Here I will rant on various subjects.(Yes, I drew the funny picture so please don't steal!! Not that you'd want to anyway >_> wink
September 6, 2008
Rant on Trust
Okay so everyone has at least one person they tell everything to. Whether it's a lover, a friend, a pet. (lol okay I'm exaggerating but hey some people talk to their pets) Anyway, you tell that person things because you trust them. You think they won't tell anybody. Well, let's put it this way, if everyone has at least one person they tell everything to then eventually a lot of people will end up knowing your secrets. Let's say that person A tells person B that they're gay (I don't know its just an example) well then person B is going to tell person C and person D is gonna tell E and so on. It's like a whole trust link. Person A might not like person D and then rumors will spread and that's how a bunch of drama starts. So, keep your secrets to yourself unless you want the world to know. No secret is worth the drama. 3nodding
September 8, 2008
Rant on the Girl's Bathroom
Those of you that go to my school know that nobody has died at the school or anything creepy like that. One of the bathrooms I use (the one that's near Mrs.Kenny's old room) kind of freaks me out. I get like these weird vibes from it. I hear like giggling and stuff (I'm hoping this is just my crazy imagination or some annoying preps or something XD ). Today I went to the bathroom and like there was this thing staring at me in the mirror and when I looked again it was gone. I'm so hoping it wasn't real. I am so like scared to go use the bathrooms now. gonk Which sucks because I always have to go during 5 period.
September 10, 2008
Rant on Reading Logs/Books
Okay so this year I have to do reading logs. (again.) >_> It's not that I don't like reading it's that I have trouble finding books to read that I like. So far this year I'm good because I found this book called "<<Love, Sara>>" and it's really good. It's like her diary thing and some emails she has had with her friends and papers she did for school. I like those kind of books. I'm more of a realist (ha ha my mom is always telling me I'm too honest and s**t) so I like more realistic books. I have trouble finding those kind of books though and they always some how involve sex. >< Lol anyway another book I LOVED was "When It Happens" by Susane Colasanti. It goes back and forth in point of views between Tobey and Sara(ha ha popular name, eh?) and how their days went and stuff. Sara wishes for someone to like her, dates a jackass, falls in love with Tobey, has relationship probs and I'm not telling you the rest because you should read and find out!! It's so romantic!! >< Yeah well that's all because other wise I'll start talking about completely irrelevant things.
September 12, 2008
Rant on Patience
I am a very impatient person. I hate waiting. I bought GO Phones for Jonathan and I kept telling him to send me a trade and he kept telling me to wait. I'm like "Okay does he not want them or something? Should I sell them back?" he just like signs off without a good bye or anything. So no GO Phones for him. (Just wait I'll probably give them to him anyway) -__- I feel so unappreciated.
--Note:I did give them to him. XD
September 23, 2008
Rant on My Life
Mood: Depressed
These past couple of days have been extremely rough on me and my family. My dad got really drunk on Sunday and it resulted in me calling the police and him getting sent to a mental ward in a hospital. He came back today. I'm not sure I was ready for him yet. There's just so much crap going on and everything. I can't think straight. My teachers are piling up on homework and I'm about to break. I'm not sure how much more I can handle. Life is stressing me out and all I can do is just sit back and do what's expected of me. There's no time for me to act up. I need to stay focused.
September 29, 2008
Rant on Heartache
Mood: Depressed but not really??
It's been two weeks since I saw him last and yet it feels like I haven't seen him in years. My heart is dying because I miss him so much. Is he changing? Maybe, maybe not. I fear the future. I don't want things to change. At lunch, we were talking about our plans for the future. I said "I want to be a therapist and marry Jonathan." Yeah I know, the odds of the second thing happening are one in a trillion. I don't care. That's what I want. Anyway, Danny is said " You guys won't even last another year." He could be wrong. Chances are he's right though. That kills me. I want time to stand still forever. I hate some things in my life, but I'd deal with them if I was able to be with him forever. I know, I'm such a typical teenage girl but I need to get this out.
October 9, 2008
Rant on Cops
Mood: Depressed
Calling the cops on my dad was the worst thing I could have done. My family has to go to counseling now and everyone is all like "I can help you blah blah blah." No you can't. I can handle my own problems. I have friends I talk to. Stop telling me I'm a wonderful kid. I'm not. I don't want your help. I don't need your help. So take your little girl empowerment pamphlets and get the ******** out. You're not really helping me. I'm not letting you in my life. How can you possibly help me if you don't know me? You won't get to know me either. I will personally make sure of that.