read it all no CHEAT ING
a smile leads to a laugh
a laugh leads to a hi
a hi leads to a hug
a hug leads to a kiss
a kiss leads 2 a makeo ut. .
makeo ut leads to a feel up
a feel up leads 2 a finge r
a finge r leads to a hand
a hand leads to a lick
a lick leads to a suck
a suck leads 2 a ********.
and then the moani ng
and the grabi ng
and the wispe ring comes .
So tell me how many peopl e are you gonna smile at after you heard this cuz
sex is like math.
u add the bed
subtr act the cloth es
divid e the legs
leave your solut ion
and pray you dont multi ply
tell your love that you want him or her to have sex with u right after u read this,
somet hing good will happe n at 2:25 tomor row.
Get ready for the bigge st shock in your life! !
Whoev er break s this chain will be curse d with relat ionsh ip probl ems 4-10 years .
If you tell your love that you love him or her in 15 mins, your safe.
If you dot his
Somet hing good will happe n tonig ht at 11: 45
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This jornal is about me and poems i am a good poetry writer
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