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[BiRTHDAY]:June 22
[MiDDLE NAME]: Marie
[AGE]: 15
[HAiR C0L0R]:chocolate Brown
[EYE C0L0R]:blue green
[ETHNiCiTY]: idk what it means
What dose it mean?

Y 0 u R_a L L_ T i M e_F A v 0 R i T e
[C0L0R]: Pink green, purple, orange
[S0NG]: Fer sure, Shake it - metro station, unicorn, dam dadi doo
[ANiMAL]: kitty, moo horsies, goats
[TV SHOW]: pinky and the brain
[M0ViE]: Juno, Loser, Bill and teds excelent adventure
[GAME]: idk
[SP0RT]: None
[B00K]: Twilight emo
[F00D]: spagettii
[SNACK]: cotton candy
[DRiNK]: chocolate milk

[ST0RE]: clares
[WEB SiTE]: Gaia, Myspace
[CANDY]: Jelly beans

A r E_ Y 0 u..
[NiCE]: I think so
[ATRACTiVE]: idk..
[ATHLETiC]: yep
[ANN0YiNG]: idk
[PiCKY]:No, well, yes
[SMART]: average
[DUMB]: I don’t think so

C A n_Y 0 u..
[DRAW]: yeah
[SiNG WELL]: yep
[DANCE]: if im in the mood to
[BRAiD]: uh…

D 0_ Y 0 u..
[BELiEVE iN G0D]: ~
[LiE AL0T]: yes
[TALK AL0T]: yesh
[SH0WER DAiLY] yep
[CLEAN Y0UR R00M]: yep

H a V e_ Y 0 u_ E v E r..
[DRANK]: yep
[SM0KED]: ew no
[LiED]: yep
[ST0LE]: Yesh, once
[CHEATED]: hell no
[T0LD S0ME0NE Y0U L0VED THEM]: I tell everyone i love them

L a S T..
[PERS0N Y0U TALKED T0]: Jake? I think, yeah

[THiNG Y0U ATE]: Bagel
[S0NG Y0U SANG]: dam dadi doo
[SH0ES Y0U W0RE]: convers
your mother

User Comments: [2] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jul 17, 2008 @ 11:38pm
You live in Albuquerque?
I live in Edgewood and Moriarty! O:

commentCommented on: Sat Jul 26, 2008 @ 02:21am
[NAME]: Chris
[L0CATi0N]: Edgewood
[BiRTHDAY]: April 11
[MiDDLE NAME]: Howard
[AGE]: 15
[HAiR C0L0R]: Brown
[EYE C0L0R]: Blue
[ETHNiCiTY]: . . .
I don't think I live in the city...

Y 0 u R_a L L_ T i M e_F A v 0 R i T e
[C0L0R]: Blue
[S0NG]: Crap, now I have to decide...
[ANiMAL]: Elephant, Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot (They're out there, man)
[TV SHOW]: Spongebob
[M0ViE]: That one movie with that one actor who does that one thing
[GAME]: Whichever one I'm playing at the time
[SP0RT]: . . .
[B00K]: I don't remember
[F00D]: The edible kind
[SNACK]: The slightly smaller edible kind
[DRiNK]: The drinkable kind

[WEB SiTE]: What's this one called again?
[CANDY]: The sweet edible kind

A r E_ Y 0 u..
[UNDERSTANDiNG]: I can pretend to, if that's what you're asking.
[NiCE]: Most of the time
[ATRACTiVE]: Hell yeah, I'm the definition of smexii
[ATHLETiC]: Whaddaya mean? Can I run an' jump?
[CARiNG]: Yep
[ANN0YiNG]: When I wanna be.
[SPOiLED]: Does it LOOK like my parents bought me an effin' car?
[PiCKY]: Not really
[HiGH MANTiNENCE]: Sometimes
[SMART]: I are jeenyus
[DUMB]: Who would actually call themselves "dumb"?

C A n_Y 0 u..
[DRAW]: Kinda sorta. I used to be really good
[SiNG WELL]: I dunno
[DANCE]: I can learn, can't I?
[BRAiD]: What? Hair? Pff, who DOES that anymore?
[SPEAK AN0THER LANGUAGE]: Bits 'n pieces

D 0_ Y 0 u..
[BELiEVE iN G0D]: In a way
[LiE AL0T]: Well, not A LOT
[TALK AL0T]: Depends on my mood
[SH0WER DAiLY]: Every other daily
[CLEAN Y0UR R00M]: When it's clean enough to do it in 5 minutes or less.

H a V e_ Y 0 u_ E v E r..
[DRANK]: I think once, when I was 3 or 4...
[SM0KED]: Cigarettes or pot?
[LiED]: Who hasn't?
[TALKED CRAP]: Oh, you should see me do it, I stay all calm and use my wits. 'w'
[ST0LE]: Oh yeah, lots when I was 5 or 6....
[CHEATED]: Gonna have to be more specific.
[KiSSED Y0UR FRiENDS B0YFRiEND/GiRLFRiEND] My friends have boyfriends/girlfriends? Those lucky -expletive deleted-!
[F0UGHT]: Yep.
[PLAYED SP0RTS]: They made me do it!! DX

L a S T..
[PERS0N Y0U TALKED T0]: Myself ._.
[PERS0N Y0U HUGGED]: Uhhh...
[THiNG Y0U ATE]: Lil' pizza roll things.
[S0NG Y0U SANG]: I dunno. Somethin' by Iron Maiden
[SH0ES Y0U W0RE]: The ones that I have on now.
[PERS0N Y0U T0UCHED]: Do you mean that in a dirty way or a clean way?

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