Shamrock and Kelly arrived at the airport, and at their hangar. Inside were their jets, and a smaller passanged plane. It was white with a red stripe and the words/letters, N308E for N308 Eagle. Their Planes name. "You fly Sham I still have somewhat of a hangover"Kelly laughed sitting in the co-pilots seat, Shamrock in the pilots seat. They made their way ontot he run way "This is the N308 Eagle requesting Taxi Take Off"Shamrock said to the airport's tower. "What no missles Shamrock? Permission granted take to the skys"GhostEye said. "What no hangover GhostEye?"Kelly asked before Shamrock could reply.
They were in the aky in minutes, flying high above the clouds enjoying them selves, back tougher once again. Nothing could kill their joy. Kelly rested her head on Shamrock's shoulder. They flew low over the buildings to get a look at the cars. "They look like hotwheels cars, ya know? Matchbox"Kelly giggled. Shamrock smiled "Yeah I know"He said.
Back at base Ghost Eye was monitering the long rang radar, three contacts came in to view moving fast. They travled through Gracemarreia's outskirts, then dissapred from radar "Thats odd"Ghost Eye said and looked closer. A lot more contacks appeared where the large three had dissapered. "CRUSE MISSLES! We got incomming cruse missles!"He yelled, the alarm went off, as well as sirens in the city, people were being evakuated, "Get a message to all planes to get back here and get redy to fight"Ghost Eye said. He personaly tried to contact Shamrock, but with no luck, Kelly had accdently shut the COM off with her foot when she got comfortable in her seat. Shamrock was telling jokes and Kelly was laughing her a** off.
(To Be Contuined)
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"You better fokyoos und suck my ectoplasmic schwanzstucker!"~Johann Krauss