FFXI Tarutaru History
During the Age of the Beasts, war ravaged the lands of Vana'diel. While the physically powerful Galka and Mithra races fought off beastmen attacks, the considerably small FFXI Tarutarus immigrated to escape confrontations. Their search for peaceful land ended when they founded Windurst.
By a sheer stroke of luck, the FFXI Tarutaru found out about the mysterious powers of magic. Subsequently, being dexterous and incredibly intelligent, the Tarutaru studied the art to harness it completely. Therefore initiating the Age of Magic. This knowledge brought a new found power to the little fellows, they were now able to drive out the hordes of Yagudo beastmen away from their lands and build a great civilization of their own.
However, the Final Fantasy XI Tarutaru downfall came as their monopoly over magic ended. Once the secrets of magic were known to the other races and beastmen, the dismayed Tarutaru civilization retreated into an period of isolation and closed off their borders to other races.
Physical Features
Irrespective of their age the Final Fantasy XI Tarutaru stand foot and a half high, the females are even less tall. Looking like small children the FFXI Tarutaru are deceptively cute looking. They have tiny and round figures, childlike faces, long and pointed ears.
FFXI Tarutaru Character Traits
The FFXI Tarutaru make up for deficiency in muscle with their incredible intellectual powers. They value knowledge and learning and their ruler is always the most learned and powerful magician of the community. The Final Fantasy XI Tarutaru field of study is magic and charm. Being dutifully studious of the world, their ultimate goal is to harness the powers of magic.
The strong Final Fantasy XI Tarutaru character and their dedication to hard work is evident form the fact that they managed to rebuild Windurst after the Crystal Wars, when it was left in destruction by the Dark Lord’s forces.
FFXI Tarutaru Race Relations
The FFXI Tarutaru enjoy cordial relations with the Mithra. Even as they isolated themselves from the world, at the close of the Age of Magic, they interaction with the Mithra did not end. Their warmth for the Mithra race is evident form the fact that the Mithra also call Windurst their homeland.
In times gone by, the Elvaan race had attacked and ruled over Tarutaru race through the force of the San d'rian knights. The mistrust still exists.
This from a site copie and pasted.
I made one of them in FFXI! mrgreen They are so awsome. Small but smart is what they are.