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July 26, 2008
yeah in the morning i woke up to, Viva la Vida on tv it was 12 noonish and then i got out of bed and i went upstairs and hung out with Emily,we were playing some game on xbox called Overlord where your some evil dude with "minions" who follow you around but i just call them goblins cuz they look like that, then sarah woke up and she started to play it and im just there talking on msn and pretty much multi-tasking but yess Emily was acting strange and started laughing hysterically for no reason and then i start giggling and Sarah is thinking were big freaks and then Emily called a random number and talked to some random guy sweatdrop then she hung up and Sarah's just like "em who were you talking to?" and she said "some guy named Joey, i was like hey, and he said who is this? and i said emily and he said im joey and he invited me over to his house and now im going th- *slams the door*" then im laughing and Sarah's like 'my sister is a freak!" and then Emily came back and we looked at the time and it was 4:30pm and were like HOLY CRAP ITS 4:30!!! haha i guess we were playing that game so long we didnt even realize what time it was then i walked home which was 30 seconds away....

and in that 30 seconds
i got mugged, and gang beat,
and a dog knocked me over right when i got up
and i fell in a mudd puddle
found some random pokemon cards in that mudd puddle...

jk that never happened to me in 30 seconds... i wish lol nvm i dont wish.
okay im rambling oh gawd, bye haha.



User Comments: [14]
Xx ino67 xX
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comment Commented on: Sun Jul 27, 2008 @ 09:24pm

comment Commented on: Mon Jul 28, 2008 @ 12:23am
hey yeah somthing like this happened to me, remember that one thing that we were talking about since that one day and that one thing went up to BobbyLeean and was like, ''dude..where's that one thing at, bro?'' and he's like...''i dunno...BRO!'' and that one person he was with who was actually trying to go for that one thing was like, ''oooooh! u just got told by that one thing''!! oh yeah.......great times.....
lol jk

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comment Commented on: Mon Aug 25, 2008 @ 04:39am
OMG VIVA LA VIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

comment Commented on: Sun Jul 12, 2009 @ 04:50am
hey babe!! haha i told ya i'd write everyday about how i was doin for a MONTH. haha i'm doing it for you to tell you how i'm doin!....well it's been a day so far since u've gone and....i guess i'm holdin up. I'm doin good but i could be doing better if u were here...the point is i already miss the hell outa you. well anyway...i'll start this whole little journal thing ON UR JOURNAL just cause i have nothing else to write it on. i'm gonna have to start off the day after you left which was on Friday, July 10th. ((i love you XD))

So pretty much my week ended really shitty. First off you left and i had a buddy of mine quit his job because of some s**t that he was falsely accused of, but i mean i know it'll all blow over so it's w/e. Anyway i had a very long day and work just blew. But i mean i came home so it was cool haha. It only got bad cause i mean...i came home to a lonely night. i got onto msn hoping to log on with a huge window of yours that had a crap load of messages pop up but it hit me that u had already left to the Phil. so from there i just got off and went to bed. So pretty much i went through a whole day working and pretty much doing nothing. hahah it's what happens when u get a job and put in 12 hours a day. ur freedom to do anything u want, is allll goooone. lol

July 11, 2009
11:30 PM

Hey bby! Another day of working hard! Infact, haha this morning before my friends came to the water park over in the area i worked at, there was this HUGE snake in the pool. and after i got bumped to my next position/stand, some lady started screaming about a snake in the pool so i looked at my buddy and told her to call Dispatch and call Animal control but i knew for sure that they were gonna take forever to get here. Plus i noticed this snake was swimming to some old lady so i dove in and swam right next to it. and just when i got in arms reach i snatched the snake by it's neck and threw it into the woods. haha i saved the day so it was great. throughout the whole day ppl were applauding me and thanking me about how i caught that snake. haha it was awsome. then from there it was just busy with ppl. but anyway yeah i came home and watched tv for a bit and later on from there i just crashed. so that was pretty much all i did. haha bby don't work, stay a kid for as long as you can cause work will ruin everything. Anyway, i know for sure ppl are gonna go on this journal and read EVERYONE of my messages to you. just watch...it'll only show proof that we're unseperable....we'll end up making our own love story with no end. ;D
anyway, gonna go to sleep now. Love you

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comment Commented on: Mon Jul 13, 2009 @ 03:33am
July 12, 2009
10:24 PM

CASSSSSS i miss you soooo much at the moment. I'm not used to coming home and not having anyone to talk to. I mean u were the reason why i was actually looking forward into coming home!! Now it's just like....ehh....now if i were to come home it's either if i eat or sleep. cause normally i'm always out or working. haha, u can come home from your trip now...seriously u gotta come back to me. Anyway if ur gonna be this far from me, u better damn well enjoy the Philippines cause if it's this good to spend a month without me then it better be the best! So today!!!~ i deffinately saved a lady today!!!! she was having a seizure in the pool and i dove in for her. well, when i got to her i held her really tight, i got her into a full nelson cause thats what ur supposed to do when someone's having a seizure in the pool, cause the better u can keep her stable the safer you and her will be. Well i was floating her up above the water and i....omg it's the worst thing ever to hold someone still while they're having a seizure....like i spent all day thinkin about it and i felt sooo bad. So as i was doing all that some crazy a** psycho b***h named Amanda that NOBODY likes in our zone, was screaming at me about how i need to get her out of the pool. well anyway i held her still until she was done and she came to, and she thanked me and we atleast did a full lap around the whole lazy river, and it takes 6 minutes to go around. so the whole time my supervisor was walking the wall and watching me incase her condition worsoned and while everyone was there Amanda was STILL screaming at me, but i laughed soooo hard when one of my supervisors, Miles, told her to shut up lol and that i was doing the right thing. cause she could potentially get hurt on the ground rather then me keeping her a float in the water. so pretty much, i'm awsome when it comes to saving lives. lol. then i found some HUGE a** spider that was wayyyy bigger than my hand. and i just kicked it into the woods lol. some guy who was bigger than me was like, ''omg omg omg kill it! step on it! don't let it get near me!'' and i'm like, ''******** calm down....ur safe'' and it was just sad...haha but today i had a great day. after work me, ben, and Meghan played Corn Hole with boards that Ben made and we were doing it in the parking lot, and EVERYONE WAS WATCHING and they ALL wanted to play. haha it was soo fun. and we suddenly turned it into a huge tournament and we even have made up teams!! ahaha and knowing me, with how i'm a protigee at everything, i was sweet at it. haha i made everyone look like crap lol. anyway i'm over here grubbin on pasta so i'm gonna go. i love you babe and i hope your safe!! FREAKING EMAIL ME I'M MISSING YOU!!!!

comment Commented on: Tue Jul 14, 2009 @ 05:32am
July 13, 2009

hey babe! just another day of missing you terribly. Today i did'nt have work and i did'nt really do jack s**t today....lately i have'nt been able to sleep normally. Now i can hardly sleep cause i have you in my head all the time. Unfortunately i woke up at 9 this morning. But it's ok though, i was'nt tired at all. Infact, i ended up getting ready for the day, got into my truck, and drove around Newport news and allll over Warwick and what not looking for Bronco's for sale! haha i found some HUGE bronco that was jacked up (lifted) and it was for sale, the guy was asking for 1500 and it was perfectly fine! but too bad for me some guy already bought it. haha it looked soo nice...but the owner DID say that the guy could'nt get the money for it, and if he did'nt get it within a certain time period that he would just sell it to me instead. haha so yeah it was awsome! then i kept driving around alone in my truck, and i found ANOTHER bronco. infact this one was regular sized, full cab, i mean it was nice. It even had a 4 inch body lift so i mean....despite that it looked pretty awsome! and the damn thing was a MONSTER. like i got the owner out and we took it for a test drive. The truck SHOOK and it sounded soooo great. only if i got it i'd have to do soo much work to it. There was a Transmission leak so that was sketchy as hell. Cause fixing transmissions can cost around grands. Plus, when he'd start the key, it would'nt start. The Starter was brand new but for some reason it was something to do with some damn thing i can't remember the name of. haha u had to take a wrench and connect these two metal things together for it to start. but he's got a buddy who's gonna fix that. See i would've gotten it if it were'nt for that damn transmission leak. haha but the small things that i could easily fix are the driver seat cause on the left side of where ur a** goes sinks in lol. other than that it's all that it is. but i drove the damn thing and the 4 wheel drive is perfect. And if ur not careful with givin it gas, u'll end up spinning ur tires when it comes to go. haha it's pretty bad. the potential it has off road is soo great. hah i don't think it'd be safe if i were in that. haha but i would've been one hawt a** guy in that truck though. lol. but anyway i ended up leaving and i spent 40 bucks on power steering fluid and coolent. i have a leak in my power steering so the streering wheel would always lock up on me on the main road. and apparently my trucks been over heating lately cause i never had coolent in my truck. lol but it's ok now. anyway from there i went over to my bro's place (dustin) ((no not the one u added on facebook, it's a diff. one)). we hung out then went to Fort Useless (Fort Eustis) and went to our other brother's place ((aaron)) and saw his sister's Baby, Triston. (boy) then we spent a while playing games and then we walked to the PX and bought a crap load of monster imports. haha then we went back and like, threw a football around, and these girls who were already on the feild that we were on were playing soccer. and so since i wanted to play, i went over there and asked if we could get a game going, boys vs girls. and so we did and i mirked!!! hhaha its been sooo long since i've played soccer and i was constantly scoring goals and breaking ankles (not literally) and i got this girl sooo good. haha i did a rainbow right over her and she had nooo idea how to react to that. then i did some sweet a** bycicle kick but i missed BARELY. from there we just all went home cause it was already 9. but since it was un even cause of skill, we had to change teams and i was with aaron and some girl who's name i forgot, and she was goaly so she always got us scored on, and lost. but we lost by 2 points outa 20 lol. but it's w/e. so we left and i came home and here i am sending you emails! and as i was coming home, my fav. song came on from Kings Of Leon, Use Somebody and it made me think of you sooo bad. There's nothing more depressing than driving home alone in the dark for 20 minutes with no hand of yours to hold. but anyway it's late and i got work tomorrow so i'm gonna go now. come back home.....i love you!

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comment Commented on: Thu Jul 16, 2009 @ 03:23am
July 14, 2009 ((actually i'm lying about the date. i forgot to post last night cause i fell asleep after u got online lol))

hahah omg! so today at work was the funnest s**t in the world!! Alright so i got to work at 10 45 am and i was feelin great. then Hunter and i just pretty much did grounds (sweeping, and w/e the hell we really wanted to do really...everyone loves doing it rather than being on stand or on rides all day) and we pretty much did NOTHING but float around the pool with a crap load of vests and chill. it was soooo much fun. we made fun of ppl and we even helped pressure wash trashcans. and i accidentaly shot hunter in the face but he's ok. lol. Then we ended up going to some stand that sold beer. haha and so we were like, ''u know u wanna give us some for free!'' and we were meaning it as a joke and he was like, ''........yeah sure!'' and we like paused and was like, ''....s-...seriously?'' and he's like, ''yeah! why the hell not??'' and we're like, ''cause we're minors....'' and he's like, ''i don't care! just don't get caught!'' haha so i was doing trash dooty and so we took giant trashbags and walked over there and started stoking away on beer and we just pretty much carried it out to the back. ahahh and no one knew! and then we loaded lockers up with beer, then at the end of the day we all stuffed them in our pockets and s**t and it looked SOOOO OBVIOUS!!! hahah it was hilarious!!! i had like 2 in my pockets, 1 in my pants, and i had a jacket on with 3 in the pockets, and hunter had like 5 in his front jacket pockets which stuck out like a ******** BULGE! and it was just toooooo funny. everyone was looking at us but they never stopped us. then we ended up playing games at the parking lot and hung out for an hour drinkin beer. haha then we drove home but shhhhh. we were'nt tipsy at all. then thats when i got ur text so i sped alllll the way back home for you. haha i mean there's more details about it but i'm gonna wait till u get back. i love you bby, come on back home to me!

comment Commented on: Thu Jul 16, 2009 @ 03:35am
July 15, 2009
10:30 PM

Hey babe...god today was just misurable. work was long, hot, boring, and freaking busy. we had more than 8 thousand ppl in the park today and it was just..horrible. there were sooo many ppl fainting over heat and today we had to shut down the lazy river cause someone threw up in it. i mean today was just horrible. but the only thing that actually seemed cool today was how i caught some huge a** snake but that awsome feeling went away quick when some girl had a seizure in the pool. i need you to come home and talk to me....seriously i hate coming home on shitty nights and not have you around to turn all that around. I need my bbygirl to be there to keep me up on my feet...bby i really missing you..u NEEEEED to come back!
but the good thing about tomorrow though is that i have no work so i'll be home all day waiting for you to get on. i love you

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comment Commented on: Fri Jul 17, 2009 @ 05:54am
July 16
Hehehe heyy bby! Tonight was soooo fun we went to some festival thing and it was straight crowded and I had to hold my cousin greggy's hand and Jakes hand too and ppl thought we were like dating haha and they saw some of there friends and they were like "WOW!!" and they said they were jealous and s**t and looking at our hands and were like nooooo were cousins! Yeah and whenever I walked they'd grab onto me lol I love that older brother feeling XD i've always wanted one remember? Well we went up to this castle thing to watch the fireworks LOL the wall reminded me of the great wall of china but it was so crowded so I clinged onto greggy, and someboys were patting the seat next to them and would be like "were looking for girlfriends" hahah and everythme we started walking again our oldest cousin Sharifa (we call her emem) would make sure we all had somebody to hold onto and I had jake and greggy on both sides of me holding my hands and we'd raise them and she was like ok we can go now, the fireworks took forever to start so we just went to this bar, and had margaritas and then Jake put a straw in mine and I drank it all and they don't really like hard liquor so I drank 4 of them and 1 beer LOL so I got drunk haha and we rode in one of those motor cab things home and I was falling asleep on jakes back LOL and emem took a pic of me =[ then I rested on Kevin (nother older cuz) haha yah jake had to help me walk down the hill/path to the house, then we changed and had icecream and more beer and me and greggy and joey were the only ones drunk and me and greggy were falling asleep on the table so we decided it was time for bed so I was like cmon greggy! (he's 20 I just figured that out he seems younger tho haha he's the best) but anyway I brought him to his bed cuz he was drunker than me and so I brought him to bed and he laid down and he's like "I don't have a pillow" so I got him one and he just passed out LOL then I went to bed and me and emem and my sis were giggling cuz we could hear greggy talking to himself in the other room! Ya I'm having so much fun here! Were going to a club tonight ^^ there so many cousins it's great I wish u were here! I miss you terribly! Much love to you from your bbygirl ^^ miss you!

comment Commented on: Sun Jul 19, 2009 @ 05:04am
i'm not doing so good bby...a very good friend of mine, George Ryko's died in an accident the other day.......He was with his buddies in an SUV and as they were going in an exit, they lost control and hit the guard rail. they flipped and rolled a long way and all 7 passengers were flung out of the vehicle. 3 died, others are in the hospital with seriouse condition, and a dog's at the vet....bby...........i had to tell his sister what happened, i had to tell her that he did'nt make it.............do u know how hard that is???

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comment Commented on: Thu Jul 30, 2009 @ 05:33am
July 30, 09
12:18 AM

hey babe!!! how are ya?? i'm doin good, well so far...i dont know how much longer i can put up with you being gone for so long~! i'll end up killing something if u don't hurry and come home! other than that..yeahh, i guess i'm doing good. another stressful day though haha. Well i have 4 days of summer school in total which is really dumb and a waist of time...but i'm happy it's not a week or 2 long so i'm pretty chill with it, but anyway tomorrow's my last day of summer school and thank god too!! I have to drive 30 minutes down Warwick which is a very very busy road over here and it gets conjested REAL FAST. plus, the school which is called Warwick Highschool is very ghetto and there's nothing but wiggers and ignorant black ppl....but i would'nt be surprised since it's SUMMER SCHOOL...but anyway today during class i almost threw my desk at some kid cause yet again..he would'nt ever shut up. Like, we only have 4 days of learning a WHOLE YEARS WORTH of things for math and on Monday we gotta take our SOL's (which is a HUGE test thing). and it's kinda hard to pay attention and actually learn when u got some ******** chimp in the back of the classroom running his mouth all the damn time....so i had to put up with his crap for 2 days so far...but today he did'nt get so lucky. i got fed up. haha he was talkin trash to the teacher and my teacher is freakin awsome..like he's a great teacher and he's a nice guy!~but he has a speaking problem and when he started making fun of the teacher off of that, he crossed the line....i sit in the front of the classroom cause i can't see the board so far, and this dude was sitting at the back of the classroom thinkin he was the s**t, but i quickly turned around on my desk and barely got up from my seat and said, ''If you don't shut ur god damn mouth, i swear to god i'll put you on ur forehead. say another word about the teachers speaking problem....do it one more time, kid....'' and he quit talkin. Offffff course though...i got in trouble for profanity use but it was'nt BIG big trouble. all he said after the class was like, ''oooooo!!!!!!'' was, ''John, i appreciate ur help and i know ur a hard working student who has difficulty trying to learn over other's conversations but u could have used a smarter choice of words'' and i just looked at him and replied, ''hey...it shut him up did'nt it?''. so apparently i got a reputation of a badass white boy who does'nt even GO to that school. hahah and it's only been 3 days!! i'm pretty much the ONLY white kid there and with my truck in the parking lot at school, deff. makes up for it cause it's probably the biggest and loudest ******** thing out there lol. so yeah, i'm intimidating to everyone in school for the first time lol. Anyway after that i came home and kinda passed out on the couch cause after we got off msn and u got off webcam, i could'nt sleep. I got too excited over talking to you and i just was'nt feeling tired throughout the night. it was'nt till 3 30 in the morning that i finally started to feel tired. then i woke up later on that day and went to the movies with everyone and watched, ''The Ugly Truth'' and then from there we went out to grab something to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings. haha it was great. i killed a whooole lot of hot wings with dustin tonight. lol. then we went to Kacey's place and watched the newest Fast and The Furious movie on her giant screen tv. and from there we all just left lol. but anyway, thats pretty much what my day has been....just another day of missing you....well i love you babe. ttyl

comment Commented on: Fri Jul 31, 2009 @ 04:30am
July 30, 09 ((sorry the last one was from last nights))
11:13 Pm

hey babe!! today was my last day of summer school and it was great! i'm so happy that i got out of that place!! i dunno if i could've lasted another day in that school filled with dumbasses. anyway, i got home and we quickly staddled up the dirtbikes and took them out!! it was sooo fun. alright so i got my gear on and EVERYTHING and we tied the dirtbikes down in our trucks, and so we drove alll the way to my second mom's house who lives in the country. and she literally lives in the middle of no where!!! so we asked to park the truck there and just take the bikes out where in search for trails and she said yea. so anyway we got geared up, got the bikes off the trucks, and we filled up on gas. and Mikes came with us on an ATV and he was our supply man. See, when we ride, we go out as a crew. There's always someone who's in charge with communication, another guy's always in charge with first aid, and another guy's always in charge as either scout, supplies, or leader. and so it was nick, me, and Mike. and since mike was our supply man he's gotta ride an ATV. WEll anyway we got out and our bikes are not street leagal, so we ended up speeding down roads and stuff hoping that there are'nt any cops around and we saw this little trail, and i pointed it out and we quickly go onto that trail and it led us to some State Park. and we are'nt aloud to go there on dirtbikes but we did anyway. we ended up going down this road for 15 minutes and it was earie....like it was sooo nerve wrecking when we passed by these swervy roads cause we were scared there would've been some state trooper or Ranger sitting there waiting for us. cause our damn bikes were LOUD. and we even sped passed they're State Park Ranger's Headquarters. so i'm PRETTY SURE THEY heard us coming in. well anyway we finally stumbled across some trail and we got onto that real quick. so we ended up staying on that trail for a good 30 minutes and stopped and took a break. well Mike could'nt find us anywhere on the map let alone the GPS so we were kinda lost. plus it went from one path to 2 other paths and what not so we just half assed it and chose what ever path looked funner. so we did'nt ever mark the trees to show us the way home. so we filled up on gas some more, and i got a burn on my inner shin cause my leg was rubbin up against the engine and it melted through my boots and kinda burned me. then we got some little snack and kept riding down the trail. well then it started POURING and it was like thundering and lightning out and it was getting REALLY slick and nasty out. and it kept getting darker and darker and darker. well we kept going down this trail hoping it'd lead us out to some road but it never did. And the woods got sooo dense and the path got sooo narrow, that like, if u were to look 20 to 30 feet out ahead of you all it was was PITCH BLACK. like we could'nt see anything so we had Mike out in front of us with his fog lights and he led us down the path some more. Well we stopped cause Nick's bike stalled over the low amount of gas he had. and we refilled the thing and took a 10 minute break. so we're all sitting there talkin and out of no where we heard screams and loud screeches coming from the woods behind us, and each time they would get fainter, then it'd come closer, then it'd sound like it was going away, then it got even more closer, so it was scary and we quickly got on our bikes and took off down further more in the trail. so we're over here freaked out as s**t and i was the last in line so i was'nt even able to see what was behind me cause of my helmet so that was even more freaky, u know? well anyway we broke off cause it came to this HUGE circle thing and so i sped up and got in front as leader of the group, and i hit this giant mound and i fell off my bike and i fell REALL hard. i got a spraint wrist from it. but anyway, i looked and i saw this mound and they all stopped and i was like, ''...thats weird...it's a perfect mound thats only like....5 feet long...u think it was for a ramp or something?'' and they all tapped me and pointed behind me and we saw MORE dirt mounds but only with crosses ontop of them made outa sticks. so we were like....''oh s**t....we're in a middle of some burial sight...and i accidentaly ramped off of one....'' so we looked further more down this trail that was a little ways passed all the mounds and it was pitch black...then the darkness started getting closer and it was the weirdest ******** thing we've all seen, so already freaked out enough, we got on our bikes again only i was'nt able to ride as well cause i had a hurt wrist from thta nasty fall. so we ended up spending an hour an a half down this trail we had NOOO clue of and just took guess turns on 2 way paths and eventually we got out but there were Rangers on horse backs and atv's waiting for us and as we got out they stopped us and told us how we were'nt supposed to be in those parts of the woods. and he told us that they hung signs all over the place stating that unexplainable events happen in those woods. and they asked us how far in we went and when we said it took us an hour or more to get out they were shocked! and then we told them the burial sights and they told us that those were old indian grave sights and that creatures lived in parts of those woods. so we never got fined for trespassing and what not by the state park cause of how freaked out we looked so they just let us go. but it was soooo scary. like we all got back at mom's house (not my mom but the lady we parked our truck at) at 10 30 looking all bruised, muddy, wet, tired, scared, and everything. and our bikes are a MESS right now. they're just covered in mud so we gotta clean them up tomorrow. but yeah, we were so shocked of today that we just packed our s**t, and left. probably the scariest woods i've ever been in. we'll end up going again but i'll be recording the whole trip. and we'll be with the whole crew this time.
anyway that was pretty much my whole day...but again i'm missing you so much....i'm counting down the days....and i'm getting more and more excited to being with you again...i love you so much, sweetheart.
your man
heart Jayy heart

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comment Commented on: Sun Aug 02, 2009 @ 09:17am
Hey bbe! I'm doin good if u ask! just going through another day of missing you as always, but it's ok cause ur coming home soon! so i'm happy! anyway i hope ur enjoying ur vacation so far! have'nt heard from you in forever and i never get any of ur emails! email me back once in a while! scream
anyway hurry and come on home!
love you!

oh and all i did was work...long story short, it sucked.

comment Commented on: Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 04:00am
come on baby u gotta email me! seriously, i have'nt heard from you in a while and i'm kidna getting worried...u could comment other ppl but not me!

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