August 2OO8
___• Summer: 1st - 20th Summer reading's crazy this year, guys.
September 2OO8
___• Labor Day: 1st Due to schoolwork, I was unable to get online.
October 2OO8
___• Free Day: 10th
___• Free Day: 13th
November 2OO8
___• Thanksgiving Holidays: 26th - 28th
______◦ Exclude the 27th
December 2OO8
___• Christmas Vacation: 19th - 31st
______◦ Exclude the 24th, 25th, & 31st
January 2OO9
___• Christmas/New Years Vacation: 1st - 5th
______◦ Exclude the 1st
___• Dr. King's Day: 19th
February 2OO9
___• Presidents' Day: 16th
March 2OO9
___• Spring Break: 16th - 2Oth
April 2OO9
___• Good Friday: 1Oth
___• Easter Monday: 13th
May 2OO9
___• Memorial Day: 25th
___• Summer: 3Oth - 31st
Everything following? We'll see when we get there. ;D