Dripping water. Cold stone floor. These were the sensations that first struck Nat. Even in the chill of the shadows that surrounded, Nat did not realize for quite awhile that he had lost his shoes. The last thing he remembered was the sensory explosion of the near-silent glade. Compared to this frigid silence, Nat grew to beg for the barrage of senses that had ambushed him there.
The Guide! Nat thought in horror. He hadn't seen the werecat since the glade, but, then again, he hadn't seen anything since the glade. He could feel only cold stone beneath him and the chilly air closing in around him. He could still hear the repetitive drip of icy water falling from the cave ceiling.
Reluctance defining his every move, Nat stood slowly, until, with a jarring smack , his head collided with the cave ceiling.
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Exerpts for the Future
Well, my name is Peter. I really like to write, so be prepared to do a lot of reading! I really enjoy Shakespeare and contemporary fantasy. I plan to write every day, and each entry will be an exerpt from books I have not yet written. Be surprised, b
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The Heart is Nothing More than a series of pumps and Vessels.
The Soul is the Mystery that confounds all Puzzles.
Questing: Oculus Magica - 9000/64000