The Hunter and the Hunted...
"BEEP"... i love you... leaving you was wrong and foolish of me... i never should of done it... now seeing myself, and him next to me, just doesn't feel as right as i thought it would... i was just so confused and lost in my own emotion of trying to get him back,- trying to make my life happy... when all i needed was right in front of me... all i need is you... you make me happy everyday and you cheer me up when I'm down... how could i have been so stupid to let the one thing in my life that cared for me, go?? but seeing you struggle to get me back fills me up with so much joy, that every time i see you i want to jump in your arms and forget about everything that has happened- cry on your shoulder... kiss you for the first time again... start fresh... but each time, i'm trapped in a net... the more i struggle, the more it hurts... and each wrong move i make, makes my only way of escape smaller and harder... but i wont give up... i will be free... and we will be together... never again will i give you up... sadly this will not happen soon... i'm still being sucked further into the net... i have no one to blame but myself... but if this goes on any longer the hunter will finally have his prey.. and i will be lost forever from our world...