Shadow: Ah , the usual rythem that you have cooked up has returned. Well as far as it can be called a rythem , weirdo
Coco:*sweatdop* Uhm , he does have a nice rythem , or so I think.
Me: Ok ok , the rythem I had before I had my "little accident has been restored to it's former glory. ( Shadow: To bad it can't be said for you ) *glare* Yet i have to say , working 8 hours again is more tiresom than I would have guessed so , my hand started to hurt to.
Coco: Sorry to hear that , did the rest of the day went by nicely?
Shadow: Well yea I have to say , I mean the bloke's here right now. Rambling about using his psycotic mind of him.
Coco: *gulp* Well actually he , uhm he . . . well he.
Shadow: Boy , you're as shy as ever , learn to talk out load will ya? It's dang hard to understand you.
Coco: Yikes *hide's*
Me: Now look what you've done. Now he's back behind my shoulder.
Shadow: Servers him right if he can't even speak properly.
Me: Can you blame him? All you do is nag at the 2 of us.
Shadow: Yea so? Thats what i'm suppose to do.
Coco: uhm , don't mind me , but you 2 are getting offtopic as little bit.
Me: Coco's right. So back to the day. After work is was back to my rythem of checking my online department , then back to a game of UT.
Shadow: Ah , useless violence and meaninless distruction. And of course you dying way to much.
Coco: He did not.
Shadow: Wow , you actually made sence back there.
*Coco fully vanishes behind C-C-H's back*
Me: Ok , and here I thought I was shy and nervous. But don't worry Coco , you'll get used to being round here.
Shadow: Say , will Emperor come over any time soon? Like tomorow?
Me: No can't do , have to work the rest of the week. But he will come over this weekend , saturday to be exact. And then masive Digimon game time will comense.
Coco:*whisper* Sounds fun , hope Emperor is a nice person. He is right?
Shadow: Nah , he just loves to bug C-C-H , and who knows , he might even bug you to.
Me: I don't think so , Emperor is a cat person.
Shadow: Doesn't matter , doesn't matter. It's still gonna be me and emperor vs you. And perhaps Coco , but i doubt it. So it's gonna be a 2 vs 1 event , my fav's.
Me: You know , making these entry's is a lot like a 3 way talk with Ryuuzaki and Emperor. It always ends with mindless rambling.
Coco: *sigh* Uhm so , basically the day wet by as usual for you? Work , game in the evening and chat with Emperor? Am I right? *sweat*
Me: thas right Coco. And most , if not all , weekdays will go like that. Luckely for me nothing spectaculair happend , because if something did I need a heap of space to make that entry.
Shadow: Because you are a moron and a half and thats way to shy? Go figure , it's always up to me to save the entry. I swear , if I don't do it nobody will.
Coco: Not so say that you're right , but still. I think
Shadow: What you think I care not. Just say "Oh mighty and wise Shadow , how can we life without you're guidence?"
Coco: *yuk* I pas on that on that , ok?
Shadow: What , a no from you? I must raise you better , come here!
*Shadow is chasing Coco*
Me: Hey , enough of that , Shadow , knock it off.
Shadow: But he started it.
Coco:*mutter* No I didn't.
Shadow: You were saying?
*Coco hides behind C-C-H's back*
Me:*sigh* This is gonna take getting used to. Shadow , just wrap it up.
Coco:Uhm , byebye's
Shadow: wach this ya little black kitty. Well folks you heared the double mororn and a half with his Kitty shadow , show's over. So we'll see ya all around and tll the next time.
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C-C-H 666 journal of thought's
A place for my thoughts , for I am one with many thoughts.