Do you sleep in your bra? *gasp*You PERVERT why do you want to know!
what color is your bra ? Like hell I'm telling you!
Do you enjoy drama? Sure.
Does your myspace password have to do with a boy? I don't even have a myspace so why are you even asking me this question?!
What color underwear are you wearing ? Why the hell do you want to know that?
Are you a girly girl? Sorta, not really.
Small or big purse? Small, with the exception of my cherry tote bag.
Do you think you are conceited? Huh....?
Did you dress up on Halloween?? *cough* Maybe.
Are you double jointed? No. But possibly in my knees biggrin
Do you call anybody by their last name? Yes.
How many guys will read this just because it says Lady Survey? How the heck would I know?
Do you wear makeup? Yes.
Ever cried at a movie theater? Nope.
Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth? I don't know, I've never had mascara on before so how do you excpet me to know?
Do you think Ryan Sheckler is cute? I don't know who is, but no.
Have you ever been called a bad influence? Not that I know of.
Heels or flats? Flats because I can't walk across a straigh surface without tripping in normal shoes, how do you think I do in heels?
Skirts or jeans? Both.
Socks or leggings? Both. But I like knee socks better than normal socks.
Hoodies or jackets? Doesn't matter.
Heels or sneakers? ...NIETHER. But I do like heels better than sneakers, they just kill my feet.
Straight or curly hair? My hair is sometimes straigh, sometimes it SEEMS curly, but most of the time it is wavy.
Hoops or dangling earrings? Niether. I DON'T have my ears pierced so I can't have either of them razz
Do you prefer light or dark haired guys? Doesn't really matter
Are you currently frustrated with a guy? Yes.
Do you have a best friend? Yeess
What do you think about the person you like? That they are INSANE.
Do you like your life? Most of the time.
Ever walked into the guy's bathroom? No.
Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on? Noo...And I don't plan to.
Have you ever slapped a boy in the face? I've planned on it before
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes.
Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind? *cough*MAYBE*cough*
Ever have a good feeling about something? Yes
Do you ever wish you were famous? Writer? Yes. Artist? Yes. Anything else, NEVER.
Contacts or Glasses? doesnt matter
Funny or Serious? both
Romantic or Daredevil? romantic
Cute or Hot? uhh...Either?
Good Dancer or Good Singer? Doesn't matter.
Smoker or Non-smoker? Non-Smoker
Has a Motorcycle or Has a Sports car? Sports. You know like one of those nice newer volvo's or mercades. *cough* but like that's going to ever happen
Shizuka467 · Thu Jul 31, 2008 @ 12:17am · 0 Comments |