It's horrible. I feel terrible...My nose is always runny and my eyes keep watering. It was great fun in my maths test yesterday. Not. Plus I was at Teagan's house last night. Lost my voice twice and could barely see half the time from the water in my eyes.
But it was quite funny. We were sleeping in a tent. Jess, Shauna, Teags and I. And the dog slept outside the tent... We were having a conversation and Teagan's phone rang. It was her mum and she could hear everything we were saying. Even over the tv. So now the whole street knows a lot of things they probabbly didn't want to. ^^; Plus Jess slept on a piece of chocolate and it melted into her top. Lol. It was fair funny.
I almost fell off the bus too. My bag got caught on the thingo and it stopeed me from walking off so Teags pulled me and I practically fell out. Jess was laughing her head off.
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oheyyy (:
Fear the wrath of QUILVEE!
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