So, ever have an event were a bunch of family from somewhere across the world come and stay at your house?
Well it happens pretty often.
So my cousin just got married.
As a result, 6 people are staying at our house.
I've been kicked out of my room!
I've been sleeping on the coach for the past week give or take a day.
Not comfortable.
On another note, relatives are also really cool to have.
When they leave they give you mucho mucho molah!
Do I hear a cha-ching bling bling?
8D /random sounds effect
School starts soon.
Summer is getting shorter every year.
My birthday was two months ago, yet I have still to receive my gift!
I want the iPod Touch + Skullcandy headphones.
Toodles for nao.
Btw, Lyssa is totally pretty, right?
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Jesus On A Stick
Mostly write when I'm depressed, going away somewhere, or thinking about something so much that I explode.
Erratic Elir
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Is quitting Gaia after more then 5 years.
It's been fun! Toodles~
Thanks to all of those wonderful people that made this place my Haven in a time of need.
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Erratic Elir Community Member |
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Anyway, be nice to your family~
Your cousin calls you master, how bad can that be? xD
Eww @ school.
I won't have an Elir fase to talk to when I stay up late anymore. D: <3