i dont have a point of writing, so therefor there is no title. i just feel like rambling on i guess. i'm trying very very hard to keep my mind off of twilight. lol. with only one more day to go until the next book, it is becoming increasingly difficult. but i refuse to write any more on the matter. soooo..lets see....what did i do today, you ask? well, i went to target with my mom, everything was fine and dandy for awhile. i got a dictionary ( biggrin ) and i told my mom that i need a theasarus too. she asked me "what is that?" woooow, what a pity. anyhow. i went my seperate ways from my mom for awhile, passing an old lady who looked kind of sad, and two goofball boys who looked about a year younger than i, and quite a few other people. all who stared at me, probably on account of the stripy tie and whatnot. and then i went to the cd section and got the new hush sound cd, even though their music is still crazy new to me, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. so i started walking back to where my mom was, and she was looking at the laundry detergent section so i'm all "hey mom! look at this!! bleach FOR COLORS! you should buy that!" yes yes, i know..i'm kind of smart assy at times. truely isnt my fault though. its how i was raised. XD blame my parents for driving me insane. so after awhile of standing there waiting for her to make up her mind, i say that i'm going to go look at the backpacks and school supplies and stuff, and she says something about there not being much selection, but really i just wanted to get away cause i had a song stuck in my head that absoloutly demanded singing. so i walked down there, and mumbled through my song (i still dont know all the words) and i'm walking back and i see those goofball boys again, only now their zooming around on BIKES through the store! sadly, i had used up all my energy of sarcasm against my mom, so i didnt bother making any remarks. so i came back to where mom was and she's STILL looking at all that boring stuff. blah blah blaaah. so when we finally get through with that we're walking again past the school stuff and (ta da!) there's the theasarus's!! so i go over and grab one and get ready to toss it into the cart when mom goes "WAIT! there's a red spot on there!" so i look at the shelf, and theres a little smudge. "so?" i ask "well, you might have brushed against that! put that book back!" "oh my gosh mom, this is so stupid, it doesnt matter, and you dont even KNOW if its blood!" "well you dont know that it isnt!" so i put the gosh darn book back "you know mom, your going to drive me crazy if i have to deal with much more of this" "well its better safe then sorry" "oh right! like i could have DIED from that!" "you actually could! do you want me to bring out a medical book?" i could go lick it if that makes you feel any better mom. scream aaaugh. so she drags me aaaaaallll the way back to the bloody bathroom (not really bloody, but as in, i'm pissed off and i'm going to SAY that its the BLOODY BATHROOM!) and makes me wash my hands "oh and wash your arms too, you might have brushed against it" "i dont pick up books using my arms, and i think i would know what I touch and what i dont!" " how would you know if you didnt even know it was there?" so after much eyerolling and washing, we finally exit the bathroom "you know mom, i think i'd rather die then have to keep living like this" i say. she says "no you wouldnt" but how would she know? exactly, she doesnt... ( HEAVY SIGH, for all you emo kid fans wink ) so we finally check out all our stuff, me not smiling the whole time, even when mom makes an attempt to make a joke and make it look like we're a lovely mother daughter pair. the check out lady smiles at me. i just stare. mom be's all sweet and perfect motherly acting. blaaaaaah. yeah. you know, its pretty amazing how i can make a big story out of one shopping trip. i could have just said "me and mom went to target today" and ended it at that. but no, i didnt. i gave you a peek at my life. yes, my actually true reality, pity of a life. i have quite an excellent memory. its amazing. i can recall entire conversations sometimes. oh, and yet another amazing episode of my life! just a while ago, at dinner time. we have these fancy little cans of mountain dew, but there was only one left. mom asks if we want to split it up in glasses or something (which is pretty stupid, because the only reason any of us wanted it was because it was in a fancy can, what purpose does it have if its poured into a glass?!) so i said that i'll take it if no one else wants it. and jesse was going to have it, but mom says since he's already had one he doesnt need another, and robbie says he doesnt care and i can have it, so i open it up and take a sip and mom's like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" "umm, drinking the mountain dew?" "you were supposed to split that with him!" (she never said which him she was talking about, so i assumed robbie "well, he said he didnt want any of it," "well what about robbie, does he want some?" "he said NO" i reply getting kind of annoyed "well if they didnt want it, then why is jesse crying?!" she screams at me. so i look over at jesse and he's getting all pissed throwing a fit "but you said he didnt need it!" " you were supposed to share that!" she yells again. " well, i didnt know that, i thought you guys said i could drink it" i reply (NOT YELLING, i might add!) then dad walks in "whats the problem?" he asks all business "they were going to split that, and she already sipped out of it!" mom complains. "well, why would they want to split it if your pouring it all into different glasses, the only reason they want it was to have the can" MY POINT! RIGHT ON DAD! " well, i thought they said something about it might taste different" mom says "no, it tastes exactly the same as any other mountain dew" i say. meanwhile jesse is getting all upset "come on honey, we'll get you another mountain dew from the garage" she says acting all sweet. and then i poured my soda all over her head. ha ha, no that didnt happen. i wish. so mom got jesse a new soda, and robbie made some jokes to make jesse stop making a scene, and dinner was thankfully over. ta da. well, i've written a lot, so i'm going to go now. farewell
heart krissy
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Don't you just hate when someone says, "I <3 you."?
I mean seriously, all they're saying is "I less than 3 you."
Woot. Someone less than 3's you. Celebrate, why don't ya.
I mean seriously, all they're saying is "I less than 3 you."
Woot. Someone less than 3's you. Celebrate, why don't ya.
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did you get the thesaurus?