.:The Inspector:.

It's never that simple.
✘ - - - Elijah 'Eli' Strange
✘ - - - twisted Never can tell these days, what with plastic surgery and all...
✘ - - - June 6
✘ - - - Blood,Ash, and Fire. Wait... we're talking about colors?
I prefer not to get p e r s o n a l.
I'm not always like this. . .
◊ - - - Magnetic
◊ - - - Charismatic
◊ - - - Sly...
◊ - - - Off...
◊ - - - STRANGE
A little more . . .
❤ - - I like coffee,
❤ - - I like tea,
❤ - - and the look on your face when you finally see.
A little less. . .
ø - When his lighter runs out of butane
ø - When the bartender talks about politics
ø - When people ask too many questions. *stare*
W h y would you a s k?
※ Shh... → → His secrets? He's not from around here. No one's seen him before. No one sent him. He's got a calling card but no phone, a belt but no buckle, and a pen without ink. I lied. He -is- from around here...
■ Sleepin' in → → Room 3-2
♥ Crushing on → → Impact
□ Controlled by → → Bayne Tarrok
₪ No bedtime story → → He heard a story once. Imagination is the most powerful tool in the world. Without it there would be no cities. No art, no music or television or even food. Imagination is wonderful because it gives people the ability to express themselves, and see whatever they want to see. He likes this story. You know why? Seeing is believing. When enough people believe something it stops being fiction and starts being fact. Did you know that you can psych yourself to death? Well, isn't that strange...