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View User's Journal

1001 quiz ((using this for the forum))
1. Is your birthday in January?
2. February?
3. March?
4. April?No
5. May?No
6. June?No
7. July?no
8. August?no
9. September?no
10. October?no
11. November?YES!
12. December?no
13. Does your birthday fall in between the 1st and the 5th?no
14. Between 6th or 10th?yes
15. Between 11th or 15th?no
16. Between 16th or 20th?no
17. Between 21st or 25th?no
18. Between 26th or 31st?no
19. Is your Zodiac sign the Aries?no
20. Taurus?no
21. Gemini?no
22. Cancer?no
23. Leo?no
24. Virgo?no
25. Libra?no
26. Scorpio?yes
27. Sagittarius?no
28. Capricorn?no
29. Aquarius?no
30. Pisces?no
31. Were you born under the year of the Rat?no
32. Ox?no
33. Tiger?no
34. Rabbit?no
35. Dragon?no
36. Snake?no
37. Horse?no
38. Sheep?yes
39. Monkey?no
40. Rooster?no
41. Dog?no
42. Pig?no
43. Tired yet of answering questions about your birthday?Yes
44. Ready for more “thrilling” questions?no
45. Is your hair color currently your natural hair color?yes
46. Is your hair color currently not your natural hair color?no
47. Is your current hair color Brown?yes
48. Blonde?no
49. White?no
50. Red? Naturaly tinted so, yes
51. Blue?no
52. Green?no
53. Black?no
54. Purple?no
55. Orange?no
56. Would you never shave your hair?um....no
57. Do you shave your hair?no
58. Is your hair long?no
59. Short?no
60. Medium length?yes
61. Is your hair permed?no
62. Have you ever permed your hair?no
63. Is your hair naturally curly?yes ((ug)))
64. Straight?no

65. Wavy?yes
66. Is your hair currently highlighted?no
67. Is your hair layered?yes
68. Do you like your hair currently?I never do ((no))
69. Have you thought about changing your hair color?yes
70. Have you thought about changing your hair style?yes
71. Tired of answering to questions about hair?yes
72. We’re moving on to eyes, excited?yes
73. Is your eye color naturally blue?no
74. Green?no
75. Hazel?yesish ((they change))

76. Brown?yesiish
77. Black?no
78. Red?no
79. Do you wear prescription glasses?yes
80. Do you wear non- prescription glasses?no
81. Do you wear prescription contact lens?no
82. Do you wear non- prescription contact lens?no
83. Would you ever like to change your eye color to blue?no
84. Red?no
85. Green?no

86. Hazel?no
87. Brown?no
88. Black?no
89. White?no
90. Yellow?no
91. Purple?no
92. Orange?no
93. Would you ever consider wearing cat’s eye contacts?no
94. Have you ever worn cat’s eye contacts?no
95. Do you like your eyes currently?yes
96. Is your eyesight 20/20?no
97. Are you near-sighted?yes
98. Are you far-sighted?no
99. Bored yet?yes
100. Woot! You’ve done 100 questions so far. Are you proud of this achievement?yes

101. Excited to do 900 more?no
102. Is your ethnic background Caucasian?no
103. African?no
104. Chinese?no
105. Japanese?no
106. Philapennse?no
107. Mexican?no
108. Native?yes
109. Spanish?no
110. Is your ethnic background one not listed above?yes
111. Are you under 5’0”?no
112. Are you between 5’1” and 5’5”?no
113. Are you in between 5’6” and 6’0”yes
114. Are you taller than 6’0”?no
115. Do you like your height?sometimes
116. Are you single?yes
117. Married?no
118. Divorced?no
119. Widowed?no
120. Are you heterosexual?no
121. Bi-sexual?yes
122. Homosexual?yes
123. Ok, we’re done the About You questions. Ready for more?nope

Are you…

124. Active?yes
125. Adventurous?yes
126. Affectionate?yes
127. Easily afraid?no
128. Ambitious?yes
129. Easily angered?yes
130. Easily annoyed?yes
131. Annoying?yes
132. Apologetic?yes
133. Arrogant?yes
134. Attentive?yes
135. Easily bored?yes
136. Brave?yes
137. Brilliant?yes
138. Careful?no
139. Careless?yes
140. Cautious?sometimes
141. Cheerful?yes
142. Childish?yes
143. Clever?yes
144. Clumsy?yes
145. Confident?yes
146. Easily confused?yes
147. Considerate?yes
148. Cooperative?yes
149. Courageous?yes
150. Cowardly?yes
151. Cruel?yes
152. Curios?yes
153. Dangerous?yes
154. Demanding?yes
155. Dependable?yes
156. Dishonest?yes
157. Disrespectful?yes
158. Dull?yes
159. Easygoing?no
160. Easily embarrassed?no
161. Encouraging?yes
162. Energetic?yes
163. Evil?yes
164. Faithful?yes
165. Fearless?yes
166. Foolish?yes
167. Friendly?yes
168. Funny?yes
169. Gentle?yes
170. Glamorous?no
171. Graceful?no
172. Greedy?yes
173. Healthy?yes
174. Helpful?yes
175. Honest?yes
176. Imaginative?yes
177. Impatient?yes
178. Impolite?yes
179. Inconsiderate?yes
180. Independent?yes
181. Industrious?yes
182. Innocent?yes
183. Intelligent?yes
184. Lazy?yes
185. Lively?yes
186. Lonely?yes
187. Loving?yese
188. Loyal?yes
189. Lucky?yes
190. Mature?yes
191. Mean?yes
192. Messy?yes
193. Mysterious?yes
194. Naughty?yes
195. Nice?yes
196. Obedient?yes
197. Picky?yes
198. Polite?yes
199. Popular?nope
200. Positive?yes

201. Precise?yes
202. Rational?yes
203. Reliable?yes
204. Religious? Not in your sense of the word
205. Responsible?yes
206. Rowdy?yes
207. Rude?yes
208. Easily scared?no
209. Secretive?yes
210. Selfish?yes
211. Serious?yes
212. Shy?yes
213. Silly?yes
214. Sly?yes
215. Smart?yes
216. Sneaky?yes
217. Spoiled?yes
218. Stingy?yes
219. Strange?yes
220. Strict?yes
221. Stubborn?yes
222. Sweet?yes
223. Talented?yes
224. Thoughtful?yes
225. Thoughtless?yes
226. Tolerant?yes
227. Touchy?yes
228. Trustworthy?yes
229. Unfriendly?yes
230. Useful?yes
231. Weak?yes
232. Wicked?yes
233. Wise?yes
234. Easily worried?yes
235. Ok! Done all those questions! Feel good about yourself?not especially

Have you ever...

236. Seen a sunset?yes
237. Seen a sunrise?yes
238. Been a guest to a surprise party?yes
239. Been the host to a surprise party?no
240. Been given a surprise party?no
241. Been in a fist fight?yes
242. Been on TV?no
243. Been to a live theatre?yes
244. Broken a bone?no
245. Broken more than one bone at a time?nope
246. Wondered what it be like to have a cast?yes
247. Been on a dated?yes
248. Been in a relationship?yes
249. Broken up with someone?yes
250. Called your bf/gf by the wrong name?yes
251. Cheated on an exam?yes
252. Caught someone cheating on an exam?yes
253. Reported someone cheating on an exam?no
254. Got caught cheating on an exam?no
255. Cried in public?Oh the horrible memories.....(yes)
256. Screamed in public?yes
257. Kissed in public?yes
258. Dated someone of a different race than you?no
259. Driven a sports car?no
260. Driven a truck?no
261. Driven a bus?no
262. Driven a standard?no
263. Driven an automatic?no
264. Dine and dashed?no
265. Eaten frog legs? In october I will ((no))
266. Snails?Agian, october ((no))
267. Calamari?no
268. Woke up not know where you were?yes
269. Got drunk?no
270. Remembered a night after drinking?yes
271. Forgotten a night after drinking?no
272. Fallen asleep while taking a bath?yes
273. Fallen asleep while taking a shower?almost ((no))
274. Fallen asleep while driving?no
275. Fallen asleep at a bar?no
276. Fallen down the stairs?yes
277. Been pushed down the stairs?yes
278. Fallen on top of someone?yes
279. Fallen on top of someone purposely?yes
280. Have some fall on top of you?yes
281. Forgotten your mother’s birthday?yes
282. Father’s?yes
283. Girlfriend’s / Boyfriend’s?yes
284. Sibling’s?no
285. Given jewellery to a bf/gf?yes
286. Gone mountain climbing?no
287. Gone bungee jumping?no
288. Gone skydiving?no
289. Gone skiing?no
290. Gone surfing?no
291. Seen a ghost?yes
292. Been a ghost in a dream?yes
293. Had a DejaVu experience?yes
294. Made cheesecake?no
295. Made muffins?yes
296. Made cookies?yes
297. Made banana bread?yes
298. Cooked a Thanksgiving supper?yes
299. Cooked a Christmas supper?yes
300. Cooked for more than 5 people?yes

301. Met a celebrity?yes
302. Played a joke on someone?yes
303. Fallen for a practical joke?yes
304. Told someone you loved them, and meant it?yes
305. Have someone tell you they loved you, and meant it?how do you know if they meant it? ((yes--I think))
306. Said I love you, and didn’t mean it?yes
307. Have someone tell you they loved you, when they didn’t?yes
308. Regretted saying I love you?yes
309. Ridden a horse?yes
310. Ridden a pony?no
311. Ridden a donkey?no
312. Ridden a camel?no
313. Ridden a motorcycle?yes
314. Said yes when you meant no?yes
315. Slept in a tent?yes
316. Slept in a trailer?yes
317. Swam in an ocean?no
318. Swam in a lake?yes
319. Swam in a river?yes
320. Gone fishing?yes
321. Gone fly fishing?no
322. Gone ice fishing?no
323. Fished in the ocean?no
324. Fished on a lake?yes
325. Fished by a river?yes
326. Lied?yes
327. Ridden a skateboard?yes
328. Ridden a long board?no
329. Tired In-line skating?yes
330. Experienced an earthquake?no
331. Experienced a tornado?yes
332. Experienced a hurricane?no
333. Ripped your pants in public?yes ((UG!!!!))
334. Ripped your pants at home?yes
335. Kissed someone by mistake?no
336. Kissed a member of the same sex?yes
337. Played Truth or Dare?yes
338. Played Spin the Bottle?yes
339. Had a sleepover with the opposite sex?yes
340. Laughed until tears came from your eyes?yes
341. Laughed until some kind of liquid came out of your nose?yes
342. Sprained your ankle?yes
343. Sprained your wrist?yes
344. Written an article for a school’s newspaper?yes
345. Written an article for a local newspaper?yes
346. Written an article for a national newspaper?no
347. Written an article for a global newspaper?no
348. Been in a car accident?yes
349. Seen a car accident?yes
350. Been called to the principal’s office?yes
351. Been called to your boss’s office?no
352. Dropped out of a class or course?no
353. Skipped a class or a course?nope
354. Reported someone skipping a class or a course?no
355. On the radio?no
356. Received a love letter?yes
357. Sent a love letter?yes
358. Seen a tornado?yes
359. Milked a cow?yes
360. Owned a cat?yes
361. Owned a dog?yes
362. Owned a bird?no
363. Owned a lizard?yes
364. Owned a snake?no
365. Owned a spider?yes
366. Owned a fish?yes ((And I loved Mr. Goldy. Too bad Cricket [cousin's snake] ate him*sob*))
367. Owned an exotic animal?no
368. Kept a special blanket or bed for your pet to sleep on?yes
369. Let your pet sleep in or on your bed with you?yes
370. Given your pet a special treat?yes
371. Built an igloo?yes
372. Built a sandcastle?yes
373. Held a gun?yes
374. Fired a gun?yes
375. Killed a wild animal?yes
376. Hugged a tree?yes
377. Walked into the wall?yes
378. Walked into a lamppost?yes
379. Walked into someone you knew?yes
380. Walked into someone you didn’t know?yes
381. Walked into someone you had a crush ons?yes
382. Saved a piece of chewing gum for later?yes
383. Called a woman “Sir”?yes
384. Called a man “Ma’am”?yes
385. Called a teacher mom or dad?yes
386. Called a friend mom or dad?yes
387. Asked someone when they were due and wasn’t pregnant?no
388. Seen an elephant?yes
389. Seen a lion?yes
390. Seen a bear?yes
391. Seen a monkey?yse
392. Seen a crocodile?yes
393. Had a conflict with a teacher or boss?yes
394. Stolen something?yes
395. Been caught stealing something?yes
396. Reported someone stealing?yes
397. Stopped someone stealing?yes
398. Failed a class or course?no
399. Kept a secret for someone?yes
400. Told people a secret a friend asked you to keep?yes

401. Cried yourself to sleep?yes
402. Had a near death experience?yes
403. Walked in on someone going to the washroom at home?yes
404. Walked in on someone going to the washroom in public?yes
405. Walked in on someone of the opposite sex going to the washroom?yes
406. Been walked in on going to the washroom?yes
407. Plagiarized on an assignment?no
408. Been caught plagiarizing on an assignment?no
409. Caught someone plagiarizing on an assignment?yes
410. Reported someone plagirarizing on an assignment?no
411. Started a rumour on someone?yes
412. Heard a rumour about you?yes
413. Had a lover cheat on you?yes
414. Caught a lover cheating?yes
415. Cheated on a lover?no
416. Been caught cheating on a lover?no
417. Chosen a lover over friends?yes
418. Chosen friends over a lover?yes
419. Chosen family over a lover?yes
420. Chosen a lover over your family?no
421. Attempted to move an object with your mind?yes
422. Called a crush, but hanged up just when they said “Hello”?yes
423. Goggled for yourself?yes
424. Tried for a reality TV show?no
425. Been on a reality TV show?no
426. Fake a cry to get out of trouble?yes
427. Fake a cry to get wake you wanted?no
428. Wished you live in a different decade?yrd
429. Dreamt about your wedding day?yrd
430. Forged your parent’s signature?yrd
431. Got caught forging your parent’s signature?no
432. Forged someone else’s parent’s signature?no
433. Reported someone forging their parent’s signature?no
434. Gone after a friend’s crush?yes
435. Gone after a friend’s ex bf/gf?yes
436. Gone after a friend’s current bf/gf?no
437. Smoked a cigarette?no
438. Smoked a cigar?no
439. Tried drugs?no
440. Been backstage during a concert?yes
441. Gotten backstage passes?no
442. Met your favourite band member or artist?yes
443. Met your favourite actor?no
444. Met your favourite actress?no
445. Lost your wallet?yes
446. Lost your cell phone?yes
447. Lost and item belonging to a friend?yes
448. Lost and item belonging to a parent?yes
449. Lost and item belonging to a lover?yes
450. Lost and item belonging to a sibling?yes
451. Dated two people at once, without either of them knowing?no
452. Dated two people at once, with both knowing and accepting it?no
453. Kept a New Year’s resolution?yes
454. Failed at keeping a New Year’s resolution?yes
455. Thrown a party when your parents were gone?no
456. Gone back out with an ex?yes
457. Made the first move?yes
458. Prank called someone?yes
459. Had someone prank call you?yes
460. Had a black eye?no
461. Given someone a black eye?yes
462. Gotten pink eye?yes
463. Had a co-ed sleepover?no
464. Thrown up in public?yes
465. Dumped a lover through email?yes
466. Been dumped through an email?yes
467. Dumped a lover over the phone?no
468. Been dumped over the phone?yes
469. Gotten a friend to tell your lover it’s over?no
470. Had someone get their friend to tell you it’s over?no
471. Been stun by a jellyfish?no
472. Cried after you got a hair cut?yes
473. Been arrested?no
474. Failed a driving test?no
475. Seen a falling star?yes
476. Looked at the stars through a telescope?yes
477. Looked at a planet or the moon through a telescope?yes
478. Got to a lover’s graduation ceremony?no
479. Invited a lover or crush to a graduation ceremony?no
480. Been in an arm wrestle?yes
481. Won an arm wrestle?yes
482. Lost and arm wrestle?yes
483. Had a thumb war?yes
484. Won a thumb war?yes
485. Lost a thumb war?yes
486. Cried during a movie?yes
487. Lied about your age?yes
488. Played hard to get, and worked?yes
489. Played hard to get, and it failed?yes
490. Got commando?no
491. Sneaked in or out of your house late at night?yes
492. Tried to sneak in or your of your house, but got caught?no
493. Eaten a lobster?yes
494. Chosen which live lobster to eat?no
495. Eaten a crab?yes
496. Chosen which live crab to eat?no
497. Gotten a speeding ticket?no
498. Told off a teacher or boss?yes
499. Swore in a class or course?yes
500. Swore in front of a teacher or boss?Yes, and I didn't get in trouble either.

501. Yay!! You’re almost half way done. Excited to do 500 more? NO

Do you like…

502. Pancakes?yes
503. Sausages?no
504. Eggs?sometimes
505. Chickens?yes
506. Chicks?yes
507. Cows?yes
508. Beef?yes
509. Mac Donald’s?no
510. A&W?yes
511. DQ?yes
512. French Fries?sometimes
513. Japanese?yes
514. Anime?yes
515. Manga?yes
516. Drawing?yes
517. Painting?yes
518. Movies?yes
519. Movie Theatres?yes
520. Harry Potter?yes
521. Lord of the Rings?yes
522. B-Rated Movies?yes
523. Horror?yes
524. Comedy?yes
525. Science Fiction?yes
526. Aliens?yes
527. Invader Zim?yes
528. Johnny the Homicidal Manic?no
529. Death?no
530. Life?yes
531. Sunshine?yes
532. Sunsets?yes
533. Fall?yes
534. Winter?yes
535. Spring?yes
536. Summer?yes
537. The beach?yes
538. Lakes?yes
539. Rivers?yes
540. Tuna?yes
541. Salmon?yes
542. Trout?yes
543. Fishing?yes
544. Swimming?yes
545. Skiing?yes
546. Hiking?yes
547. Driving?yes
548. Racing?yes
549. NASCAR?no
550. Formula One?no
551. Green?yes
552. Blue?yes
553. Red?yes
554. Yellow?yes
555. Orange?yes
556. Purple?yes
557. Dresses?yes
558. Skirts?yes
559. Ties?yes
560. Suits?yes
561. Dress pants?yes
562. Plaid?yes
563. Skulls?yes
564. Roses?yes
565. Blood?yes
566. Cloverfield?yes
567. Cassettes?yes
568. Walkmans?yes
569. CDs?yes
570. Discman?yes
571. MP3s?yes
572. Ipods?yes
573. Macintosh?no
574. Windows?yes
575. PCs?yes
576. Laptops?yes
577. Video games?yes
578. Computer games?yes
579. Doom 3?no
580. Prey?yes
581. Fear?yes
582. Legend of Zelda?yes
583. Mario Party?yes
584. Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)?yes
585. Super NES?yes
586. Nintendo 64?yes
587. Nintendo Wii?yes
588. Gameboy?yes
589. Gameboy Color?yes
590. Gameboy Sp?yes
591. Nintendo DS?yes
592. Phoenix Wright?no
593. Mario?yes
594. Luigi?yes
595. Yoshi?yes
596. Playstation?yes
597. Playstation 2?yes
598. Playstation 3?yes
599. Final Fantasy?yes
600. Metal Gear Solid?no

601. Crash Bandicoot?tes
602. Resident Evil?no
603. Xbox?yes
604. Xbox 360?yes
605. Halo?no
606. Halo 2?no
607. Halo 3?no
608. Oblivion?no
609. Dead Rising?no
610. Microsoft?no
611. Sony?no
612. Panasonic?yes
613. Bose?no
614. Speakers?yes
615. Headphone?yes
616. Bass?yes
617. Singing?yes
618. Nine Inch Nail?no
619. My Chemical Romance?yes
620. Green Day?yes
621. Metallica?no
622. Led Zeppelin? sometimes
623. Peter Gabriel?no
624. Phil Collins?no
625. Puddle of Mudd?no
626. Males?yes
627. Females?yes
628. Kids?yes
629. Dogs?yes
630. Cats?yes
631. Birds?yes
632. Snakes?yes
633. Spiders?yes
634. Lizards?yes
635. Fish?yes
636. Number 13?YESH!
637. Number 7?yeah, i guess
638. Earrings?yes
639. Necklaces?yes
640. Chains?yes
641. Spikes?yes
642. Diamonds?yes
643. Rubies?yes
644. Sapphires?yes
645. Snow?yes
646. Rain?yes
647. Wind?yes
648. Hail?yes
649. Thunder?yes
650. Lightning?yes
651. Hot Sauce?yes

Are you afraid of…

652. Darkness?no
653. Noise?no
654. Heights?yes
655. Pain?no
656. Wild animals?no
657. Needles?no
658. Cats?no
659. Chicken?no
660. Men?no
661. Bees?no
662. Spiders?no
663. Numbers?no
664. Fire?no
665. Thunder or Lightning?no
666. Flying?no
667. Stairs?yes
668. Toads?no
669. Cancer?yes
670. Mirrors?no
671. Time?no
672. Stings?no
673. Cemeteries?no
674. Clowns?yes
675. Bicycles?no
676. Rabies?no
677. Demons?no
678. Crowds?no
679. Dentists?no
680. Accidents?no
681. Electricity?no
682. Nosebleeds?no
683. Horses?no
684. Loneliness?no
685. Crossing bridges?no
686. Growing old?no
687. Speaking to an audience?no
688. Women?no
689. Hell?no
690. Blood?no
691. The number 666?no
692. Fog?no
693. Firearms?no
694. Doctors?no
695. Fish?no
696. Poison?yes
697. Tornadoes?no0
698. Hurricanes?no
699. Lakes?no
700. Moths?no

801. Have you ever been to Six Flags?no
802. Would you smoke?depends what it is, but probably not
803. Do you believe that animals have souls?no
804. Have you ever fallen in love with a neighbour?no
805. Would you be president if you could?yes
806. Do you have a soul?no
807. Do you believe in spontaneous combustion?no
808. Do you like the band Radiohead?no
809. Do you think Snoop Dogg sucks?yes
810. Have you ever driven a Ferrari?no
811. Have you ever walked more than a mile?yes
812. Have you ever gone to a mall?yes
813. Would you be my friend?yes
814. Do you read much?yes
815. Do you play an instrument?yes
816. Would you date someone older than you?yes
817. Do you believe in love at first sight?yes
818. Do you drink alcohol?yes
819. Do you want to talk to anyone right now?yes
820. Would you dress as the opposite sex?yes
821. Do you like to learn?yes
822. Have you ever been hit on by the same sex?yes
823. Do you have a bad life?Don't we all at some point ((yes))
824. Do animals go to Heaven?no ((But we don't either, so don't worry))
825. Do you like your name?No
826. Would you drop out of school or quit your job?no
827. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?no
828. Do you like celebrities?no
829. Do you like travelling?yes
830. Would you go rock climbing?yes
831. Do you believe in love?yes
832. Have you ever snuck anyone into your house?yes
833. Do you personally know any bums?no
834. Do you believe in aliens?yes
835. Would you sell your soul to the Devil?if he existed, no
836. Would you have plastic surgery?Um...there are sucomstances that I would
837. Do you have a bf/gf?Broke up yesterday =(
838. Do you have any pets?yes
839. Do you believe in soul mates?yes
840. Do you stop to smell the roses?yes
841. Do you like taking surveys?sometimes
842. Do you know how to drive stick?yes
843. Do you ever use your full name?yes
844. Would you eat human flesh for money?yes
845. Do you like seafood?yes
846. Have you ever sworn?yes
847. Would you try to take over the world?yes
848. Would you give me $5?Depends
849. Do you want to get married?If he's the right person
850. Do you study the Bible?no
851. Do you like photography?yes
852. Do you ever cook? yes
853. Would you run from the police?no
854. Have you ever been asked for an autograph?yes, by my friends little sister
855. Do you wear makeup?yes
856. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?not at the moment
857. Have you ever been high... on life?TOTALLY
858. Do you want to have kids?One--A girl
859. Do you shower daily?usually
860. Have you ever bought a car?no
861. Have you ever been tied up?yes
862. Have you ever been to a gay bar?no
863. Did you French kiss before you were 16?yes
864. Have you ever had a poem or a song written about you?yes
865. Have you ever found anything in your parents' bedroom that was questionable?yes
866. Have you ever peeked in the opposite sexes locker room?no
867. Have you ever bitten your toenails?yes
868. Have you ever sniffed an animal's butt?by acciedent
869. Do you have any strange phobias?yes--The grinch ((thanks a lot Jordan))
870. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?Do beads count? ((yes))
871. Have you ever been dared to do something you totally regretted?yes
872. Have you ever been drunk at work or school?no
873. Do you want to bring sexy back?no
874. Do you consider yourself kind?sometimes
875. Do you know your neighbours?yes
876. Do you follow your horoscope?no
877. Would you move for the person you loved?Depends on weither I have kids at that time and how old they are
878. Are you touchy feely?no
879. Do you believe that opposites attract?very much
880. Do you paint your nails?sometimes
881. Do you trust people easily?no
882. Do you keep a handwritten journal?yes
883. Are you paranoid?yes
884. Do you own a gun?no
885. Do you have A.D.D.?don't know. Probably not
886. Does someone have a crush on you?i think so
887. Do you own an iPod?no
888. Do any of your friends have children?yes
889. Has anyone ever called you lazy?yes
890. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster?yes
891. Has anyone told you a secret this week?yes
892. Have you ever given someone a hickey?no
893. Do you think people talk about you behind your back? i know they do
894. Are you shy around the opposite sex?sometimes
895. Do you own any band t-shirts?no
896. Do you read for fun?yes
897. Do you cry a lot?no
898. Do you currently want any piercings or tattoos?yes--Either a rose or a butterfly inbetween my shoulder blades.
899. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?yes
900. Is sex before marriage wrong?no

901. Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages?no
902. Have you ever crashed a someone else's party?no
903. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?no
904. Do you like cottage cheese?yes
905. Have you ever bid for something on eBay?no
906. Do you enjoy giving hugs?yes
907. Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?no
908. Are you registered to vote?no
909. Do you have cable?yes
910. You like anyone right now?yes
911. Do you have a garden?yes
912. Do you know all the words to the national anthem?no
913. Have you ever smoked peanut shells?no
914. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?no
915. Have you ever won a trophy?yes
916. Ever ordered from an infomercial?no
917. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?no
918. Can exes just be friends?yes
919. Did you have long hair as a young kid?no
920. Do Lipton Tea employees take coffee breaks?yes
921. If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too?yes
922. If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?yes
923. Can you cry under water?yes
924. If a man alone in the woods said something would a woman still say he was wrong?no
925. Can bald people have Hairline fractures?yes
926. If nobody buys a ticket to a movie do they still show it?no
927. Are you close with your family?yes
928. Do you like to watch sports?no
929. Do you like to drink?no
930. Do you do any drugs?no
931. Did you dream last night?yes
932. Do you remember your dreams?yes
933. Seen anything weird lately?yes
934. Do you like to dance?yes
935. Does your name make any interesting anagrams?no
936. Would you ever consider living abroad?yes
937. Are you listening to music right now?no
938. Do you carry a donor card?no
939. Is the glass half empty?yes
940. Is the glass half full?yes
941. Do you know how to pump your own gas?yes
942. Do you touch-type?no
943. Is there anything going on this weekend?yes
944. If you won the lottery would you tell people?no
945. Do you sing in the shower?yes
946. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?yes
947. Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows?yes
948. Any new and exciting things?no
949. Have you ever seen a UFO?yes
950. Do you have premonitions that are correct?yes--it was weird!!!!
951. Are you clumsy?yes
952. Are you a packrat?yes
953. Do you go to yard sales?yes
954. Do you donate to charity?yes
955. Are you frequently misunderstood?yes
956. Are you spontaneous?yes
957. Have you ever had your fortune read?yes
958. Were you ever attacked by an animal?yes
959. Do you always stop in pet store when you go to the mall?no
960. Do you do your own laundry?yes
961. Have you ever had an operation?no
962. Has anyone ever been obsessed with you?not in the way you mean.
963. Have you ever taken a foreign language?no
964. Do people tend change under your influence?yes
965. Are you impatient waiting in lines?yes
966. Do you like your friends?no
967. Have you ever washed someone's hair?yes
968. Have you ever been dirty-dancing?no
969. Have you ever been in a school play?yes
970. Have you ever ridden on a moped?no
971. Ever get a parking ticket?no
972. Ever call a 1-900 number?no
973. Are you a fan of dragons?yes
974. Are you sane?um.....no
975. Do you own a bow and arrow?no
976. Do you believe in Dinosaurs?um...yes?
977. Do you believe in the president?That the idiot exists? yes.
978. Do you like peanuts?yes
979. Do you like Chemistry?no
980. Are bees evil?no
981. Is cheese anything like boys?yes
982. Is there a key to your heart?yes
983. Is there a animal in the room?do spiders count? ((yes))
984. Do you have a alter ego?yes
985. Have you ever seen a Polar Bear?yes
986. Did you know Bob Marley?no
987. Do you own art?yes
988. If the men from Monty Python asked you would you get naked?NO!
989. Have you ever considered that you were not meant to be born a human?yes
990. Do you like superpowers?yes
991. Do cows fall in love?yes
992. Is there actually a Sci-fi tv show with good acting?YES!!!! DOCTOR WHO!!!!!!!
993. Would you kill someone over a sandal?no
994. Is there anything thicker then blood?no
995. Does it suck to be you?yes
996. Have you fallen in love with music?yes
997. Have you ever considered stalking someone?yes
998. Is Utopia a real place?no
999. Are you a random person?yes
1000. Are you proud of yourself for answering this many questions?no--I feel empty and hollow inside crying
1001. Did you finish a quiz of 1001 questions?YES!

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