Here are animes I have watched and what I think of them. So far I've enjoyed all of them. I highly recommend them if you haven't seen them yet. ^^
Death Note
Death Note was ******** awesome. I loved it. Ryuk was my favorite character. I was so pissed at the ending. I felt like there shouldve been more.
Lucky Star
I love Lucky Star!! It had some boring parts *cough* Episode 1 *cough* But it ending up being really good. I loved like all the charcters. xD
Chobits was so pretty! I love Chii's outfits!! It was so perverted. I loved it. It mad me sad though. Poor Freya. And damn Somomo(Idk if thats how its spelled) was friggen anoying as hell.
Azumanga Daioh------ Started July ? Finished July 16
I LOVE IT!! Osaka gets anoying with her stupiness though.Every show needs stupid person though. xD The kitteh was evil. Poor Sakaki could never pet it. The perverted teacher was awesome. I can't believe he's married though. O_o
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya--------Started July 15 July 17
Wow just wow. Ubberly confusing but then it starts to make a little sense. I liked it though.
Fooly Cooly----Started August 18 Finished August
Love it!! Totally randomness and a little hard to keep up with but still pure epic win.
Code Geass-----Started Sepetmeber 23
On episode 2
Midori Days
Lol one word. Perverted.
I also watch Naruto and have seen part of (up to wear Sakura and Chiyo fight Sasori but stopped watching before she actually kills Sasori) Naruto Shippudden, BUT I haven't finished the first part of the seires because of all the fillers. sweatdrop