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View User's Journal

The daily goings on around me
this is where i talk about the problems and stupidity of people around me or funny thing that happened in school
stolen quizzes

1. Name: you will never know
2. Single or taken: sadly single but hopeful not for long
3. Sex: male
4. Bday: jan 8
5. Sign: capricorn the goat fish
6. Siblings: one older bro
7. Hair Color: brown
8. Eye Color: sadly brown
9. Shoe Size: ~12.5 -14
10. Height: 6'2"


1. Do you do drugs?: not that i know of
2. What kind of shampoo do you use?: head and shoulders it dose nothing for dandriff
3. What are you most scared of?: dark, dogs, sounds, seeing thins that arn't there, bees, and the list goes on
4. What are you listening to right now? death... no but its really quiet i need more sound
5. Who is the last person that called you?: prolly AoL
6. Where do you want to get married?: on the moon i hear its sunny all the time
7. How many buddies are online right now?: technically 3 2 are there 1 away
8. What would you change about yourself? height, weight, seeing skills cognitive skills, skin, hair, eye color, spelling and math skills, and more


1. Color: blue
2. Food: chicken
3. Boy's names: mmm... nothing good comes to mind
4. Girl's names: mmm... i like unique names that i shall not list
5. Subjects in school: science
6. Animals: mantacores centaurs cats foxes bombchus
7. Sports: none they all suck equally


1. Given anyone a bath?: nope
2. Smoked?: nope
3. Bungee jumped?: heck no
4. Made yourself throw up?: i would try not to
5. Skinny dipped?: one or twice don't ask why
6: Ever been in love?: 2 times one was a delusion the other may work out
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: oh innumerable times
8. Pictured your crush naked?: don't have one at the moment
9. Actually seen your crush naked?:don't have one at the moment
10. Cried when someone died: i can't remember any one who died in 10 years so i don't remember
11. Lied: alot
12. Fallen for your best friend?: no
13. Been rejected?: oh yes
14. Rejected someone?: not often
15. Used someone?: tryed a few time didn't do as i wanted
16. Done something you regret?: oh a few times


1. Clothes: nude... jk blue shorts and white tee shirt
2. Annoyance: everyone around me at the moment
3. Smell: the normal nothing smell
4. Favorite artist: not sure
5. Favorite group: my group
6. Desktop picture: two dueling ninja
7. Book you're reading: summer reading. when i find the person who thought of that i will kill them
8. CD in player: i have no cd player
9. DVD in player: none at the moment
10. Color of toenails: bloody pinke toe and normal other toes


1.You touched: me
2. Hugged: mmm... not sure
3. IMed: chikca
4.You yelled at: don't remember i revenge more then yell
5.You kissed: don't remember


1. Understanding: 5-10
2. Open-minded: 1-5
3. Interesting: 1-2
4. Random: 7
5. Hungry: 0 not hungry
6. Smart: 4-8 it varys day by day
7. Hard working: 2
8. Organized: ha no
9. Shy: 7-10
10.Difficult: 20
11.Attractive: not sure
12.Bored easily: hell yes
13.Messy: OVER 9,000
14. Responsible: 2
15. Obsessed: 10 at most times
16. Angry: 8
17. Sad: 1-2
18.Happy: 1-3
19. Hyper: 1-0
20. Trusting: depends on who
21. Talkative: 1-10


1. Kill: summer reading man, the neighbor across the street, garret, and the list goes one
2. Slap: my brother and not that may people
3. Look like: kimmimaru, garra, hero yui, duo, sandrock all at once. that would be so epic
4. Talk to offline: i don't know
5. Talk to online: AoL, Sylvia, aliens


1. In the morning I am act: tired go back to sleep wake up and go about my day in random order
2. All I need is: metamorphic powers and a sphere that i can morph
3. Love is: a bitter war between two people to look above the differences and look at the truth of the one they wish to love


1. Long Relationships or Short: depends on quality
2. Coke or Pepsi: coke... pepsi causes cancer
3. Flowers or Candy: candy you can't eat flowers
4. Tall or Short: mid height


1. What do you notice first: hair
2. First person you slow danced with: never have
3. Worst question to ask: why is your head not on your shoulders?
4. What makes you laugh the most: funny things
5. What makes you smile: not much
6. Who gives you a funny feeling when you see/talk to them: not many people
7. Who has a crush on you: some one i hope
8. Who Is easiest to talk to: close friends


1. Of times I have had my heart broken: none as of yet
2. Number of hearts I have broken: do the ones with an axe count?
3. Of guys I've kissed: my dad
4. Of girls I've kissed: i don't remember
5. Of continents I have lived in: well one but i went to Canada biggrin
6. Of tight friends: 2
7. Of cds I own: music 0 games a bunch
8. Of scars on my body: i don't feel like counting
9. Of the things that I regret: 3
10. Of killing someone: i lost count after 30


What is your name?: still will never know
Are you named after anyone?: not that i know of
What's your screename?: similar to my name here
Would you name a child of yours after you?: i would not curse him/ her with my name
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: i think it would have been some thing better then my current name
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: rommel
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that people do w/ your name constantly?: my last name is never spelt right
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: prolly not

Your gender:: male
Straight/Gay/Bi:: Straight
Single?: yep
If not, do you want to be?: not really its not my chose to be single
Birthdate:: jan 8
Your age:: 10 plus a 1 digit number
Age you act:: mmm... between 5 and 200+
Age you wish you were:: 10
Your height:: 6'2"
Eye color:: brown
Happy with it?: nope
Hair color:: brown
Happy with it?: nope
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: right / learning ambidexterity
Your living arrangement:: my house o.O
Your family:: mom dad 1 older brother
Have any pets?: 1 cat and 1 brother
Whats your job?: don't have one
Piercings?: none
Tattoos?: nope
Obsessions?: not that i know of
Addictions?: breathing and eating and blinking
Do you speak another language?: i barely speak one well
Have a favorite quote?: The stench of ignorance emanates from this place like blood from an open wound. but its so hard to use in most times
Do you have a webpage?: nope

Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?: sure
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: dose restraining from beating them tolorant?
Do you have any secrets?: oh so many
Do you hate yourself?: my body yes my mind only half the time
Do you like your handwriting?: it sucks
Do you have any bad habits?: a few
What is the compliment you get from most people?: o.O i don't remember the last complement said to me. now i feel bad O.o
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: " malice deception and intrigue"
What's your biggest fear?: dark and bees
Can you sing?: i can sing but people keel over after
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: not that i know of
Are you a loner?: yes and no i hate being alone but i don't like people
What are your #1 priorities in life?: not totally sure
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: uhh sure
Are you a daredevil?: nope
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: i fear for others when i snap
Are you passive or aggressive?: externally passive internally aggressive
Do you have a journal?: if this counts yes
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: strength-strategy weakness- doing my plan
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: all of me
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: I've been told I'm not good at emotional advice so i think i am good emotionally
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: ya doesn't everyone
Do you think life has been good so far?: 50/50
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: don't be too trusting
What do you like the most about your body?: it keeps my mind alive
And least?: all other things
Do you think you are good looking?: no not really
Are you confident?: nope
What is the fictional character you are most like?: not sure
Are you perceived wrongly?: always

Do You...
Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: no
Read the newspaper?: if the comics count yes
Pray?: not often
Go to church?: holidays
Talk to strangers who IM you?: nope no one imed me that i don't know
Sleep with stuffed animals?: i have one above me dose that count?
Take walks in the rain?: to wet and cold
Talk to people even though you hate them?: everyone dose
Drive?: nope
Like to drive fast?: no car

Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: i did till i heard what it sounds like to others
Hurt yourself?: yes
Been out of the country?: Canada biggrin
Eaten something that made other people sick?: nope
Been in love?: 2 times
Done drugs?: no
Gone skinny dipping?: don't ask
Had a medical emergency?: i think i am one some times
Had surgery?: yes once on my ears
Ran away from home?: nope
Played strip poker?: nope never tried
Gotten beaten up?: a few attempted [see next question]
Beaten someone up?: hell yes an it was FUN
Been picked on?: yes
Been on stage?: yes
Slept outdoors?: not sure
Thought about suicide?: once but don't ask
Pulled an all nighter?: i did nothing important but i stayed up all night a few times
If yes, what is your record?: ~ around a week
Gone one day without food?: nope
Talked on the phone all night?: nope Google talk yes
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: I'm not sure what this question is
Slept all day?: i can't
Killed someone?: if i started killing people in a day or two i would be in a state of one person if the army was non involved i could take about 3 states before some one would take me out
Made out with a stranger?: nope
Had sex with a stranger?: no
Thought you're going crazy?: often
Kissed the same sex?: does family count?
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: not that i know of
Been betrayed?: oh so often
Had a dream that came true?: i wish
Broken the law?: once or twice never caught
Met a famous person?: nope
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: i hope i haven't
On purpose?:never
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: never
Stolen anything?: not that i recall
Been on radio/tv?: no
Been in a mosh-pit?: nope
Had a nervous breakdown?: define it
Bungee jumped?: never
Had a dream that kept coming back?: yes it was odd

Belive in life on other planets?: yes its arrogant not to
Miracles?: sometimes
Astrology?: fate determination no. tracking stars yes
Magic?: 50/50
God?: 60/40
Satan?: 60/40
Santa?: i did till last year
Ghosts?: bastards plague me all the time
Luck?: yes
Love at first sight?: some times
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: of course
Witches?: nope
Easter bunny?: never did
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: to a lover yes to other things not so much
Believe there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: i can never get to the end on time
Do you wish on stars?: oh so often

Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: i know a few not well but i do
Who is your best friend?: i have 1 i know and 1 i know semi well
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: AoL
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: i had alot of good advice
Your favourite inside joke?: in morrowind, and a few more
Thing you're picked on most about?: my past
Who's your longest known friend?: AoL
Shyest?: i don't know
Funniest?: AoL has been the only one who told jokes so him
Sweetest?: the gingerbread man
Closest?: AoL
Weirdest?: Cristine
Smartest?: AoL for sure
Ditziest?: i out match them all
Friends you miss being close to the most?: Sylvia she moved sadly
Last person you talked to online?: i don't know
Who do you talk to most online?: AoL
Who are you on the phone with most?: the phone should rot and burn
Who do you trust most?: i trust no one but AoL and Sylvia
Who listens to your problems?: AoL
Who do you fight most with?: my brother
Who's the nicest?: not sure
Who's the most outgoing?: I'm not sure
Who's the best singer?: i never heard any one sing
Who's on your s**t-list?: 80% of my school
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: nope
Who's your second family?: Aol's family
Do you always feel understood?: i never do
Who's the loudest friend?: prolly Sylvia
Do you trust others easily?: i never really trust people
Who's house were you last at?: AoL's
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in:: i never do never have
Do your friends know you?: i thinks so
Friend that lives farthest away:: Sylvia, shes over a few states far

Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?: some times
What do you find romantic?: I'm not sure
Turn-on?: I'm not sure
Turn-off?: knife to the forehead
First kiss?: not yet
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: intrigued
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: yes
Have you ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: sure
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: nope cuz they are both atractive to me if they are
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: doubt it
What is best about the opposite sex?: that is a good question
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: they are diffrent
What's the last present someone gave you?: i don't recall the last thing
Are you in love?: 50/50 chance on that
Do you consider your significant other hot?: yep

Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?: the dam bathrooms ghosts
You wanted to kill?: not sure
That you laughed at?: the t.v. was the last thing i laughed at
That laughed at you?: not sure
That turned you on?: Sylvia
You went shopping with?: i would say my mom
That broke your heart?: my first love
To disappoint you?: my brother
To ask you out?: never have
To make you cry?: i don't cry other then manipulatory reasons
To brighten up your day?: AoL prolly
That you thought about?: AoL due to the last question
You saw a movie with?: AoL
You talked to on the phone?: PHONES ARE EVIL AND SHOULD ROT
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: Sylvia
You saw?: one of my parents
You lost?: technically Sylvia because of her moving

Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: no
Will it be with your significant other?: i hope
Or some random person?: never
What are you wearing right now?: black shorts and blue shirt
Body part you're touching right now::my hip i think and my legs are crossedish i type funny
What are you worried about right now?: the wellness of AoL and the 31st
What book are you reading?: summer reading, dam you summer reading crap
What's on your mousepad?: Pokemon due to not replacing it ever
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling:: tired annoyed blindish icky sleepy
Are you bored?: not totally
Are you tired?: look up two questions
Are you talking to anyone online?: i was then they got off
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: DAM PHONE *******s
Are you lonely or content?: lonely
Are you listening to music?: no

ok now my quiz fill out and tell me

age :
the age you act:
the age you wish you were:
height :
height you wish you were:
eye color:
what color you want your eyes:
hair color:
hair color you want:
favorite dream job [anything]:
favorite color:
any pet you want:
what race you wish your were:
what super power would you want:
if you had a genii what would you wish for
would you be a super hero or super villan:

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