chapter 3 i think..
i went running off without my brothers and saw a box. gin:....not usual for a box to be here... i looked in the box and saw a red panda looking thing. gin:*grabs* oh boy i love red pandas ...awful small little guy. tama:put me down u huma- your a half demon arent you? gin:*scratches head* you can talk cant you? tama:is that a trick question. gin:its called sarcasm. i looked and saw a scythe laying on a tree trunk. gin:*runs over to it* whoa this is awesome... so whats ur name panda ...thing. tama:is u must know its tama ya ding dong *bangs paw on gins head* gin surprised ww *grabs* how bout it tama? how bout we make a team... i kinda resemble you ya see? *takes out mirror* tama: omg! gin:well i think u look pretty cool *puts mirror away* tama:no i look smexy its just you carry a mirror u need to put makeup on! may i give you a purse too? *laughs* gin:*smiles* laugh all ya want but my mom gave me this...why? i dont know but she still gave it to me i cant find my mother more than likely she is dead oh and i do put makeup on..heh see these on my eyes? tama:yeah? gin:*whispers* its technically makeup. i guess i will go with you and i will help u find your momma too! what about your dad? gin:*sneers* he's dead as far as i know not like i was there when he died i left the room and there was a big boom..but im pretty sure he is dead but my mom..i dunno. tama:got any friends? gin:duh who doesnt *holds hand out* so we are gonna be buddies like brothers from now on tama. tama:*shakes hand* but where r ya friends. gin:well 5 of my friends are my brothers..and yeah i have other friends too but i cant stalk em ya know? tama:mmhhm so.. i wanna meet your brothers and your friends ...*tackles* gin:augh tama! *laughs* get off me TO BE CONTINUED