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View User's Journal

I'm bored and that's probably the only reason why I write in here.
New Story (Part 1)
Johnny Boy

I waved to John as I was walking towards him; we were meeting at the park for a walk. He smiled and walked up to me, giving me a hug.
“Hey Janice, how are you?” He asked as we started to walk on the path in the park.
“I’m good, Johnny. How are you?” I replied, smiling. We turned on a deserted path and kept walking.
“Pretty good.” He said as we reached a bench. We sat down and stared at the trees, gently blowing in the wind. I bit my bottom lip as I thought. John looked at me with a questioningly look.
“What’s on your mind? You can tell me.” John said wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I smiled and nodded.
“I know. I’m trying to figure out how to ask you something. I really would like to know, but then I kinda don’t. I don’t know how to ask you.” I replied looking up at him.
“You can tell me anything, you know that.” He answered, squeezing me slightly. I nodded and stared at him for a little while. I turned to look at the ground and frowned in thought.

After a little while, I looked ahead of me at the trees.
“Okay, well, you know how I feel about you, right? I was just wondering how you felt about me.” I asked, blushing slightly and looked at the ground.
“I don’t really know. I mean, you’re awesome and all, but I don’t know how I feel. I’m sorry.” John responded, removing his arm from around my shoulders. I nodded, got up and stretched.
“Let’s go for a walk, ne?” I asked, as I grabbed his hand, pulling him up and dragging him down the path. He shrugged and started to walk beside me, not bothering to let go of my hand.

A little ways down the path, he stopped and since we were holding hands, I was pulled to a stop in mid stride. I turned to look at him, tilting my head to the side curiously. He let go of my hand, stepped up to me, and put his hands on either side of my face. He leaned down and crashed his lips down on mine in a sweet kiss; I put my hands on his sides.

We broke apart when we needed air and he laid his forehead on mine. He stared into my eyes as he let his hands snake around my waist. I slid my hands up his chest and wrapped them around his neck. He smiled as I blushed slightly.
“You stole my first kiss.” I stated, joking.
“I know. I gave you my first kiss.” He replied, as he pulled me closer and closed his eyes.

I shot up in a sitting position and looked around. I sighed and almost cried.
“It was only a dream! That’s so not fair!” I practically screamed as I got up and turned off my alarm clock. I sighed as I walked into my bathroom to get ready for another day at school. I am a junior at the local high school and totally crushing on my best friend.

I walked into the kitchen all dressed and ready to go. I have waist length blue-black hair, pulled into a low ponytail at the nape of my neck and stormy blue gray eyes. I have a small gold hoop at the top of my right ear, a small gold hoop in the middle of my left ear, and a small gold hoop in the bottom of my right ear. I have black nails, six black bracelets on each arm, a black athlete headband around my head and a little black make-up. I had on black skinny jeans with a long chain on each side, a black tube top, black and white circa skater shoes, with a black leather jacket. I am seventeen, 5’9 with a thin athlete’s body and very long legs. I work out, so I am strong, but no one really knows that. At school, I am considered the chick that no one messes with and I mean no one. I only have one true friend that actually hangs out with me, every day. Everyone thinks that I am mean, untouchable, and a freak. I looked at the clock it read 7:15am. I grabbed an apple, my black messenger bag, and my keys on my way to the driveway. Time to pick up John, I thought as I jumped in my black Dodge RAM 4x4.

I pulled in front of John’s house and honked, waiting for him to come out. John is a couple months older than I am, but he has not gotten his license yet. He says, “Why do I need a license when I have you to drive me everywhere?” John walks out of the house and starts walking to my truck. He has very short blonde hair and dull green eyes. He has on a dark blue T-shirt with black jeans and black sketchers. He was 6’1, thin. John has many friends; no body fears him as they do me. Sometimes I wonder how we became friends, we are completely different and yet, completely alike. Finally, John got in the truck and I pulled back onto the street.

As I drove, I thought back on the day we met. It was a nice day and our first day as freshmen. I was dressed in my usual black attire, but my hair was short and spiked. It was lunchtime and I sat at an empty table in the back of the cafeteria. I was used to not having any friends around or anything, so I sat alone. I watched as everyone sat with their friends, boyfriends, or girlfriends, I liked to watch the other people. When John walked up to my table and smiled, I was shocked. No one ever approaches me let alone talk to me.
“Hi, I’m John. I’m a freshmen. Mind if I sit with you?” He asked, setting his tray down and sitting in the chair opposite me.
“I think you’re lost or something.” I said in light shock.
“Why?” He asked, laughing.
“Well, people have this thing about me being untouchable or something. No one ever approaches me. I think they’re scared or something.” I replied, as I leaned back in my chair.
“Yeah, people do. I figured I would see if it was true, it’s not.” He responded, smiling as he took a bite of his sandwich.
“I can be, but I’m not usually.”
“Then why not try to make friends?”
“Because I don’t want fake friends and I like that people are afraid of me. That way I don’t get in as many fights over stupid things as I used to. Plus, I’ve always been friendless.”
“I guess that makes some sense. Well, now you got a friend.”
“Oh, yeah, who?”
“Yeah, alright. Let’s see how long you last as being my friend. Last time someone tried, they only lasted about one day.”
“What happened?”
“They couldn’t handle my reputation or something. I don’t really remember.” I got up, grabbed my bag and walked out of the cafeteria.

I came back to the present when I noticed that I was in the school parking lot; I pulled into a parking space near the back of the lot.
“See you at lunch?” I asked, looking over at John. We usually split up during school, so that he could go with his other friends.
“Actually, I think I’ll stay with you today.” John replied as he grabbed his backpack and got out. I grabbed my bag while getting out and walked over to him.
“Why? We always split up; I figured you felt weird being seen with me.” I said, as we started to walk up to the school together.
“I don’t know I just don’t feel like being with my friends today.” He responded, shrugging.
“Whatever.” I sighed, putting the strap of my bag on my shoulder.

We walked into the school and split up to go to our lockers. As I walked, the crowd of teenagers made a small path for me and stared at me as if I was going to lash out at them at any given moment. I smirked and opened my locker, got my books out then closed it. Suddenly, I was pushed into the lockers and I heard someone laugh. I stood up, cracked my neck, and turned around to see Josh laughing. Josh was like the school bully, but he only had the guts to pick on me. I guess he secretly likes me or he has a death wish. Josh was a big guy, with broad shoulders and spiked brown hair. He was about 6’2 and muscular. He usually wore red shirts with black jeans.
“So, nice to see you again Josh. To what do I owe the pleasure, today?” I asked smiling a little too sweetly it scared many of the teenagers watching.
“Cut the crap, you know what I want.” He replied, winking at me with a smug smirk. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my pocketknife.
“You still ain’t going to get it.” I stated, playing with my knife.
“I will one day.” He said, gulping and backing away. I flexed on him and he high tailed toward his class. I put my knife back in my pocket and grabbed my bag, walking toward John’s locker.

I stopped in mid stride as I saw him with some chick who was pressing up on him. He looked a little uncomfortable and kept glancing around for me. He was always looking to me for help with people. He can’t stand up for himself, sometimes. Once he caught sight of me, his eyes pleaded with me to help. I nodded and walked over to the two. I stopped next to John and looked at the girl with disgust. She was one of those girls that flaunted what they got and looked like a total hooker.
“Buzz off, we’re busy.” She stated, not bothering to look at me as she smiled seductively at John.
“If you know what’s good for you, you will shut your trap and leave him alone.” I said, coldly. She looked at me, ready to say something, but decided against it when she saw who I was.
“Sorry, won’t happen to again.” She apologized as she ran away and I smirked.
“Thanks, Jan.” John sighed in relief.
“Yeah, yeah, I won’t be here forever. You need to learn how to handle yourself.” I replied a little annoyed.
“You’re right, then teach me.” He said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as we walked to our first class.
“Alright, we’ll start today after school.” I responded, smirking. This shall be fun, I thought.

After school, I drove us to the mall. The perfect spot for him to practice handling the opposite sex. I parked and we got out, walking towards the entrance. Once inside we went to the food court and grabbed a table near a wall.
“Alright, first thing is stop being nice. If you’re not interested then tell them, but don’t be too harsh. Let’s see.” I said, looking around for someone for him to practice on.
“I think I can do that.” John replied, a little nervous.
“Ah, got one. Stay right here.” I said as I got up and walked over to a girl who was sitting at a table by herself. She wore a red T shirt with jeans, she had light brown hair with matching eyes. She was reading a magazine.

I walked up to her and stopped next to the table.
“Hello, I was wondering if you could do me a favor. I’ll pay you fifty bucks.” I said as she looked up at me.
“What can I do for you?” She asked, smiling.
“Well, my friend needs to learn how to turn down girls that he doesn’t like. I was wondering if you could act like your interested, you know?” I asked, pulling out my wallet from my back pocket.
“Sure, but it’s going to cost you an extra fifty.” She replied, standing up and holding out her hand. I sighed and pulled out two fifties.
“Fine, fine, here. Now follow me.” I sighed, handing her the money before I put my wallet back in my pocket and turned around, walking back to the table with the girl behind me.

I sat down at the table as the girl walked up to John as he stood up. I nodded to him when he looked at me.
“Hello sexy, want to go out?” The girl asked seductively as she pressed herself up on him. He gulped.
“N-no, sorry.” He stammered, gulping again. I rolled my eyes and motioned for the girl to step back. She did and John turned to look at me.
“Dude, you have to be firm and don’t apologize! Try it again.” I explained, motioning them to continue. The girl tried it again.
“No.” John stated firmly, pushing her back gently.
“There you go! Now, was that so hard?” I said, clapping slightly.
“Not really.” He admitted, shrugging.
“Can I go now? I got a hundred bucks that’s burning a hole in my pocket.” The girl asked, anxiously.
“Yeah, yeah, get out of here. Nice doing business with you.” I said, dismissing her. She squealed excitedly and ran out of the food court.
“You paid her a hundred bucks!” John stated rather than asked as he sat down again.
“Yeah, so?”
“You paid her a hundred bucks just to do that?”
“It was originally fifty, but she raised the price after I told her what I wanted her to do.”
“You spent money on me?”
“You’re my friend and I can’t save you every time some chick presses up on you.”
“So, what now?”
“I’ve been thinking…”
“About what?”
“I was wondering if you could make me like you. You know, untouchable.” At this, I busted out laughing.

After about ten minutes of me laughing and John glaring at me, I stopped and wiped the tears in my eyes.
“Oh, you were serious?” I asked, looking at him curiously.
“Yeah, I was. What’s so funny?” He replied, raising an eyebrow.
“Just the whole thought of you being untouchable.”
“Why is that so hard to believe?”
“Well, because you’re like mister popular. You have a lot of friends and people like you. Why do you want to throw that all away?”
“I’m tired of being me. My life is going down the drain, my parents are getting a divorce and my friends don’t like me hanging with you.”
“Oh, sorry about your ‘rents. If your friends don’t like me, then why do you keep hanging out with me?”
“I like you and I like hanging with you. Plus, your one of my bestest friends, I couldn’t give you up for some snotty people.”
“Thanks and all, but if you want to be like me there’s some things that you should know about first. Your friends won’t want anything to do with you, you probably won’t have a girlfriend for a long time, your parents probably will be scared of you or something, and the whole student body will be completely scared of you. The only friend you’ll have is me. Just think about it before you go biting off more than you can chew.”
“I’m willing to give all that up, I don’t like my life.”
“Alright, fine. We’ll start after school on Friday, that way we’ll have all of Spring break to get you like me. It won’t happen over night and you have to be willing to commit. You’ll find out how it feels to be like me, I’m curious as to how long you’ll last.”
“Sounds like a plan, I can’t wait until everyone sees the new me.”
“Don’t tell anyone, just act normal until after spring break. During spring break, cut everyone off and don’t talk to anyone.” He nodded and we got up to leave.

Finally, it was Friday and spring break. John and I were heading to his house; we had to get rid of his clothes. When we got there, we went straight to his room.
“How much money do you got?” I asked, going over to his closet.
“About two hundred.” He replied as I started throwing all his clothes out of the closet and onto his floor.
“Looks like I have to buy everything.” I sighed, as I went through his closet and drawers, making sure everything was on the floor that needed to be on the floor.
“Sometimes, I’m glad you’re rich.” John said, laughing.
“Yeah, me too. Now put all the stuff in bags or something, don’t need any of it now.” I replied as I sat on his bed. He grabbed some bags and started to stuff his clothes in them.

After about an hour, we walked into the mall and went straight to the emo store, it has nothing but black clothes and things. We went around the store and I picked out black jeans, shirts, and accessories. After we made sure the clothes fit John, we checked out and went to the skater store across the way. We looked around for some shoes, finally settling on plain black shoes. After that, we went to the sports store. We looked at the pocket knifes and I bought him a Swiss army knife. Before we left the mall we popped into a hair store and I got some black hair dye. Then, we walked out to my truck.

I pulled up to my house and we dragged everything into the house and up to my room.
“Why are we here?” John asked as we got everything in my room.
“Your room is too small. Plus, we need to get you ready for tomorrow.” I replied, dumping the bags on my bed as John stood near my closet.
“What’s happening tomorrow?” He asked, walking over to the bed.
“I’m teaching you the basics and how to skate. If you’re going to be like me, you need to know how to ride a skate board.” I answered, going through the clothes. I pulled out a black T-shirt with a pair of black baggy jeans. I tossed them to John before I looked for some chains and the hair dye. We went into the bathroom.

About an hour later, John had black hair and looked even hotter than before, if that was even possible.
“Now, those clothes are for tomorrow. Let’s get all this stuff to your house so that you can get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be rough.” I said, packing up all his stuff as he helped.
“Are you sure I need to know how to ride a skateboard?” He asked as we finished packing his stuff back in the bags.
“You don’t have too. I shouldn’t push it on you.” I grabbed a couple bags and headed down to my truck.
“Well, I don’t want to be exactly like you. I just want to be untouchable, no offence.” He was walking behind me with some bags.
“Well, then, no skate boarding. I’ll just teach you the basics. We’ll start with the attitude first. Then, once you mastered that we’ll move on to the knife and so on.” We tossed the bags into the truck and went back up to grab the rest.
“Sounds good, where are we going to practice and such?” We walked into my room.
“Let me worry about that.” We grabbed the rest of the bags and headed back down the stairs.
“Ok, this will be fun. Right?” We got to my truck and tossed the bags in with the rest.
“You’ll see how it is. It’s not easy.” We got in the truck and I pulled out of the driveway.
“What’s not easy about it?”
“Just wait until after spring break, you’ll see how it is for me.”
“It can’t be that bad.”
“It is for me, but who knows what it will be like for you.” We fell silent as I drove to his house.

I got up and turned off my alarm clock, it was ten in the morning. I yawned as I walked into my bathroom to take a shower. After my bathroom duties were done, I walked out of my bathroom and into my room with a towel on. I went through my clothes, picking random things out. I quickly got dressed and walked into the kitchen. Today I was wearing baggy black jeans, a black tank top and steel-toed boots. I had chains on my pants, my three earrings were in place, with my black make-up and I had my bracelets on my arms. On my way to the garage, I grabbed on apple, my keys, and my black leather jacket. I took a bite out of my apple as I hopped in my truck and pulled out of the driveway.

I finished my apple as I pulled up to John’s house and parked on the curb. I got out and walked up to the front door, then knocked. John answered the door with only his pants on. Damn, he looks fine! I thought as I looked over his well-toned, muscled chest.
“Well, I see that you’re dressed.” I said sarcastically, smirking at him.
“How the hell do I put the chains on?” He demanded, walking back to his room. I sighed and followed him. We walked into his room and he grabbed the chains, holding them out for me.
“What would you do without me?” I asked, jokingly as I took the chains and kneeled down in front of him.
“I’d probably die or something.” He replied, laughing. I rolled my eyes and hooked the chains on the belt loops in the front and back of his jeans. I stood up and took a couple steps back. He grabbed his shirt from the bed and put it on, then pulled on his shoes.
“So, how do I look?” He asked, standing up and turning around for me to see all of him. He was wearing the black baggy jeans, shirt, and shoes that we picked out yesterday. His hair was black and spiked.
“You look the part, but can you play the part? How do I look?” I replied, turning around.
“Untouchable, like always.” He sighed and we walked out to my truck. We got in and I pulled out onto the street, heading to our destination.

After an hour of driving, I parked in a deserted gravel parking lot at the edge of town. We got out and walked down a small path near the truck, into the woods. A couple minutes later, we stopped in a small clearing and turned to look at each other.
“Get out your knife.” I commanded as I pulled mine out from my other back pocket.
“Why do we need knifes?” John asked, pulling his out from his front pocket.
“To scare people away and look like total bad asses. Your knife goes in your back pocket, opposite your wallet.” I said, pulling the knife part out. He did the same.
“So, what do I do with it?” He asked, looking at it.
“You know how I play with mine when Josh comes up to me? That’s what you do, just play with it when someone is bugging you. They get scared that your going to do something to them and run away. It comes in handy sometimes when guys aren’t acting right to other people or you, but that doesn’t count for you.” I replied, showing John how to handle his knife.
“What do you mean?” He asked, watching my hands as I played with the knife.
“Nothing, don’t listen to me.” I sighed and put my knife away so that I could move his hands for him. I grabbed his hands and started to move them for him.
“I want to know what you meant.” He pulled his hands away and stared at me intently.
“I just meant that sometimes guys like to mess with girls. Sometimes, I step in for the girls and threaten the guys with my knife. Sometimes, they try it with me and I handle it with my knife.” I let my hands drop to my sides as I stared up at him. I really didn’t want him to know that. He dropped his knife next to him.
“Who messes with you?!” He grabbed my shoulders and shook me slightly.
“Some guys you don’t know. Let go of me.” I glared at him.
“Why didn’t you tell me before?” His grip tightened.
“What can you do? No offence or anything, but you couldn’t even handle some hooker chicks from pressing up on you. I can handle myself! I don’t need a protector!” I pushed him away, making him fall backwards.
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” He looked away from my face. I sighed and held out my hand, offering to help him up.
“Come on, you still need to know how to handle a knife.” He took my hand and I pulled him up. He grabbed his knife and we continued to practice.

About three hours later, he finally got the hang of how to handle the knife.
“That’s enough for today, just keep practicing. If you don’t know how to handle the knife, you’re dead.” I said as I started to head back to the truck. He put his knife away and caught up with me.
“What’s it like? For you, I mean.” He asked, looking at me curiously. I glanced at him while we walked and put my hands in the pockets of my jacket.
“Well, I’ll start at the beginning. It’s easier to understand if I start at the beginning.” I replied, as we got in the truck.
“I got all day.” He said, as we sat in the truck.
“I was about ten and I was starting at a new school. I tried to talk to many people, but they just ignored me because I was new and small. Some guys picked on me and the teachers didn’t care. Some days I would come home with a black eye or busted lip or something like that. My parents were already ignoring me as they do now. They didn’t really care what I did or anything. It was spring break when I got fed up with my life and decided to be this. I asked my parents for money and for the limo, they gave me three thousand and the limo, no questions asked. I went to the mall with the driver and I went shopping. I was too young to buy the pocketknife, so I had him do it. I bought all black clothes and make-up. I bought a skateboard, bike, and accessories. When I went back to school, I was completely different. I wore all black; I had cut my hair, dyed and spiked it. I looked like a total bad a**. No one messed with me or even came near me; if they did, they would get a good kick or a knife to their throat.

“I liked the new me, so I stuck with it. Soon, I became accustomed to having no friends. Until, the next year when a dude named Lars approached me. He said he wanted to be my friend; he was new that year. I shrugged and he followed me around. The next day, I found him with the dudes that used to pick on me. I just ignored it and went on with my life. The next day he came up to me and told me that he didn’t want anything to do with me, that I was too mean and scary. I shrugged and he left. The year went by fast. I was comfortable with my new image. Therefore, I kept it and got used to having people scared of me. It was amusing, but it got lonely. No one ever talked to me or wanted to be partners for some school project or something. Therefore, I deemed myself a loner. I got used to having no guys like me or ask me to school dances. I would often dream of a life of loneliness and not having someone care about me.” I explained, staring out of the window at the trees.
“So, you’ve been this way ever since you were ten?” John asked, shocked. I nodded and started the truck.
“Yeah.” I said, pulling out of the small gravel lot.
“Will it be too hard for me?” He questioned, watching me.
“It was hard for me because I didn’t have anyone to help me or teach me, but you have me. I’ve had years of practice and know what to do.” I answered, turning onto the main road back to town. He nodded and sat back, thinking.

I got up and turned off my alarm, then headed to the bathroom. I came out and got dressed in black skinny jeans, black T-shirt with my black skater shoes and my earrings in each ear. I walked down to the kitchen and sat down at the table, staring at the tabletop. I was snapped out of my trance like state when my cell phone rang.
“Hey Jan, it’s me. You’re late, you are coming right?”
“Crap! I’ll be right there.” I hung up my phone and put it back in my pocket before I grabbed my keys and jacket on my way to my truck. I pulled out of the driveway and to John’s house.

I pulled up to the front of John’s house and honked. He came running out and hopped in the truck before we headed to the mall.
“Sorry I’m late, I got distracted.” I apologized.
“It’s ok.” He replied. We sat in silence as I drove, lost in our own thoughts. John was wearing black skinny jeans and a black T-shirt with his skater shoes. I pulled into the mall’s parking lot and parked. We got out and walked to the doors. We headed to the food court and headed over to our usual table. We were half way there when we noticed that two guys were sitting at it. John was turning to find another table when I grabbed his arm, stopping him.
“Where are you going? We’re going to sit at our table.” I said, turning him to face me.
“There’s two guys there.” He replied, waving to the guys,
“And? This is your chance to work on your attitude. You don’t let people walk all over you or take what you want. If you want something, then you get it.” I explained, dragging him towards the table.
“I don’t know how to handle them.” He whispered, as we got closer to the table.
“Don’t be nice, but don’t start a fight. You’re not ready yet.” I whispered back as we stopped at the table.

The two guys looked up at us and looked me up and down, licking their lips. I rolled my eyes and nudged John, I was standing slightly behind him.
“This is our table.” John said, trying to sound cold. I resisted the urge to smack him upside the head.
“And?” The one blonde haired guy asked.
“Move.” John stated with a little more confidence, sounding a little cold.
“What if we don’t?” The brown haired guy asked.
“We’ll make you.” John replied, coldly. I smirked as I looked at the two.
“Yeah, right, you and what army?” The blonde asked, looking around mockingly.
“My friend told you to leave, so leave.” I stated, coldly as I glared at them and stepped up to stand next to John.
“Right, sorry, we’ll leave.” The brown haired one stammered as they got up and ran to another table at the opposite side of the food court. We sat down and John stared at me.
“How do you do it?” He asked with a sigh.
“You have to be forceful from the start. Sound confident and murderous at the same time. When people act like that, give them a glare that sends shivers down their spines. Don’t be nice and don’t sound unsure. Sound cold form the start.” I explained, looking around.
“I’ll never get it, will I?” John put his head in his hands.
“Like I said, it won’t happen over night.” I patted his arm and smiled.
“JANICE!” I heard someone yell from across the food court. I looked around to find the source of the voice. It sounded vaguely familiar, but I could not place it.

Suddenly, a little boy around six came running up to me and hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged him back.
“Hey squirt, how’s it going?” I asked, ruffling his auburn hair. He was about stomach height, if I was standing up, with innocent sparkling gray eyes. He was dressed in tan cargo pants, an orange shirt and white sneakers.
“Fine, how are you?” He replied, grinning.
“Not too bad.” I answered, smiling. John cleared his throat and I looked at him, confused.
“Janny got a boyfriend! Janny got a boyfriend!” He repeated in a singsong voice.
“He is not my boyfriend, Charlie! John, this is Charlie. Charlie, this is my best friend John.” I introduced, they shook hands and Charlie turned back to me.
“Yeah, yeah, you know you like him.” He said winking. I glared at him as he gulped and ran away.
“CHARLIE!” I yelled, running after him.

I picked Charlie up in front of a toy store, and threw him on my shoulder as I walked back to the food court. He pouted and glared at the ground. I smirked and pulled him off my shoulder as we got to the entrance of the food court. I held onto his shoulders and kneeled down to his level.
“You’re right, I do like him, but he doesn’t know it. I don’t want him to know, not yet.” I explained, looking at the ground.
“Alright, I’m sorry.” He replied, hugging me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, picking him up. He wrapped his legs around my waist as I rested him on my hip and walked back to John.
“Sorry about that John, didn’t want him to get the wrong idea or anything.” I said, sitting down in my chair with Charlie in my lap.
“Not a problem.” John responded, with a glint of knowing in his eyes.
“So, Charlie, where’s your parents? I bet they’re worried about you.” I said, looking back at Charlie. He looked down and twiddled his thumbs.
“Mommy died last year and Daddy is in the hospital.” Charlie replied, sadly.
“How’d you get here?” I asked, putting my hand on his head to push it under my chin.
“Nanny Lily brought me with her and her boyfriend. While they were distracted at one of the stores, I snuck off and went looking around.” Charlie explained, wrapping his arms around my neck.
“Do you know how old she is?” I asked, getting up with Charlie in my arms.
“I think she’s sixteen or something.” Charlie answered, looking up at me. John stood up too.
“Let’s go find her, shall we?” I suggested as I started walking out of the food court.
“Ok, but I’m not sure if she’s still there.” Charlie shrugged. I set him down and grabbed his hand, letting him lead me. I reached back and grabbed John’s hand, making sure I do not loose him.

We got to the Victoria Secret store, where Charlie says that Lily was at when he left. I let Charlie lead me through the store; I left John outside, to find his nanny. After a couple minutes, we found Lily and her boyfriend snogging in the back of the store.
“Charlie, go wait outside with John, please.” I said, as I gently pushed him towards the exit. He nodded and ran off. I turned back to the still making out couple and tapped Lily’s shoulder; her back was to me. They broke apart and she turned around to look at me. She had shoulder length blonde hair with dull blue eyes. She was wearing a revealing shirt and low-rise jeans with hooker boots. She looked about sixteen, give or take a couple months.
“What do you want?” She asked, annoyed. I figured she was not scared because her boyfriend was right behind her.
“I hear you’re a nanny.” I stated, calmly.
“Yeah, what’s it to you?” She replied in a snotty way.
“Do you take care of the Hearson’s kid?” I asked, tilting my head to the side in a questioningly way.
“Yes.” She looked me up and down.
“You taking care of him today?” I stuck my hands in my jacket pockets.
“Yes.” She watched me curiously.
“So, where is he?” I looked around, as if I was expecting him to pop out of nowhere.
“He’s right…” She trailed off when she looked to her right, then to her left. She started to panic when she could not see him.
“Wow, you are a wonderful nanny.” I said sarcastically, glaring coldly at her.
“Shut up, I got to find the little brat.” She said, as she attempted to push past me. I grabbed her upper arm and held her at my side.
“Don’t tell me to shut up. I’m taking Charlie with me and I’m going to tell his father about this. You’ll be out of the job before the end of the day. Now, go back to screwing your boyfriend.” I sneered, pushing her back and into her boyfriend. I turned to leave, but was stopped by a hand grabbing the back of my jacket, pulling me back.
“Don’t talk to my girlfriend like that, b***h.” Her boyfriend hissed in my ear.
“Let go of my jacket if you would like to have kids in the future.” I said through clenched teeth. He let go and turned me around to face him. Before I had a chance to duck, he punched me in the jaw. My head snapped to the side and I put a hand to my jaw.

I turned my head back to see him smirking. I narrowed my eyes and jumped up, kicking him in his chest making him fly backwards into the rack behind him. I turned and ran towards the front of the store; I could hear him getting up to chase me. When I got to the front of the store, I was tackled just outside the door. The dude flipped me over, with one leg on either side of me, straddling my stomach and punched me again. I reached up with my legs, got my feet around his face and pulled him backwards. He fell backwards, off me as I let go of his head. I jumped up and watched him get back up. He came in with another punch, but I crouched down. I swung my leg at his legs, making his legs come out from under him. He fell and I got up again, putting my foot on his throat.
“Don’t come near Charlie or me ever again or I will show no mercy next time.” I stated, to him and his girlfriend who was standing in the doorway of the store. They both nodded and I removed my foot from his throat.

I walked over to John and Charlie, who were watching. Charlie smiled and hugged me, obviously happy to be rid of Lily.
“Are you ok?” John asked worriedly as he looked at my swelling jaw, black eye, and bleeding lip.
“Yeah, let’s get Charlie home.” I replied, grabbing Charlie’s hand and walking towards the parking lot. We reached my truck and I helped Charlie in, sitting him in the middle. I pulled out of the space, then the parking lot, on my way to the hospital.

We walked into the hospital and went to the information desk; I asked where Charlie’s father was. The nurse led the way with John, Charlie and me following. She reached a door and knocked before she headed in, motioning us to stay there for a second. We waited until she came back a few minutes later. She nodded to us before she walked back to the desk. I walked in with Charlie as John stayed outside the door. Charlie’s father, Mr. Hearson, was sitting up on the bed. He looked sick he was pale and weak. He had machines hooked up to him and beeping non-stop. He looked up at us and smiled a weak smile.
“Hey Mr. Hearson.” I greeted quietly as Charlie went up to his father’s side.
“So nice to see you again, Janice.” He replied, weakly.
“I would’ve been here sooner, but I wasn’t informed that you were sick. I’m sorry to hear about Mrs. Hearson.” I said, sadly.
“It’s quite understandable. Now, how is it that you got a hold of Charlie when Lily had him?” He raised his eyebrow, questioningly.
“Well, I was at the mall with my friend when Charlie came up to me. It seems that Lily wasn’t paying any attention to him. She was in the Victoria Secret store snogging with her boyfriend. I figured that Charlie shouldn’t be exposed to that kind of behavior, so I thought I’d take him home, but I wanted to come see you first. So, that I could tell you what happened.” I explained, sitting in a chair on his left.
“Well, I guess I have to find another nanny for him.” He leaned back and closed his eyes.
“Sir? I was wondering how long you need a nanny for him and what does the nanny do exactly.” I watched him sadly.
“I have cancer and the doctors say that I won’t be here much longer. Only until I leave, then he will be staying with Nicole.” He coughed, and sighed.
“He can’t stay with her! I’ve seen the way she treats him when you’re not around! He’d be better off with me, than with her!” I jumped up, pointing to the side at no one in particular.
“Last year when I was diagnosed, I named you a guardian. If something happens to my sister, he’s in your hands.” He looked at me, with a weak smile. He looked tired.
“It’s an honor to be named a guardian.” I bowed at the waist.
“I couldn’t trust any one else, you’re like his big sister and I’m sorry that you haven’t been around the last few months, but I know you’re busy with your school and friends.” I sat back down as he offered me his hand. I gladly held it.
“I’m not that busy, I only have one friend and he’s all that I could ask for. He’s all that I need, but if you would like, sir, I can be Charlie’s nanny until then. He can stay at my house and I’ll take good care of him, but only if it’s ok with you.”
“Yes, I think that would be an excellent idea.” He nodded and slowly drifted off to sleep. I kissed his hand before I picked up Charlie; he was standing next to me, and walked out of the room.

I pulled up to my house and we got out, walking inside. I set Charlie down at the door and he ran up to his room. Charlie used to stay over a lot, so I had a room made just for him. John and I went up to my room. We plopped down on the bed and John stared at me.
“What?” I asked, turning my head to look at him. We were lying horizontally, with our legs hanging off the bed, next to each other.
“What’s the story with Charlie and his family?” John asked, turning on his side and resting his head on his hand, still staring at me.
“Well, I’ve known Mr. Hearson, Charlie’s dad, for as long as I can remember. I used to always hang around their house; they were more like my parents than my real parents ever were. Anyways, after Charlie was born I used to help take care of him. When he got old enough, he used to come and stay the night over here when his parents needed a break or something. He’s like the baby brother I’ve never had. His family is like my family. When he had problems at school, I was the first one he came too. I helped him with the bullies and stuff. He was the only kid that’s not scared of me because he knows me. Now, his father is dieing and he’s going to stay here until it happens. Then, he has to leave to his abusive aunt’s house.” I explained, looking at the ceiling. I felt John’s arm on my waist as he pulled me closer to him and kissed the side of my head.
“Don’t think about that, just think about how you’re going to teach me and take care of Charlie.” He whispered before he got up and stretched. Damn! I cursed as I got up and walked towards the door.

Finally, it was Monday, the day spring break ended and we had to go back to school. John had almost mastered everything; he just needs to work on his fighting. I walked downstairs to the kitchen, Charlie had to go back home for school. I had to pick him up after school and return him before six on school nights, but I had him over the weekends. I was wearing black baggy jeans, black tank top, and chains with black mascara, eye shadow, and eyeliner. My hair was pulled into a small ponytail at the nape of my neck with my earrings in place and I had my steel-toed boots on. I grabbed my leather jacket and keys before heading out to my truck. I pulled up to John’s house and honked. He came running out a couple minutes later wearing black skinny jeans, a black muscle shirt, black jacket, and black skater shoes with the chains on his pants. He jumped in and we headed to school.

We walked into the school and everyone stopped to stare at John. They made a path for us while we walked to our lockers, keeping our faces emotionless. We went to our lockers and Josh came up behind me. This time, instead of just pushing me he squeezed my butt. I dropped by books and turned around to face him; he was smirking smugly as his three friends laughed. I stepped up to him and grabbed his private.
“Touch my butt again and you will never be able to have kids or do anything like that.” I whispered in his ear as he nodded his head. I let go and pushed him back as hard as I could. He fell backwards into his friends before he scrambled up and ran away somewhere. I turned back to my locker to finish putting my books in my bag. I closed the locker and started to walk towards John. I walked up to him and we went off to our classes, with everyone staring at us.

At lunch, John’s friends cautiously approached our table and looked at me in disgust.
“John, what are you doing with it and dressed like that?” One off them asked, earning a glance from me.
“Her name is Janice, not ‘it’ and I happen to like how I’m dressed.” John replied, coldly.
“Well, we don’t. Why do you even hang with her? She’s nothing, but a freak. No one even likes her because she’s so scary. Everyone is starting to think you only hang with her because you feel sorry for her.” Another one replied, glancing at me.
“Why would I feel sorry for her?” John asked.
“Because her parents left her when she was twelve, obviously they didn’t want her. I don’t think anyone does, so why hang with her?” The third one said, shooting a small glare at me. I glared and slowly rose from my chair when I heard this, causing the three to step back in fear.
“What did you just say?” I asked in a cold, murderous, and dangerous voice sending shivers down all their backs. John jumped up and grabbed me around the front of my waist, holding me back from lashing out at them. He knew my parents were a touchy subject for me.
“Calm down, Jan.” John whispered in my ear, looking around. I growled at them before I grabbed my bag, pushed John back and walked out of the cafeteria to my truck.

I jumped in my truck and sat there, with my forehead on the steering wheel. If I could cry, I probably would have, but I have never cried. When my parents left, I did not cry; when someone died in my family, I did not cry. Nor, will I cry now. There was a knock on my window and I looked to see John standing there, looking at me. I sighed and rolled down the window.
“What do you want?” I snapped at him.
“I’m sorry for what they said back there. I do not really know where they got the information. I never thought that they would be that mean to you.” John apologized, hanging his head.
“Now, you know what I go through everyday. People being asses and bitches.” I stated, rolling up the window and jumping out of the truck. He just stared at me as I walked back towards school. The rest of the day went by without any interruptions. Everyone just kept their distance and stared at us, mainly John.

The next day, I had a feeling something was going to happen. I got up with a weird feeling that I was going to get into something. I walked down to the kitchen wearing a black T-shirt, black jeans and my normal skater shoes. I had no make-up on, I had my earrings in, and a spiked choker around my neck with my hair pulled in a high ponytail. I grabbed my keys along with my black hoodie and jumped in my truck. I pulled out of my driveway and went to John’s house. I stopped in front of his house and waited for him to come out. He came running out and jumped in the truck. He was wearing a black T-shirt with black skinny jeans and boots. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.
“What’s wrong?” John asked; he knew that when I wore my choker I was serious.
“I don’t know I just have a really strange feeling that I’m going to get in some s**t.” I replied, as I neared the school.
“Well, I can try to help.” He said, shrugging.
“No, you’re not ready just yet. Do you know if your friends are able to do anything?” I asked, glancing at him from the corner of my eye.
“They might, I don’t know.” He answered as I pulled into a parking space.
“Alright, well, try to stay away from me today. We’ll meet up in the cafeteria.” I stated as we got out and walked towards school.

It was lunch; John and I were at our usual table when his friends, along with Josh and his three, came up to us. John looked at me and I glanced at him, and then motioned for him to move to another table before I looked back at the seven sixteen year olds in front of me.
“Can I help you?” I asked coldly, glaring at them.
“Yeah, you can leave John alone. He doesn’t belong with you, he belongs with us. Everyone knows that you love him, so if you don’t want him to know then you better leave him alone.” One of John’s friends said, smirking at me.
“Oh, so you think that you have something on me? I don’t care if he knows.” I said, standing up and staring at them.
“You’re bluffing.” The second one said, looking around for all the exits.
“Am I?” I asked, getting up and standing on the table.
“What are you doing?” The third asked, sacredly. I just smirked and looked around the room.
“People, people! I have an announcement! Listen up!” I shouted, getting everyone’s attention. “It seems that these three people think that they can threaten me with telling a guy that I’m in love with him. Well, I thought that I’d beat them to the punch so that they have nothing over me. So, everyone take note that I, Janice Tulson, am in love with my best friend. I won’t say his name because it’d probably embarrass the hell out of him, so use your imagination. I may have only one, or I may have a couple that doesn’t go to this school.” I shouted, before I got down with everyone staring at me in shock.
“No way!” The first said in disbelief.
“Is that all you got?” I asked them all, smirking. I grabbed my bag and left the cafeteria.

At free period, I went out to the back of the school to my favorite giant Oak tree in the corner of the schoolyard. I sat down at the base and leaned back, closing my eyes. After a couple minutes, I was pushed down on my back and someone was straddling my waist while two more held my hands and feet. I opened my eyes to see Josh and his friends holding me down. I did not struggle, just kept an emotionless face as I stared at Josh.
“Well, looks like I get what I wanted after all.” Josh purred as he leaned down and nuzzled my hair.
“Is that what you really think?” I asked, moving my head away from him.
“It’s what I know.” He stated, licking my cheek.
“Dream on.” I said as I pushed my lower body up with all my strength, throwing him off and into the guy that was holding my hands above my head. They fell backwards and I pulled my hands free before I sat up. The guy holding my legs just stared at me. I yanked one foot from his grasp and kicked him in the face, before I jumped up and turned to see Josh and his friend get up. They rubbed their heads and Josh charged at me. I side stepped and held my arm to the side in front of his neck; clothes line move. He ran into my arm and flipped backwards as the other two came running up to me. It was too late when I noticed them; they tackled me to the ground. We got up and they each held one of my arms to keep me from going anywhere.
“I guess there’s been a change of plans. I won’t have you; I’ll just beat you to a bloody pulp and make you wish that you let me have you.” Josh stated as he stood up and brushed a hand against my cheek before he punched my jaw. I did not show any signs of pain so he punched me in the gut. As he kept punching me in the face and gut, I did not give him the satisfaction of showing the pain that I felt.

When the bell rang, ending free period, Josh stopped punching me and his friends dropped me. I fell to my knees and Josh gave one final punch to the face and a kick to the gut. I doubled over, coughing up blood that mixed with the blood from my nose, lip, and teeth. Josh and his friends laughed as they walked back towards school. After a minute, I slowly rose to my feet, wiping the blood from face on my shirt and grabbed my bag before I started to walk to class. When I got to the building, blood was still sliding down my face and I’d cough up a little blood every other minute or so. I held the front of my ribs as I walked into class.

Everyone turned and stared at me, as I stumbled to my desk. The teacher came up to me and kneeled down next to me.
“Are you ok? I’ll get you a nurse’s pass.” He said, getting up, but I grabbed his arm before he could go anywhere.
“No, I’m ok. Don’t pay any attention to me and get on with the class.” I choked out as I coughed up a little more blood. He hesitantly nodded before walking up to the front of the classroom and started the lesson. I would catch people glancing at me occasionally as I tried to keep my blood under control.

After my last class dismissed me, I ran to the bathroom and washed my face, trying to get the blood off. A few minutes later, I walked out, cleaner, and walked to my truck. I got within sight of my truck when John came running up to me, he was waiting at my truck for me.
“Oh my god, Jan! Are you ok? What happened?” He asked frantically as he reached to touch my face. I pulled away from him and continued walking to my truck with him following.
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me. I can take a little beating, but I don’t know if it was such a good idea for you to do this.” I said as we got in the truck and John turned to look at me.
“Why? Did they try to threaten you again?”
“Not after lunch, I just don’t want you to get involved. It’s not all about you, they finally have an excuse to approach me. I just don’t want something to happen to you.” I started the truck and pulled out of the parking space.
“I don’t care, I like the way I look and I’m not going to dump you just because of some idiots.”
“Yeah, well, just know that I won’t always be there to protect you.” I pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards Charlie’s school. We sat in silence for a while, before John spoke up.
“Why?” I glanced at him, a little confused.
“Why do they do this?” He turned to look out the window.
“Because I have the guts to be different and they think that just because my parents left they can treat me like s**t. They make me feel bad because they get off on it.” I pulled up to the front of the Charlie’s school.
“Is it me?”
“You need to clarify because my head hurts and so much has happened today, I’m getting confused.” I smiled when I saw Charlie running up to the truck.
“Today, at lunch, is it me?”
“Yeah.” I avoided his eyes while he got out and let Charlie in.
“Janny, are you ok?” Charlie asked, loudly as he looked at me.
“Yeah, squirt, I’m ok.” I replied as I pulled out of the lot and headed for John’s house.
“Actually, I was wondering if I could hang at your house for a while.” John said as I nodded.

All three of us walked in the house and Charlie ran up to his room to start his homework. John and I walked up the stairs to my room. I walked in my room and threw my bag on my bed as John shut the door and leaned against it as I went over to my desk turning on my laptop.
“How long?” He asked, staring at my back.
“Start of sophomore year. Why are you asking me these questions? I said it, now I want to be done with it.” I stated angrily as I got up and grabbed my bag from my bed before I sat back down at my desk.
“You don’t even want to know how I feel.” John walked over to me and stood behind me.
“No, because I could be right. I don’t want to risk anything.” I turned around and smiled up at him. When I am sitting down, I come up to about his rib cage.
“I get it, I’m sorry for asking all these questions.” He put a hand on my shoulder.
“It’s not your fault.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my head in his stomach. He wrapped his arms around my neck and did not protest that some of my dried blood would get on his shirt. I pulled him closer and shut my eyes tighter; the pain from my ribs was getting to me.

I woke up and looked at the clock, three in the morning. I tried to sit up, but fell back down from a very sharp pain in my ribs. I looked around for my cell phone, only to find it on my side table. I reached over and grabbed it, then dialed John’s number, hoping to all gods that he would pick it up.
“Hello?” He answered, tiredly.
“J-John, I-I….m-my…” I tried to talk, but the pain was getting to be too much.
“Janice! Are you ok!” John sounded fully awake now. I cried out in pain and dropped the phone as I held my rib cage, rolling around in pain with my eyes tightly closed.

After about ten minutes, I heard someone banging on the front door. I bit my lip, from the pain, so hard that it started to bleed again. I heard a window break downstairs, then running footsteps on the stairs before my door flew open and John came running in.
“Hold on Jan.” He whispered as he fumbled to get his cell phone out of his pocket. I waited while he was on the phone with the 9-1-1 operator, still rolling around in pain. Soon, I stopped and passed out.

I woke up in a white room; John was sitting on the bed next to me and holding my hand. I groaned and turned my head to the side. I felt no pain in my side, so I guessed that I was in the hospital.
“You’re awake! They said you’d wake up soon.” John exclaimed in relief as he squeezed my hand. I looked him in the eye and knew that he wished to hug me.
“Where’s the doctor?” I asked groggily as I began to focus more.
“I don’t know, probably checking in on another patient. Something wrong?” John looked at me, concerned.
“No, I just want to talk to him and see when I can get out of here.” I was fully awake now.
“I’ll go find him, try not to move so much.” John got up and left the room. I stared out the small window and saw that it was about eight in the morning, give or take a couple hours. I have a feeling that Josh won’t give up and neither will John’s so called friends. Maybe, if I get John to stop being friends with me, he won’t be involved and nothing will happen to him. I have to make him think that I don’t want to be around him anymore, then he’ll be safe and away from my complicated life. I’m going to hate myself and he’s going to blame himself, but I’m only doing this for his own good. I thought as John and the doctor came in.

The doctor came over and checked on the machines.
“Well, you seem to be doing fine. You should be able to leave tomorrow. We just need to make sure that you didn’t break anything important and that you can go on with your life. You broke four ribs, two on each side, and they should be fine by tomorrow.” The doctor explained, writing something down on his clipboard.
“Cool, thanks doctor. Oh, and do you think that you can give me something to knock me out until I can leave?” I asked, hoping he would say yes. He nodded and left.
“Why do you want to be knocked out?” John asked, sitting on the bed.
“I hate staying in hospitals. Now, go home and go to school. I won’t let you stay here and be bored to death.” I stated firmly with a small glare. He sighed, nodded, and got up. He leaned down and kissed my forehead before leaving. I watched him go before I turned over and went to sleep.

I walked into my house and sighed, it was around noon on Saturday and I just got out of the hospital. I walked up to my room and plopped down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling wondering if I was doing the right thing before I grabbed my phone and called John.
“Hey John, can you come over? I really need to talk to you.”
“Yeah, sure, be right there Jan.” He hung up and I walked down the stairs to wait in the living room. I bit my lip as I forced myself to get angry. A couple minutes later, the doorbell rang and I went to answer it, angry.
“Hey Jan, is everything ok?” John asked as he stepped in and closed the door behind him. I turned and walked into the living room with him following close behind.
“I wanted to tell you that we’re no longer friends.” I said, faking my anger and coldness.
“What? Why?” He asked, as he looked me in the eyes.
“I got beat to a bloody pulp because of you!” I yelled at him; I could see that this was hurting him it showed in his eyes.
“What do you mean?” He looked at his feet, not being able to bear looking at me.
“Your friends got Josh to beat me up because they hate me for making you like this!” As I talked, pieces of my heart fell with every word I said, but I continued yelling, “If it wasn’t for you, then I wouldn’t have been beaten like that! Everything is your entire fault! If only you left me alone our first day as freshmen, then I wouldn’t be here like this!” What was left of my heart shattered as I said the last part.
“I thought you loved me! Do you regret meeting me and being my friend for the past three years?” John stomped up to me. I forced myself to look him in the eye, trying not to show any emotions.
“I was mistaken, how could I love a stuck up snob like you! You’re just like the rest of them and you bring the color black nothing but shame! Yah, I regret ever meeting you!” He slapped me and glared hurtfully at me; my whole being and reason to live just shattered.
“I knew I was too good for you! You’re nothing but a stupid, idiotic freak that nobody wants! I thought I loved you too, but now I see you for what you really are!” He turned around and left, slamming the door on his way out. I fell to my knees and held my stinging cheek.

It was lunchtime on Monday and I walked into the cafeteria to see John sitting with his friends. He was back to his normal bright colored clothes, but his hair was still black. I got my lunch and walked to my usual table near the back. I sat down and took a bit of my lunch when Josh came up to me. He sat down next to me, put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer.
“I heard that you and Johnny boy are no longer friends. I’m glad that you finally see him for what he really is.” Josh whispered in my ear as he nuzzled my hair.
“Oh, and what is that?” I asked with disgust as I pulled my head away from Josh.
“A stupid, snotty, little b***h dumb a** that is just like everyone else. He doesn’t care about you; he was only using you because his friends told him too. No one cares for you, but me.” Josh replied. I pulled out of his grasp and stood up. I smiled sweetly at him before I punched him in the nose, breaking it.
“So, he never told you about it?” Josh asked, holding his bleeding nose, with a hint of truth and knowing. I looked at him, and then turned my attention to John. He was only two tables away and since the cafeteria was silent, he could hear the whole thing. He looked a little guilty and angry.
“You know what, I don’t even care anymore. We’re no longer friends because of you, Josh and because of his b***h a** friends.” I stated coldly as I climbed up on the table.
“What are you talking about now Janice?” I heard John question as he came closer to me.
“Listen up people! I’m tired of all of you thinking that you can just come up to me and talk to me or something! Next time someone approaches me without my permission, I will not hesitate to kill them! So, if you feel lucky then go ahead and approach me or talk to me! Otherwise, leave me the hell alone! Don’t talk to me, don’t look at me, don’t think about me, and don’t even touch me!” I screamed at the cafeteria before I got off the table, grabbed my bag and left for my next class.

It has been three weeks since the scene in the cafeteria and no one has tried anything. They barely even look at me. I miss John so much and when he’s not looking I look at him. Sometimes, it gets to be too much to bare and I cut my arm with my pocketknife. By now, I have at least ten scars on each arm and I don’t even bother to cover them up. I let everyone see my scars where I cut myself. No one cares, let alone asks why, except Charlie. He notices, but I tell him that it’s nothing and he better not do it or I’ll kick his butt from here to China. I am currently walking down the hall to the bathrooms, when I hear a grunt of pain from a hall that I passed. I quickly double back and sneak a peek around the corner to see Josh punch John in the gut while his friends hold him. I quietly walk up behind Josh and grab his hand just as he pulled back to punch John in the face. Josh turned to look at who dares interrupt him.
“I suggest you leave him alone or die a most painful death.” I stated in a murderous tone with a glare that promised death.
“R-Right, come on guys.” Josh stuttered as he ran off down the hallway. His friends drop John and run after Josh, scared for their lives. I step up to John who is kneeling on the floor and hold out my hand to help him up.

John looks up at me, with a confused expression before he takes my hand and I pulled him up. He looks down at my arm and I jerked it back as if it was on fire.
“What are you doing to yourself?” He asked, searching my eyes.
“Why do you care? You’re not my friend and never were. From what I hear, you were put up to it by your friends and never did care about me.” I responded, with a hint of sadness.
“That’s how it was at first, but…” He stopped when I held up my hand.
“I don’t want any excuses. Everything I knew was just a lie to hurt me. I guess I should be used to it, but I never expected it from you. You’re no different than them.” I walked away to the bathrooms, where I was originally going.

I got in my truck and headed towards Charlie’s school to pick him up for the day. I pulled up to the front of the school just as my phone rang. I dug around in my bag until I found it.
“Hello?” I answered as Charlie came running up to the truck.
“Hello, is this Janice Tulson?” A man asked.
“Yes, what can I do for you?”
“I’m calling on behalf of Clowsly Hospital.”
“Is everything ok? What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry, but Mr. Hearson passed away this afternoon.”
“He-he did?”
“Yes, I’m so sorry, but he wanted you to be the first one I called. Good day.” He hung up and I looked over at Charlie, who just got in the truck with a smile. His smile slowly faded as he saw the saddened look on my face.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, fearing the worst. I put on a smile and shook my head as I pulled out of the parking lot, heading to my house.

I pulled into the driveway and we went inside.
“Charlie, I have to talk to you.” I said, as he reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Okey-dokey.” He replied, as I lead him into the living room. I sat down on the couch and pulled him into my lap, hugging him close.
“This is really important and I need you to listen carefully. It’s about your father.” Charlie looked up at me, looking sad and broken. I continued, “He passed away this afternoon. I’m sorry Charlie, I’m sorry that you have to go through life without your parents.” Charlie burst into tears and buried his head in my shoulder as he sobbed. I wrapped my arms tightly around him as I let a single tear roll down my cheek. I rocked back and forth, trying to comfort him.

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Spectrum of Darkness
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Aug 18, 2008 @ 05:53pm
i cant pm you or comment, you disabled them

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