The Sound That Sand makes. (A Kabuto and Gaara love story) *5
We last left off with Kabuto and you finally reaching Suna for the trade off. Yet when you finally got to the Kazekage and saw Kabuto the first time in years, things gone little different. You found out the Kazekage was Gaara when telling him to stop hurting Kabuto.
Gaara's hand froze along with the sand and Kabuto. The whole room fell to a immediate silence from the outburst. You then realized why they froze, you called the Kazekage by his first name. The sand drifted slowly back to the ground as Kabuto gasped for breaths and started to heal himself. It was kind of scary. Even though he did deserve to be hurt from his outburst.
The elder that motioned Kabuto out before rose out of his chair and glared at him, "Are we quite finished? I have a document to announce to the Kazekage and your friend here." You looked at the two guys worriedly and you nodded your head, "Yes, please continue. Yet let Kabuto stay, he's one of my friends." Gaara then rolled his eyes and glared at the elder, "In that case let him. Whatever get's us done with this meeting." The elder let out a huff and pulled out a fancily designed scroll and unraveled it, "Inside here is a document that the 4th Kazekage left before his death."
You felt a shock expression form across your face, "Death? You mean Gaara's father is dead?" Gaara nodded and motioned the elder to continue. "Anyways, both of your fathers signed a document to declare a betrothal. You felt shock formed expression on your face. "Betrothal!?" Gaara, Kabuto, and you yelled all together at the same time. "My father never brought this up before in my whole entire life. Is this the reason why I was traded back here? To marry the Kazekage?!" You yelled at the elder.
Gaara rose from his chair and looked towards you, "No, this wasn't the reason why I brought you back here. I brought you back here because I've been blaming your disappearence on myself for countless years. The least I could do was bring you back!"
Gaara was blaming himself for you disappearence? He was the one who saved you though from the fire. Without him you ashes would be blowing in the wind along with the rest of you family. Yet the betrothal thing still bugged you. Unless you dad didn't let you become a ninja for that very reason. So you wouldn't die before you got married to the future or the 4th Kazekage. If anything he did it for family recognition and more land...
"This is crazy. It wasn't part of Orochimaru's deal at all!" Kabuto yelled while slamming his fist on the ground. The elder smiled deviously, "Yes it was. In fact, Orochimaru didn't even mind when we arranged the trade." You bit your lip. Why did Kabuto even care if I was getting married? "I know the Kazekage's age is 18. Yet what is your age _______ ________?" The elder asked while raising a hand towards you. You gulped a small amount of air, "17."
"So when you strike the age of 18, you will be married to Sabuku no Gaara the Kazekage of Suna." The elder's voice rang through the building as if it was a bell tolling death. Well its official, you never gotten to choose your future. Gaara and you both nodded but Kabuto just glared and gritted his teeth. "Then this meeting is adjourned?" Gaara asked questionally while tapping his fingers on the top of the table. The elder nodded and most of the ninjas left except you, Gaara, and Kabuto.
Gaara got up from his chair and walked towards you calmly. As if he was floating, towards you. "May I have a word with you, ______." Gaara asked as he motioned you towards a bigger balcony outside of the meeting room. You nodded and followed, but quickly turned around towards Kabuto. "Now what?" You asked as you placed a hand on his shoulder. Kabuto looked away sadly, "I guess I have to go back to the Sound Village with the other part of the trade." You looked at him sadly, "Bye." You gave him a hug and Kabuto gave you a tight squeeze back, "Cya, I'm sure Gaara will take good care of you.
You nodded and waved off when Kabuto smiled smally and dissapeared in a puff of smoke. You stuck your hand out towards the smoke until it dissapeared, its official. He's gone.
Gaara walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder, "C'mon we need to talk." You nodded and followed him the rest of the way to the balcony. He placed his hands on the railing and looked out to the city. You crossed your arms and looked out to. The city was just how you left it when you were a kid.
"I'm sorry." Gaara whispered as he took off his veil and hat. His red hair flowed with the sand wind revieling sad eyes. "For the betrothal? Its not your fault, its our greedy fathers' fault." You said watching his expressions. You felt a pink flash through your face so you quick turned your head towards the village again. "I feel guilty. Is that a feeling you get when I feel like I did bad things to you?" Gaara asked while looking into your eyes. You opened your mouth, "Yeah that's guilt. But you have no reason to feel it."
You guys stood there for a while. Just watching the village walk underneath you. "So your a ninja, right?" Gaara asked while playing with circling sand in his hands. You nodded, "I'm a chunin." Gaara crushed the sand in his hand and opened it showing a perfectly round sand ball, "You know your staying with my siblings and I." Gaara said calmly as he shot the ball of the balcony. "No I didn't." You said back while waving to one of the little girls pointing at you.
"So who were all of the girls screaming outside of the gates?" You asked with a smile. Gaara looked away angrily with a slight blush, "My fangirls. Probably your new rivals." You smiled and laughed a little, "Oh we'll see about that." Gaara gave you a surprised look, and shook his head, "Your deffinitely my ______."