Okies, so I have to back to school tomorrow! DX But i guess thats ok, first day of school is always exciting. Haven't seen most my friends all summer and now I'll get to see them every day^w^ starting tomorrow, or was it the last day of school in May? I don't know, but I will be going into my Sophomore year. cool huh? I don't like the sound of it =.= makes me sound a little old...maybe too old to be playing gaia? NEVER! plus i can never spell the darn thing right, can't wait to be a Junior, easier to spell. XP

Also I've been debating whether or not to post pics of myself on my profile, cause personally I am not photogenic, so i basically hate every single picture thats taken of meh =/ so i'll let you guys take a vote deciding whether you get to see meh or not =p ready? set...GO!
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