I've been gone for a while. ((that's an understatement))
Well, I'll post chapter 5 for everyone...
But the thing is, I don't know about carrying on this story.
Ya' see, I Re-started it, AGAIN
But this time, a WHOLE lot better!
And there's going to be a LOT of twists in it. XD
You think Masha's father s dead or gone?
I don't think so!
And what's with... Masha has a twin? But on the inside.
OOOH.... ^^
And I'm renaming everyone.
So, I'm still working on the new one, and taking my time so I get every little detail right,
I"m adding up all my old stories together, (and yes I still need Superstition from you Hegher) and creating a super one!
Like in one old story, Masha had foster parents.
Another, a teacher dies and another replaces it.
But Masha's father was a new idea.
Sooooo, until then... I'll just post CHP. 5
Chapter 5
December 23rd, 1999
Sakura’s hands gripped the man’s hand that tightened around her neck, limiting the amount of air that she could breath. She clawed at them, but it had no effect.
“Hmm… I wonder…” The man grinned evilly, “should I kill you now? Or after I kill your-”
“I swear if you touch her, I’ll kill you all!” Sakura yelled while glaring at him with pure hatred.
“I think that just answered my question.” The man chuckled, eyes gleaming with sick pleasure.
“No… I’d rather you kill me.” Sakura breathed.
The man lifted her from the ground then threw her across the alley. “I would rather kill you too.” He laughed,
All the others that were surrounding Sakura, began to come closer to her fallen body.
“But it would be sort of pointless to kill such a young child, when I could just bring her to my side.” The man also walked up to Sakura, “that way, my son would have someone I find suitable for a-”
“Shut up.” Sakura muttered, “just shut up!” She yelled.
“Oh? Does that anger you?” The man lifted his hand, beckoning the others to stay still. “Talking about the only remaining family you have.”
Sakura struggled to her feet, “I told her not to talk to strangers.” She grinned and winced. There was a cut above her eyebrow, causing a ribbon of blood to stream down the side of her face. “And I’m sure she would never talk to vampires.” She placed one of her hands on the wall behind her and stared at the him.
“Masakazu, can we play with her before you kill her?” Asked a woman who stood beside him. She looked up at him, smiling. Her long white hair shined silver in the moonlight, and her pale green eyes glistened with ecstacy.
Masakazu looked down at herand smiled while touching the side of her face gently, “of course you can, Yuna.” He smiled then brushed his black hair over his shoulder.
Sakura now stood on her own, glowering at the approaching figures, knowing that tonight, could be her last. “Bring it on, damn vampires…” She said clenching her fists.
Yuna came to her first, shuffling a dagger in her hand. “I hope you know, the human race will soon belong to us.” She said still smiling.
Sakura only glared at her, hoping to find a way out of the situation, but secretly knew that she wouldn’t escape.
“And for all of my bretheren that you have killed, I will be sure, that your death will be as slow, and painful, as possible.” She said.
Sakura braced herself as yuna’s hand swept across her arm, causing blood to splatter across the wall.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Masha sat up in her bed, breathing heavily, heart racing, head throbbing, and her arm stung slightly. She reached up and pressed her hand against her forehead, feeling the sweat that covered it. She threw he blankets off of her and hung her feet from the edge of the bed. Why does my head hurt so much? She wondered and stood up only to wince as pain shot up her spine. She fell to her knees and held her head, “what’s going on?” She whispered and felt something warmer than normal covering her hair. It was too dark to see what it was, so she stood up and walked across the room to flip the switch to her bedroom light. When she kept her eyes on the switch that would usually be white. her eyes grew wide and she felt her legs grow weak. The switch on the wall was covered in a red liquid. What…? She began to think this was a nightmare as she slowly looked at her hands, then her eyes wondered over to her bed. What’s going on? She saw that everything she had touched had been covered in blood. She then reached up and touched her head again, feeling the same abnormal warmth and wet coating over her hair. Goosebumps spread over her skin as something trickled down her leg, causing her heart to skip a beat. Looking down, there was a stream of blood flowing down her leg and had made a puddle by her feet. She stumbled backwards and stared in horror, head still throbbing, and the pain in her spine was caused by the ache surrounding her tailbone. Quickly, she ran out of her room and into the bathroom, starting to feel sick to her stomach, hoping that this was just a dream. But when the light came on in the bathroom, and she looked at her reflection, she knew that it had to be a dream. On her head, two bumps visible beneath her hair, drenched in blood. She looked around frantically, and stumbled over to her bathtub to turn on the water. She waited until the water was warm then turned and looked for a towel, forgetting about the blood on the floor. So, with one quick step, her foot flew from under her and she now lay on her back, unconscious.
Sakura bit her lip, trying not to scream in pain as she held her arm. Her mind still searched for a way out, for a way to return home in one piece.
Yuna placed the dagger’s blade on her tongue and licked the blood off, “you’re blood is delicious.” She said smiling then lashed the blade over her shoulder, watching her victim sink lower to the ground before turning to look at all the others, “don’t let me have all the fun.” She said as she returned to her spot beside Masakazu.
Sakura took this chance of a life time to escape. She pushed herself to her feet and pulled a white hilted, black bladed dagger with red imprinted writing out of her pocket, running it across Yuna’s turned back.
Usually, a normal dagger would slice the skin and it would heal back quickly if the victim was a vampire. But with this special dagger, it would cut deeper and cause a much worse wound to the skin, that would take more than a couple days to heal.
Yuna fell forward, caught by surprise from the sudden attack. And as all of her followers knelt to help her, Sakura made a run for it, despite the throbbing pain of her fresh wounds. “Don’t help me, get that hunter!” Yuna spat, struggling to even hold herself up.
“Yes mistress.” Three of her followers backed away and disappeared into the shadows while the others stood by.
Masakazu knelt down beside Yuna, “I didn’t even see that coming.” He sighed and offered his hand to her.
Yuna took it and let him pull her to her feet, “she’s the best of them all, and it’s what to be expected.” She muttered.
“Don’t worry, she’ll be dead.” Masakazu grinned and lightly touched her wound, “this will take a while to heal.” He spoke softly, “but I’m sure a couple days worth of fresh blood will help.”
Yuna stared at him then smiled, “of course, and that fresh blood will be hers.”
Sakura continued to run, hoping that the vampires would just give up already, but knew that they wouldn’t. She reached into her other pocket, pulling out another dagger, like the other one that was already in her other hand. If it’s bloodshed they want, then it’s bloodshed they’ll get… She thought and stopped running. It would be a waste of energy if she would’ve continued, and the smell of her blood would’ve given her away after a while.
“You stopped? It’s about time.” A voice whispered in her ear.
Sakura turned around and nothing was there, “stop being cowards and reveal yourselves.” She said loudly.
“You’re just too slow.” A man stood about five feet behind her, “stupid humans.” He scoffed.
“Oh, no, you shouldn’t under estimate her.” The voice that had first spoke quipped, from Sakura’s right side. It was a young woman.
“Yeah, she’s so great, and kill us all.” Another woman appeared in front of Sakura and raked her hand across her face rigorously, but not hard enough to kill her.
Sakura fell, blood flying behind her. She caught herself before hitting the ground, feeling her cheek begin to flush. “Yes, in fact, I will…” She whispered. Then, quickly, she stood, extending her arm to cut the woman’s throat open.
“Too slow.” The woman was leaning back with a taunting smile.
Sakura lifted her foot and kicked the woman’s stomach, letting her stumble back until she regained balance and Sakura sliced her throat while she was distracted. At the same time, the other woman was knocking Sakura aside before kneeling down to help her wounded partner.
“You must be kidding me.” The man sighed and crossed his arms.
Sakura fell back, turning her body so that she landed on her back, then pushed herself with her hands, and landed on her feet. “Lesson learned.” She grinned, “don’t under estimate me.”
The woman whose neck was cut open, was now dead and crumbling into dust while the other began to walk towards Sakura. “That was my sister.” The woman said pulling something out of her sleeve.
Sakura tilted her head and smiled, “well then, I guess that you’re are going to join her in hell tonight.”
The woman dashed forward with blinding speed and the thing that she pulled out of her sleeve sundered Sakura’s skin.
Sakura fell to her knees, holding her thigh, feeling the blood ooze out slowly. She looked up and there the woman stood, in her right hand was a whip. “Is that all you’ve got?” She asked and pushed herself from the ground and lunged at the woman. She threw her hands side to side, but the woman only dodged her attacks.
“You’re too slow.” The woman said and lifted her whip.
Sakura changed the direction of her attacks, and turned her arm upwards to result in a surprise attack. It worked.
The whip fell out of the woman’s hand and she fell with a cut from her collar bone, to her chin. She tried to say smoothing, but the only thing that came out of her mouth was blood.
“I hope you know, even if you kill us, you’re still going to die.” Now the man stood to her right, holding a broad sword.
“Everyone dies sometime, even vampires.” Sakura replied and faced him, thinking of a way to take him down. The women were foolish, and obviously weren’t well trained. But this man looked wiser, and a lot more stronger.
“That is true, but a human’s lifespan is too short, therefore human’s are just a waste of flesh.” He said with a grin, “and unlike others, you’re infamous to my race.” He began to walk towards her, lifting his sword up by his face and traced the blade with his finger. “shall we?”
Sakura nodded, “we shall.” She watched his eyes then moved to the right.
“You’re smart.” The man said from her left. His sword was in the ground and he pulled it out. “But are you quick?” He lashed the blade over her back in a split second.
Sakura stumbled forward but started to run so she wouldn’t hit the ground. The adrenaline from the fights over came the pain from her wounds as she ran. She glanced over her shoulder, seeing that he was gone, then she stopped when the change of wind flew past her. She took this chance, he was going to attack from behind and probably aim for the back of her neck so she ducked. She was right.
The man had appeared behind her when she stopped, then he thrashed his sword where her neck would be, but was slightly thrown off since she had ducked. This was a weak point.
Sakura used his failed attempt, to attack. She quickly turned on the heels of her shoes, and drove the two daggers up into his stomach. “You’re one of the only ones that actually lasted more than a minute.” She said before pulling the daggers out.
“Now I see, why Yuna despises you so much.” He dropped his sword and held his stomach.
“Does it take that much for you to realize that?” Sakura watched him crouch down. She knew that if she left now, he would die, and she could make it home without anymore trouble.
The red writing on the blade was a spell to kill vampires, almost like a poison. And since it had punctured his flesh, the poison would spread through his body, and kill him slowly.
She took a step back, keeping her eyes on him, telling herself to leave. I’ll do everything I can, to keep her safe… She thought and turned around. Even sacrifice myself, for her safety. Now, she was running. Her head was clouded with her thoughts, while her feet led her back home.
The sound of water eased its way into Masha’s mind, and her eyes began to open. Everything that had happed was sketchy at first, but soon, she came to realize that she was still laying on the bathroom floor. She sat up, squinting at the light, feeling her head still throbbing, but mainly in the back now. She reached up and rubbed her eyes before standing to her feet. “What am I doing?” She asked herself but then felt her heart leap as she examined the floor. She then looked over at the bathtub where the water was still pouring. The floor was covered in blood that was smeared, then her clothes were also covered in blood. She hesitated at first, but then looked at herself in the mirror, to see that the two bumps weren’t on her head anymore. Instead, they were replaced by two, fuzzy black ears that twitched. She then looked down, seeing that her shorts were wet with blood, remembering the pain in her tailbone. That’s when she felt something brush against the back of her leg, and what it was that did, was just as surprising as what was on her head. There, behind her, was a long, black, skinny tail, swaying side to side. “This is a dream isn’t it?” She asked herself while forcing herself to smile. “It’s all a dream.” She reached up and touched her ears only to wince. They were sensitive to the slightest touch. “Alright then.” She took a deep breath, “if this is a dream, then obviously, I need to wake myself up.” She pinched herself in the arm. Nothing happened. But while she was looking at her arm, there was a tiny hole right above a vein. She looked at it, confused, “was I…. Injected with something?” She muttered quietly then glanced around. If I was injected, then by who? Paranoia swept over her automatically, what if that person is still in here? She walked over to the door and peered out into the dark hallway. It was all quiet, accept for the pouring water. She turned and quickly turned it off, deciding to patrol her apartment. What if this isn’t a dream? She asked herself, how will I go to school without people noticing? She began to slightly panic. I’ll have to move again. She peered outside the bathroom again before stepping out. She slowly walked through the hallway towards the living room and kitchen. She turned on the lights then glanced over at the stove to see what time it was. Okay, this would sort of make a good horror movie. A girl, supposedly alone in her apartment, wondering around three o’clock in the morning, covered in her own blood. Classic.
“Masha Suzumiya, the one person I’ve been searching for the last fourteen years of my life.”
Masha’s eyes stretched wide. Slowly she turned, hoping that her mind was just playing tricks on her, or that this was really a dream. She saw someone, standing behind her, about three feet away.
“It’s about time we’ve met person to person.”
Well, that is all for now.
Aer. I wish I could read your stories while I'm online, buut I'm limited in time.
Soooo I copied and paste them onto word prossesers and I read them on my other computer. XD
So, I'll catch up. And I'll let you know how I like them.
So, that's all for now. I gotta get dressed for school! >.<
Oh yeah!
check out my new signature.
Look down. XD
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