunted and fell forward slightly. He slid off the blade in a slump. The female Elf scowled and kicked his body before rushing off.

End Chapter 1
Hours later Alexander awoke within a bed. It was dark outside as the window that was opened to let in the fresh night air revealed. He sat up discovering that his wound was bandaged, but winced at the feeling. Scowling he tried to stand but fell back onto the bed. The bandage gained a fresh spot of blood. He thought better of moving again once the wave of pain crashed over him. His eyes closed in shock and he passed out.
Nudged again Alexander’s eyes fluttered open. By his side was the elderly mage, and Frederick. Frederick’s brown eyes bore a somber expression. “Took quite the beating there eh?” Asked the mage. Alexander nodded. “Who did it?” Frederick asked. “An Elf!” He stated with excitement. Quickly he relayed the story of the attack from the night before. Frederick’s brown eyes seemed intense now. His thoughts raced as he sighed. “You have to be kidding…” Alexander’s anger showed. “How could I be mistaken about someone who did this to me?” He said pointing to his stomach. Frederick looked troubled before he stood. “My friend it is just what I think.” Alexander was going to persue it further but the gentle hand on the mage on his shoulder made him quiet. “I think it’s time we left to allow the boy rest…”
Frederick nodded slowly. “Yeah…” He flashed Alexander a look before leaving. The mage smiled kindly at the boy before also leaving. Alexander sighed now left with his own thoughts. His eyes went to the large window as the nurse came and silently redressed his wounds. Finally he had made his decision, he would find the Elven woman. Picking up a quill and parchment he began to write a note to Frederick, to apologies for leaving and telling him where to meet up with him. Alexander then slid on his armor and weapons. He lept from the window and winced as he landed. Slightly clutching his mid section he went to the stables. Without another word he took his horse, a black stallion, and addled him. “Here we go again Shadow…” He whispered. He booted the horse and rode on.
A day or so went by, and Alexander stopped. Hadn’t a clue where he was, or what to do. He sighed running a hand through his hair. The blond hair was ruffled by his hand. He sat down, Shadow, his horse, neighed as it laid down. The animal was protective of its master. A rustle in the bushes caught Alexander’s attention. “Who is there?” he called once. His mind seemed to freeze on that spot. His right hand came to rest on his sword’s hilt. “Who is there?” He called again, standing. The bush stopped moving and a person emerged from it. A small fox came out of it. It’s eyes were blue and it’s fur red as most foxes. It plopped itself down in front of Alexander. It’s tail wagged like a dogs as it just watched him curious. “Well hey little guy….” Alexander chuckled as he put his hand into his food pouch and left some dried meat in front of the fox. “There you go…” The fox seemed to smile as it took the food and ran off. “Strange…” Alexander laid against Shadow and closed his eyes, as the daylight faded into night.
FWIP! Alexander’s eyes shot open as he ducked down. Shadow neighed and instinctively ran off before Alexander could make him. An arrow was buried within the trunk of a tree nearby. Alexander’s hands gripped his sword, which was already drawn. He heard nothing, Alexander was angered. Then the arrows whizzed through the air again. Alexander ran for cover, but one struck the back of his thigh, it went through the chain mail armor. “Damn it!” Alexander stumbled and feel. His sword slid just out of his grasp. More rustles, a boot stomped down on the sword as Alexander reached for it. “Don’t.” The voice said. He looked up and scowled. It was the Elven woman again. “Damn you…why not just kill me already?!” The woman smirked. “Because you are worth more alive than dead.” The Elf tied Alexander up after stripping him of his arms and armor. She pulled the arrow from his leg as she bound him and set him near a small fire.

Death comes quickly to those who seek it. Seek not death, but how to conquer it.

~A quote of my own

Sam Harris SDC
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