Behind The White FenceXprofileX |
 Why hello there I'm (Aethra Kim Massaro) But I'd rather you call me (Aethra) , kay? If you hadn't noticed I have xx so I'm a girlie. I'm so young I'm only 85 years old. As you can see I have (auburn, I say Red) hair and (hazel or violet-black eyes. I'm really into these massive fur coats, classical music, Michael Jackson's Thriller, pictures of Mountains, stuffed wolf animals, rainy nights, tape recordings, old records, long sweep-her-off-her-feet-dresses(below ankles), color my fingernails blue, Peeps, playing the cello, standing in boyshorts in a cold creek, being alone or with a random buddy in the forest, Fall leaves but I hate these with a buring passion Being too hot, getting migraine's, stepping on frogs, eating snails, chewing mint gum, metal, being disrespected, having someone look down on me, stuck up snobs, sometimes dogs. I'm kinda Serene and gentle when it comes to being around important people. Giggly and nervous when it comes to people I love. Can be extremely nasty in the angry sense when it comes to wanting to rip you apart. When trying to relax, she closes her eyes and whispers lullaby's to herself and doesn't like being disturbed. Tries to sleep, even if she can't. Will willingly be stubborn when she wants to, is stubborn sometimes and doesn't know it. Goes out to sit in the suburban trails when really bored or wants to get away. Can be fairly irritated with being a vampire at times. Shh! It's don't tell anybody that I like Werewolf Two. Let me tell you about my life so far Aethra was born in 1928, on a dreary April day. She was a regular sized baby human, all plump and rosy. As she grew up in Colorado with her parent, a single mother named Porche, she tended to sit in her room and stare out her window. The top floor of her two story house was all hers, and soon the whole house became hers after twenty years and her mother died of cancer. Smoke was always something clinging to her house, whether it be by a fire on the stove when she tried to cook or just lingering remains of her mother's cigarettes. School had been an easy thing for her, so she whizzed by it quickly, except for Physics and other Sciences. What captivated her though throughout high school and collage was Drama. She tended to blow your breath away as she put her soul into the many parts, voicing her character's emotions and swaying with the gentle happiness of doing it correct. During college in Drama, many guys watched her and one of them just happened to catch her eye. His name was Matt Fortly, tall, lean and muscular. His eyes looked like chocolate kisses eveytime she caught a glimpse of them. So one day when they had free time, she and Matt when on a walk through the forest near the college on a small trail. Hand in hand, she leaned her head against his shoulder and he spoke wonders--of how they'd get married after college, all that love jazz. Soon enough though, he left for a business trip laid onto him by his father. And what did he do so that he could ever stay with her? He bit her neck for one, and left her in the world as a vampire. But why would she stay with him, now that she was a vampire? She moved away, now part of the Sinclair clan, and hsn't thought of him since. He hadn't tried contacting her either, proves what that little love felt about her. My blood type is cadetgreen. Oh and this lovely girl xSasuraXbanpaiax pulls all the strings.
JimmyTheYellowHighlighter · Tue Oct 07, 2008 @ 02:59am · 0 Comments |