*NOTE* you don't have to read it if you don't want to, considering that I WILL NOT use code names. I don't feel like it.
"has one of your friends ever told you that somebody like you? And you like that person and you know for a fact that they DONT like you but your friend keep writing it on your paper i mean telling you and ughhh! even when that person has a girlfriend who just happens to be the exact kind of person you hate. and of course she decides to steal one of your so called best friends. and that friends just happens to have a boyfriens that everyone loves for no reason. emo " Okay. quoted straight from Sara's journal. well sara, I'm glad that you feel that way about me and my friends. Nice going posting a journal about me and Chris and Shelby and Isaac. You didn't know i'd be getting on every once in a while. Nice. I don't care if you hate Chris or not, but start getting all dramatic about it. Then you don't like Shelby. Maybe you should hang out with us more. but I'm sure you'd just give Chris glares and keep saying that he mumbles. then glare at Shelby cuz he took "your man" you know what, he doesn't like you. He's getting to the point of hating you since you are a tad too much obsessive.
That's it for now outttt xD
Sujung118 · Thu Oct 16, 2008 @ 08:11pm · 5 Comments |