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My Journal
Part 2 Lab Mission
Part two please read and comment!

Hicks: The highways the first landmark?
HUNK: Yes now shut up and hang back we don’t want to be seen by pedestrians driving by. Frost, map.
Frost: Well according to the GPS…from here we follow the highway due east, sticking to the trees of course, for 5 miles until we come across the Raccoon City Zoo.
HUNK: Alright that’ll do let’s move! Same formation form up, form up! –They begin following the highway sticking to the cover of the foliage- Tight and low, tight and low!
-After a long haul they finally reach the Raccoon City Zoo-
Lopez: Man I ain’t going no further…-huff-…until I’ve had a breather!
Frost: I’m with him sir…-huff huff-…can’t we take a short break?
Mad Dogg: Lookie here the new recruits can’t keep up with the big boys! –snickers-
HUNK: Mad Dogg…
Mad Dogg: Yea?
HUNK: Shut up…-Mad Dogg grumbles- alright 2 minutes…
Hicks: I’ve still got plenty of stamina how bout you D?
DMV: Yea I used to run track in high school this is nothing but a workout for me.
Mad Dogg: What about you Nick you tired yet?
Nick: No…
School Boy: -two minutes pass- Alright ladies you get enough rest? Can we get this mission underway or are we gonna have to carry you?
Frost: I’m good, all set…
Lopez: Sí…
HUNK: Alright let’s saddle up! We head due north from this location, the Zoos closed for the night and there’s nothing but quiet subdivisions for the next 5 or 6 miles. After that we’ll come to a large public park, now the park is closed to the public for the night as well and it should provide us with excellent cover for a good ways before we come to checkpoint 3. Now we’re not just going to march on down the street here…instead we’ll cut through the backyards of the subdivision homes lining the streets until we come to the Raccoon City Central Park.
School Boy: These houses line the streets for miles in the part of town so they’ll be a lot of fence hopping. Think you boys can handle that?
All: Yes sir!
HUNK: Alright we’ll cross into that yard there and it should be a straight shot for the next few miles. We’ll cross one at a time, stay alert and keep low. O’Donnell take point, once we’ve all reached the other side we’ll form up as follows: O’Donnell takes point, Nick you’ll follow up behind him with me.
Nick: Got it…
HUNK: Mad Dogg you and Frost follow up behind us…then Lopez you’re with Hicks. Valentine you cover the rear. Now I want this to go smooth and by the numbers…keep to the shadows. Now let’s move it people!
School boy: Alright ladies you heard the man and you know the drill! Let’s move out!
-They all one at a time carefully make their way across the street from the safety of the Arklay trees, to the shadowed backyards of the small suburban homes. They form up as instructed and make their way towards checkpoint 3.-
DMV: -whispers- Ow s**t!
Hicks: -whispers- You ok?
DMV: Yea I nearly broke my leg trotting through that damn sandbox.
Hicks: Come on Mr. Track Runner don’t be such a p***y.
HUNK: -whispers- Cut the chatter you two…
-After a good trek through the backyards School Boy threw up his fist signaling the others to hold up as the neared the final suburban home-
School Boy: -whispers- There across the street…Raccoon City Central Park.
HUNK: -whispers- Alright hang back…there behind the playground equipment.
-They all huddle up behind a child’s jungle gym-
HUNK: Frost, map.
-Frost pulls up the GPS again from his mini laptop-
Frost: -whispers- We keep heading north straight through the park until we come to the Raccoon City Hall. There’s where it could get tricky.
DMV: -whispers- How come?
Frost: Well it’s a heavily lit street and even during the late nights there still tends to be people up and about. But that’s where this little baby comes in handy. –Frost pulls out his handgun-
Lopez: -whispers- What you gonna shoot everyone pendejo?
HUNK: No he’s talking about the OCP mounted on each of your handguns.
Hicks: -whispers- What the hell is and OCP?
HUNK: Optically Channelled Potentiator it’s a device that can disable most any electronic device for a short period of time.
DMV: Oh I get it so we knock out the traffic lights, street lights, you name it and just slip on by.
HUNK: Correct…
Mad Dogg: -whispers- Yea but hows it work?
Frost: See that little red light on the side of the guns frame?
Mad Dogg: Yeaaaa…
Frost: Well all you have to do is point it at an electronic device and when you have a lock it should turn from red to green. Then all you have to do is press this little black button on the other side with your thumb. Fasinating huh?
Mad Dogg: Frost I’ve got a question for you…have you ever been laid?
School Boy: You secure that s**t Matheson!
HUNK: Enough talk lets get into the park asap. Form up!
-The street was dark so they all made a break for it across into the park after about three and a half minutes they came to the end of the park taking refuge behind some trees and picnic tables-
HUNK: Lieutenant hand me my eyes…-School Boy dug out from his side pack a pair of binoculars- let’s see…well it’s obviously well lit as expected and I see about…two dozen people wandering about.
Lopez: Two dozen men damn isn’t there another way?
HUNK: This is the simplest way so tough it out. Ok your OCP’s have a limited range so we’re going to have to get as close as we can and then when the coast is clear make a break for it. Alright down on your bellies boys and move up to that shrubbery there.
-They all got down and crawled to a line of tall hedging lining the sidewalks-
HUNK:-whispers- That’s where we need to go that alley way there…
-HUNK pointed to a small alley next to the Town Hall across from them-
HUNK: Alright everyone clear on how to use the OCP? –They all gave slight nods of approval- Alright sidearms out...the cost is clear pick your target. As soon as its pitch black hurry to that alley tight and low, tight and low.
DMV: -whispers- I’m locked…first street light on the left on our side.
Hicks: -whispers- I’ve got the one next to it…
Lopez: -whispers- I’m locked on the one next to the alley…
HUNK: I’ve got the one directly ahead of me…
School Boy: -whispers- I’ve got the one on the left by the Town Hall steps…
Nick: -whispers- I’ve the one next to it…
HUNK: Frost take the traffic light…
Frost: -whispers- Ten steps ahead of ya. Locked.
HUNK: Coast still clear…on my mark…two…one…MARK!
-They all fired the OCP’s causing the lights shimmering above them to flicker and finally die-
HUNK: Ten seconds move!
-They all make a hurride scuffle across the now pitch blackened section of the street as pedestrians took notice and slowly make their way towards them. HUNK was in front as he noticed a man come shuffling out of the shadows of their destination-
Civilian #1: What tha--! -He was cut of by the butt of HUNK’s MP5 slamming into his face. But before the man even had time to scream his mouth was quickly muffled and one of his arms firmly locked behind his back. HUNK then hurridly dragged the struggling civilian back into the shadows of the dark alley way from whence he came, his squad following up closely behind him-
School Boy: You there freeze don’t make a sound…
Nick: Sir we’ve got another one…
HUNK: Alright fall back…
-They move deeper into the darkness of the alley way-
HUNK: -speaking to the civilian- We were never here…-HUNK locks the mans neck in his arm apply just enough pressure to his wind pipe causing him to loose a shortage of breath and finally pass out- civilian neutralized…
-School Boy kicks in one of the knees of the other civilians dropping him to the floor before landing the butt of his MP5 directly to the back of his skull…the man slumps forward unconscious-
School Boy: Frost check em’…
-Frost bends down to check their pupils and pulse-
Frost: Pupils dilated…pulse…yup they’re out cold.
HUNK: Alright form up…we’re gonna slow down the pace. These ally ways go off in several directions so its possible civilians could come from all sides, but highly unlikely. Still keep your eyes open…Nick you take point, I’ll cover the rear. The rest of you pair up.
-They follow the ally ways at a steady pace for about 8 miles. They have to neutralize a few more civilians along the way, but so far none of them have been seen and their mission hasn’t been compromised. After a long walk they finally reach checkpoint 4-
DMV: Raccoon General Hospital…a lot of people…
HUNK: I know…so from here we head north east up those stairs there. We’ll pass through another park area, we take the door on the left and we should pass by a large fountain once we’re through. We head straight past it and hop the wall at the end; we should land in a grove of trees right beside the hospital. They should take us right past it without detection.
DMV: So northeast then west…got it!
HUNK: Now the door to access the park is locked but the key is located in the office there…-HUNK points to a small office right across from their current position- Hicks you’re our locksmith do it to it son…
Hicks: I’m on it…watch my back guys.
Mad Dogg: You’re clear this way.
Nick: Clear…
-Hicks rushes to the office door flattening himself against it as flat as he could-
HUNK: -whispers- You’re clear.
-Due west from their location a bunch of doctors were outside having a smoke break-
HUNK: Don’t worry your fine…take your time.
-Hicks retrieved his lock pick from his side pack and after about 30 seconds successfully released the lock. He draws his side arm and slips into the dark office unnoticed. After about a minute he emerges, carefully stepping into view closing the door silently behind him, revealing to the others the park key-
HUNK: Alright hug this wall let’s move…single file.
-One at a time they all slipped out from the darkness of the alley way clinging as tightly to the wall as possible until they were all safely up the stairs leading to the parks entrance-
Mad Dogg: “Ravens Park” wow that’s original…
School Boy: Knock it off Matheson.
Hicks: Doors unlocked lets go.
-They all slip inside the dark park the sound of rushing water filling their ears-
Lopez: This the fountain?
HUNK: No that’s it…there.
-HUNK points to the top of a large fountain protruding from the other side of the west wall-
HUNK: That door there. Move.-They followed single file to a metal barred door on the west wall. Next to it was a large green sign with a picture of a fountain displayed, tiny white lettering underneath it plainly stated: “Ravens Park Fountain”. On the other side, just as the sign indicated, sat the large fountain surrounded by a knee deep pool of water. Stone ravens littered the enormous structure as two lights proudly illuminated it within the darkness of the night. Five jets were spraying out water into the large pool below and there was a small closed power box, which controlled the jets and drainage system for the fountain off to the side by the door. There also sat a few park benches in the area, some cans of paint, as well as some minor construction work equipment, the area was apparently currently under maintenance. There also sat some randomly placed green and blue plants, two of each, sitting in some tiny pots next to some steel girders by their destination. Herbs of some kind-
HUNK: There’s the wall just past those metal girders there. Once we’re on the other side we’ll stay straight heading directly west towards the Raccoon City Police station. These trees here should take us right past the hospital unnoticed; I’ll take point everybody ready?
All: Yes sir.
HUNK: All right form up, School Boy you cover our backs. Move!
-They hop the wall one at a time then quickly get back into formation, School Boy covering the rear. It was dark, the trees providing the perfect cover until they reach the RPD station. As HUNK and his team quietly snuck past the doctors in front of the hospital they overheard something that rattled their nerves-
Doctor #1: Well I should be getting home soon…wife’s expectin’.
Doctor #2: Wish I could leave…but have you guys been watching the news lately?
Doctor #1: Yea about those murders…
Doctor #3: Yea the death toll is up to 23 now!
Doctor #1: That’s messed up…didn’t they say something about cannibals or a cult or something?
Doctor #4: Nah man I heard it was wild dogs!
Doctor #5: No no no I heard it was cannibals too! Psychopaths running around at night devouring unlucky people tearing their throats out and feasting on their organs!
Doctor #3: Enough man geez!
Nurse #1: -Leans outside the front doors- Dr. Gordon you’re needed on line 2.
Dr. Gordon: Thank you Joyce…later guys…later Pete!
Doctor #1/Pete: See ya guys!
DMV: -whispers- Cannibals here? In Raccoon?
HUNK: -whisper- Quiet…
Mad Dogg: -whispers- Wassa matter afraid someone’s gonna eat ya?
HUNK: I said quiet…
-They reach the end of the grove of trees and end up behind the hospital-
HUNK: Frosty…?
Frost: Well from here we head northeast…cutting through the hospital parking lot. After about 12 miles we’ll reach the police station. But there’s a problem…
Lopez: Great…
Frost: There's no clear path to the station so we’re going to have to take the sewers.
Hicks: The sewers? Goddamnit…
School Boy: Shut it Hicks!
HUNK: Right now the GPS doesn’t work in the tunnels but Frost here managed to obtain a schematic of the Raccoon sewer system. He’s marked a path for us…there’s a manhole here in this parking lot that’s our entry point. What’s the time?
DMV: 4:45.
HUNK: Alright that gives us around 3 hours left to get in and get out. So let’s move it people!
Mad Dogg: Great we’ll be knee deep in s**t for the next dozen miles…I hate this job…


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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Jul 22, 2008 @ 10:43pm
Lookin good there big boy

Been broken down and burnt. I rose from the ashes as an angel.
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