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Inflation stories & a few pics
here are a few stories & pics that those who are interested in any kind of inflation would like
The red balloon
"This is annoying." Ginny said while crossing her legs furiously.
"Weren't they suppose to get here like an hour ago?" Harry asked.
"Yes." Said Ron.
"How very typical of them to be late." Hermione muttered.
The four young wizards and witches were sitting at a picnic table. Harry and Hermione were visiting Ron and Ginny's house, nick-named 'The Burrow'. It was an old four floored tall house that was only being held up by magic. It had been the home to every child of Arthur and Molly Weasely...all seven of them. Ron and Ginny were the youngest and still lived there but the five other sons had moved out.
Hermione continued, "I want to get this business done and over with. If they arrive in the middle of dinner then I'd have to wait until they were done."
She had her hand laying against the the table. Ron reached over and took it. "Don't worry. They're geniuses and will make the wait well worth it." He began to gently rub her hand. Hermione returned the gesture with a smile.
Harry looked at his two best friends and again he felt relieve. They were becoming closer and he could tell that Hermione had wanted to get his attention 'that way'. But he did not try to help or hinder her. What he was afraid of was that the two would begin to give each other 'cute' names and start kissing and nuzzling every chance they could.Fortunately he was wrong. In a nutshell the two were acting very 'cool'. As thought nothing was different between the two. He knew they kissed and hugged but they were maintaining they're friendship...and of course still squabbled over nearly everything. How Ron and Hermione had gotten together was a long odd story.
It was the finals week for Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardy. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were beginning to take their final exam for potions. Hermione took a potion that had a few drops from another that made the drinker bloat up in a huge, in Hermione's case, balloon woman. The people behind the plan was Harry's arch-enemy Draco Malfoy along with Pansy Parkinson. They were sure that Professor Snape had a hand in allowing the deed to be fulfilled.
From only a few drops Hermione had blown up and tore out of her school uniform. But Professor McGonagall showed up and was able to get Hermione so that she wouldn't float anymore. Thus Ron and Harry began to roll their friend to the school nurse and all three decided that Malfoy and Parkinson had to get pay back. And they agreed that Ron's older brothers, Fred and George, were the one's to do it for they were the masters of pranks.
But that's not quite the end of the story. Once Madam Pomfrey saw the condition that Hermione was in she left and asked Harry to come with her for some supplies. Ten minutes later they returned to find Ron Weasely and Hermione Granger kissing. When the nurse shouted Ron quickly pulled back and both Hermione and Ron blushed to a very bright crimson. It took a day for all of the air to leave Hermione's body. It required several spells and a few potions but she was back to her original thin body within twenty four hours. The nurse promptly gave her new clothes and it was arranged that the three students would be allowed to take all of the finals they had missed, to Professor's Snape's annoyance.
Ever since Hermione was a balloon woman she and Ron have officially been a couple. The news spread quickly, just as quickly as when he began dating Ginny Weasely. Other students approached him with questions for confirmation. That wasn't surprising since he was very close friends to both of them. When Harry confirmed it with Ginny she squealed and ran off to hug Hermione.
Harry grinned at that memory. Then felt Ginny's foot rubbing against his shin and his grin broadened.
Ginny began to rise from her chair. "Harry could you walk with me for a bit before dinner?"
"Of course." He stood up, took her hand, and walked with her. Leaving Hermione and Ron alone for a while. The normally squabbling couple spoke for a little longer. Ron complimented Hermione on her blouse and skirt before they starting to kiss again, both hoping that dinner would not be ready for a little while longer.

Harry and Ginny walked through the woods for several minutes. Stepping over the large broken branches and crushing the smaller ones. Out in the woods Harry remarked how much Ginny had grown up and noticed her beauty. The first time they had met she was extremely shy and avoided him every chance she could. He was a year older than her so she started to attend Hogwarts when it was his second year. Again she was so shy around him that she could not even speak. It's a long story but he even saved her life near the end of his second school year. The school years went on and they aged together. Ginny started to mature and come out of her shell while Harry overlooked her and went for Cho Chang. It wasn't until his sixth year that he finally realized that he liked Ginny. It was Ginny that always stood by him. Ginny that supported him whenever something did not go his way. It was Ginny he finally figured out he liked...and she was Ron's little sister too.
Ginny had just turned eighteen but still had one more year to go to Hogwarts thus separating the two for a whole year.
"I'll miss you." Ginny said while skipping a stone into a small pond. They had stopped there and begun to play.
"I'll miss you too, Ginny. I'll wait for you." Harry said and attempted to skip a stone but it didn't even make one.
"I know you will." She succeeded at skipping another stone.
For a few more minutes they played. Harry would throw glance to his girlfriend and again remarked she always looked so natural out in nature. She was rather tall for a girl, a Weasley characteristic. Her bright red hair was flowing freely and was cut a little shorter than Hermione's. Since Ginny had grown up in a house hold that had a lot of male influence. All on her own she discovered Quidditch and developed some muscles on her body a good thing for being a beater. A favorite pass time for the two was play Quidditch of course Harry went easy on her even when she told him not too. Usually she would re-double and surprised him proving that he should not have held back.
Harry watched Ginny as she bent over the water side. Though she played sports she was still quite feminine. Her body angled a graceful arc as she reached down and pulled a rock out of the water. The image made him think of a water nymph and he smiled.
"What?" She asked grinning back, her freckles shifting.
"Nothing." and he tried to skip another stone but failed.
Even though the Burrow and the area around it had a few harmless defenses against Muggles they still had to wear muggle clothing to blend in. Ginny was wearing jeans, a black and white striped t-shirt, jacket, and sneakers.
Ginny started to giggle quietly.
"What are you laughing at?"
She smiled. "First you have to tell me what you were laughing at."
"All right when you were bending over the water...I thought..."
"Uh-huh?" She moved closer to him.
"You made me think that you were some kind of water nymph."
She covered her mouth and her eyes widened. "OH HARRY! That's so rude!"
"Ginny what's wrong with that!?" He started towards her but she laughed.
"Thanks." She said and put her hands behind her back and gently rotated her body back and forth by twenty five degree angles.
"Now it's your turn."
She stopped her 'spinning.' "Oh."
"What?" Harry pushed up his glasses.
"Well. Yours was so nice it makes my thought seem really stupid."
"Come on. Tell me what you were laughing at."
Ginny bit her lip and looked down. "You know how Hermione became a huge balloon woman? I didn't see her but I heard."
"I-laughed at the idea of me becoming one."
Harry didn't say anything.
Ginny continued. "I kind of want to become one for a little bit, just like Hermy did. But I'm afraid you'd think I'd look ugly."
Harry was about to tell her something when Ms. Weasely's voice, amplified a hundred fold by her magic wand. "RON, GINNY, HARRY, HERMIONE! I'VE BEEN CALLING YOU LOT FOR THE LAST TEN MINUTES! DINNER'S READY!"
Harry glanced at Ginny then back at the way they came. "I uh. Guess we should get going."
Ginny nodded, she looked said as they quickly ran back towards the house. They caught up with Hermione and Ron and together they went to Mrs. Weasley a short plump woman that could be very stern when need be but was usually very sweet. Though she was the one that married into the Weasley family she fit the part of one with bright red hair. Though her children and guests were late for dinner she instantly brightened whenever she saw that Ginny was dating that 'nice Harry Potter boy' and her son Ron was dating that 'very intelligent Hermione Granger'.
"Come in come in you four! Mr. Weasley should be home soon and as usual the twins are late. Percy sent an owl saying he will be arriving a few days late."
Harry and Hermione were staying the summer for Bill's, the Weasley's oldest son, wedding. All of them were to eventually gather together at the Burrow for it. Fred and George were visiting for a while before heading back to their prank shop business but would return in time for the wedding.
Mrs. Weasley shooed the four youths into the dinning room where they were meet with a surprise. Fred and George were already sitting at the dinning room table placing food onto their plates. For several seconds no one said anything until Molly Weasley stepped forward.
"Boys!? When on earth did you two get here? I didn't see you arrive on your brooms or the night bus."
The twins said nothing, they didn't even look at her, causing Ginny to giggle. Molly's' eyes glanced over to the special clock. It had the names of all of the family members on it and instead of telling the time it told where and if the member was in danger or not. Right now it said that the twins were indeed home.
She stepped forward. "You two had better have washed your hands. I've heard what you make your prank toys out of and they're disgusting."
Still the twins ignored her.
Ron cupped his hands over his mouth and shouted "HULLO FRED AND GEORGE ARE YOU DEAF AND BLIND NOW!!!???"
Unfortunately he did that right next to Hermione's ear and she scolded him for that.
Molly was beginning to get frustrated. "Boys would you please look at me when I talk to you!?"
Still they ignored her.
"That's it!" She marched over to the closer twin, Fred, placed a hand onto his shoulder and-
Fred exploded soon followed by George. Paper wrapping and rubber snakes went flying into the air and around them the sound of a whistle blowing went off. Molly shrieked and jumped back and the four youths jumped back as well. A second later laughter joined the paper and rubber snakes as Fred and George came from another room.
"BOYS!!!" Molly shouted and clenched her fists. Harry and his friends were trying not to join in the laughing. The paper and rubber snakes stopped flying into the air, revealing that in the twins seats apiece were small black boxs.
Fred held one up. "Introducing: Fred and George's Incredible Mimicable Trick Black Box!"
George cut in. "We're trying to think of something better but we like the word 'Mimicable.'"
"You're saying it wrong. It's Mimic-ABLE." Hermione corrected.
Fred grinned. "Nice to see you again, Hermione."
George continued the sales pitch. "With one of these you can make an illusion of someone around the box. It ,the image I mean, even moves around though we're trying to make it that they can talk also."
Fred jumped back in. "The moment you touch the image ,or mimic, the box explodes showering the lucky victims with paper and rubber snakes."
George nodded vigorously. "Though we wanted to put frog livers in there too we decided to be nice just this once."
Molly waved her magic wand and made all of the paper and snakes disappear, some had even fallen into the food. "Well just this once I'm not going to be nice! You two will have to go out and find your own dinner!"
That certainly made the grins disappear from the twins faces.
"No mum please!"
"You've made our favorites!"
"We love your baked chicken!"
"And mashed potatoes!"
"You're harsh!"
"You're too cruel!"
Molly pointed to the door. "OUT! You can come back when you decide to behave like good and ordinary wizards should at your age. Be more like Percy! "
"You mean dull and bookish Perfect Percy?" Muttered Fred.
There was no arguing with their mother the twins were defeated and walked back outside.
Molly turned to her two children and their friends. "Well Arthur won't mind if we start without him, and I know the twins will. Help yourself!"
Hermione cast annoying look at the retreating twins, wishing that she didn't have to wait till after dinner to speak with them. None the less she was hungry and joined her friends to dine.

"What a bird's nest." A black haired woman said.
"What do you expect from muggles and mud-blood lovers like the Weasley's?" A pale blonde haired man said.
The two were on one of the surrounding hills behind the Burrow. Nobody inside the Burrow ,or outside of it, knew that Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson were near it. Pansy sat up and brushed a twig out of her night black hair.
"This place is horrible." She muttered. "Why are we here? I was hoping you would take me to a nice place."
Malfoy sniggered. "Trust me this will be wonderful." He reached into the pocket of his robes and pulled out his wand. "Remember how much fun we had blowing up Granger?"
Pansy smiled and nodded.
"I wanted to inflate the Weasley girl also but I never got the chance to. Then I wasn't sure how I could give her a tainted potion outside of school. So I asked Professor Snape to teach me a special spell."
"Which is?"
"The Inflatus spell. I just hope the stupid girl doesn't call for help too soon before her brothers come and spoil our fun."
Pansy played with her hair. "But she might know that she was hit by a spell."
"A risk I'm willing to take. Besides we can quickly escape." Malfoy was referring to Aparating away. In muggle terms:teleporting. Then he added. "Remember what I told you to bring just in case right?"
Pansy nodded. "Yes I know.I brought mine and stashed it nearby."
Together they waited and watched the back door of the Burrow while Harry and his friends ate dinner, eventually joined by Mr. Weasley.

Harry and Ginny were the first to finish. Together they rose.
"May we be excused mother?" Ginny asked while removing her jacket and putting it on her seat.
Molly smiled. "Of course you two. Be good now."
Hermione stopped talking to Ron and said. "Harry, Ginny I hope you won't be out long. I really wanted to catch up with Fred and George."
They knew what Hermione really meant but Mrs. Weasley did not.
"We will, Hermy." Ginny said then added. "But I just LOVE balloons don't you?"
Hermione went a little red in the face and looked down at her plate. None the less she was able to smile. Harry and Ginny went out through the back door. Not wanting to catch up to Fred and George just yet.

Malfoy looked up excitedly. "We're in luck!"
Pansy joined him. "Oh no. Potter's with her! It's no good!"
Malfoy smiled again. "Maybe not, in fact that might make things better. It's worth a try either way." He switched his wand to his other hand. "I'll wait until they go a bit further away from the house. Then the fun will begin."

Harry and Ginny strolled together silently away from the house. They held hands and went around a thicket of trees. Making it harder for anyone inside the house to see them. It was times like this that Ginny could not believe she was dating Harry Potter, the boy who lived. She had been so shy when they first met that she avoided him. To her, at least then, he was an invincible god. But as time went on she matured and got to know him, that he was mortal. He felt pain, happiness, sorrow, bravery, fear, and made mistakes.
He was human.
But none the less he was Harry Potter her boyfriend! But most importantly he was a nice guy, unlike Draco Malfoy and the like.
"Think we're far away enough?" Harry asked turning to glance at the house.
"What if Fred and George come around this way?"
"I'll hit them with my infamous Bat-Boogy spell."
"You would. I believe it."
He put an arm around her and moved in closer to her face. Their eyes were closed.

Perfect timing! Malfoy thought evilly. He aimed his wand and thought the spell 'Inflatus!'
The two graduated Slytherins watched in anticipation.

Their lips were about to touch when Ginny quickly pulled back and exclaimed "Oh!"
Harry was a bit startled. "What?"
Ginny put a hand to her stomach and kept it there. "I don't know. I felt really weird for a second. Then it was gone and now I feel full."
"We just ate dinner."
"I didn't stuff myself."
"Unlike Ron." Harry laughed but Ginny didn't seem to hear. Harry stroked one of her long red strands. "Don't worry about it."
But Ginny did not listen. "It can't be that time." She murmured. Then she felt her stomach grow by the slightest bit larger. Ginny quickly looked at her stomach then back to Harry.
"What?" He asked.
"Did you see that?"
"See what?"
"For a second I thought my stomach became bigger."
For a moment Harry though back to Hermione's distress of becoming a balloon woman. He quickly waved the thought away.
"You're just imagining it." He laughed.
"I am not." Ginny said while she felt her stomach become a little larger.
"It happened again."
"You're being silly." Harry genuinely believed that. How could Ginny turn into a balloon woman? Mrs. Weasely would not have put some of the inflate potion into Ginny's food, even by accident.
"No it's not!" Ginny said loudly then quickly took Harry's hand.
"What are you?"
"Come here!"
She put his hand so that it was resting against her belly. It felt a little round but he still figured it was because she had just eaten. He was beginning to think that it felt nice having his hand there when he too felt his fingers spread apart slightly.
"That's you breathing." He said.
"No I'm not! I was holding my breath!"
While she said that Harry again felt his fingers spread apart slightly.
"What the?" He took his hand away.
They looked at her stomach together. It grew bigger then a little more, then a little more. In a minute Ginny didn't look thin any longer but a little chubby now.
"Harry." She whispered.
"I think I'm blowing up like Hermione."
"But how?"
"I really don't know."
They watched as it grew big enough to slightly ride up Ginny's t-shirt. She quickly tugged it back down in her jeans but a second later it was pulled out. It pushed out again revealing more of her skin. It was odd but Harry fought off an urge to start rubbing Ginny's new belly. He did not realize that Ginny was secretly hoping he would. In the back of her mind she did, right now she was concerned with why she was blowing up.
She felt an odd feeling growing inside of her and began to speak. "Harry I think my-
Ginny's hands shot up to her suddenly enlarged breasts. They had gone from a 32B to a 32 C A few of the wrinkles in her t-shirt was smoothed out by her new size.
"-Chest.." She started to finish but trailed off as she and Harry gazed at her new breast size. Her tummy kept rounding out and soon her shirt was pulled up high enough to reveal her belly button. Just like Hermione did, Ginny tried to pull her shirt lower but gave up when her stomach became too big.
"This is too weird." She said calmly and brushed her hair back.
"Does it hurt at all?" Harry asked his face suddenly full of concern.
Ginny smiled. "I think I'd be screaming if it did. Actually it feels-" There was a quick hiss then another *bwoof!* as Ginny's chest went a cup size bigger. Ginny bit her lip and closed her eyes. "Mmmm, really good." She whispered to Harry's surprise.
Her stomach continued to round out and Harry watched it with enjoyment. Ginny was too. She savored the feeling with closed eyes. It was becoming wonderful and she bunched her fist up into one of her thighs. She opened her eyes and noticed something was different. Glancing down Ginny realized her thighs were filling up as well. Harry followed her gaze and was surprised.
"You really are filling up." Was all he could say.
"Just like Hermy." She said happily. They looked back into each others eyes but she did not look so happy anymore. "Are you okay with this? You didn't answer me before. When I asked you earlier about becoming a balloon woman. Do I look ugly?"
Again he did not respond. This time he was too busy glancing back and forth between Ginny's face and her inflating stomach and thighs. Her jeans were smoothing out due to her growing thighs. After several seconds Ginny's lip began to tremble.
"Fine! You think I'm ugly don't you!?"
Harry's eyes fell back to hers. "What?"
Before Ginny could respond there was another 'bwoomf!' Ginny reached back and felt her butt. It was bigger! Then she continued.
"You think I'm ugly. I didn't plan for this! I'm going to ask mum and dad for help!" Ginny started to quickly waddle back towards the Burrow. Harry admired her growing butt that was pressed tightly against the seat of her jeans. Ginny's thighs scraped together and her sides were filling with air. The striped t-shirt was partially covering her distended belly now so Harry could see some of her back.
"Wait!" He finally shouted and dash past Ginny, stopping right in front of her. Ginny stopped and looked at her boyfriend, her eyes were a bit damp.
"I-I really like, Ginny."
"You're just being nice."
"I do!"
Harry reached out and placed a hand against her stomach. He moved his hand in a slow circular rubbing motion. Ginny didn't say anything but she sighed and made a cooing noise. Her body kept inflating.
Harry began to speak again. "I like this look. And if you go back inside then that'll spoil it. We wouldn't be alone together. And I want to see how big you get. Hopefully as big as Hermione."
Ginny 's expression went from comforting to shining. "Oh Harry." She said and stepped forward. Then she groaned and her hands went to her stomach.
"What is it?" Harry asked.
"This belt!" She whispered.
Ginny's body was taking on a highly exaggerated hour glass shape thanks to her black belt. It started to groan and squeak as her torso grew around it. Forcing her stomach to remain scrunch-ed up. Harry's hands flew forward and he began to scramble to unbuckle it. He could not and jumped back.
Ginny's bit her lip again. "Use your wand." She whispered urgently.
The belt groaned out again, her torso kept going and going. Harry felt his pockets but could not find it. He remembered it was up in his room.
"I don't have it. Where's yours?"
"...up in my room." She said.
Ginny's chest jumped again stretching her collar further. This time Harry could see some of the flesh of her breasts coming out of her collar. The woman's jeans were tight and outlined all of her body, including her panty lines. The belt's groaning became louder and-
"Harry I think it's going to-" Ginny start to say but was cut off by a loud bang. Her belt blew apart and her stomach sprang out free at long last! The suddenly size change also blew the button off her jeans and forced the zipper down. Her stomach was so large now that her shirt had been driven above it. Sunlight gleamed off her taunt belly while the top of Ginny's breasts were pushing out of her over-stretched collar. Harry looked at her lower body. Her jeans were being greatly strained now and in a few places the streams were pulled apart, forcing more of her flesh through. The jeans were slightly forced down themselves but would go no lower. Harry got a peak at Ginny's bright red panties and felt his ears turn pink.
Ginny let out a long sigh of relief. Her smile returned and she went back to watching her body grow and grow. There was a loud rip behind Ginny. Harry moved around her to inspect. Her butt had become too big and back of her jeans had split open revealing more of her underwear. Even the sides of the jeans were splitting apart. The shirt was becoming far too small for her breasts, it was more like a sports bra. Ginny's nipples were outlined even though there were two layers of fabric covering them.
Rounder and rounder she became. Ginny's arms were forced outwards and became nearly useless. Her breasts took yet another surge and her t-shirt was torn apart even further, a second later it fell off showing Ginny's huge breasts stuffed into her matching red bra. She pretty much had no waist now with her gigantically distended body.
"Oh wow." Ginny muttered, her head was slightly pulled in and so were her arms.
"Yeah you're big alright." Harry laughed and his girlfriend joined in. They both stopped when the sound of another thing ripping cut through the air. The jeans had finally taken too much and broke apart in many places. They slide down her filled legs but stopped. Her panties tightly clung to her sex , thighs, and buttocks.
"Harry...could you?" She asked blushing a little.
"Uh-sure." Harry said and helped pull the ruined jeans, and at the same time socks and sneakers, off Ginny.
"Much better." And she laughed.
Ginny waddled to the closest tree and leaned against it to stay standing. It appeared to the two that she wasn't done filling just yet. Harry playfully poked Ginny in the stomach.
"Aw come on." She said smiling.
"Sorry but it's so tempting."
"I didn't say you had to stop."
"Fine then." He poked her again and suddenly her breasts once again grew bigger. There was another bang and Ginny's bra flew off her balloon form. It sailed away off in the woods. Harry could not help but oogle at Ginny's uncovered chests.
"Oh la la? As 'Phlegm' would say?" Ginny asked quietly.
"Oh la la." Harry replied still stunned.
Ginny's torso was now completely round. She had short but stubby legs and arms poking out of it and huge breasts. Her head was slightly pulled in, her hair falling around what would have been shoulders like a beautiful red river. Now clad only in tight red over-stretched panties Harry Potter still thought Ginny Weasley looked like a goddess in his eyes.
"Wow." He said and together they assumed she was finished inflating.
Then her whole body did one tiny little surge and Ginny's cheeks filled up. Her eyes widened and she cried out in shock. But when they realized what had happened they laughed some more. Neither felt guilty since they had no idea how this incident occurred. He had no thoughts of Hermione, Malfoy, or Pansy. Just Ginny Weasley.
Ginny thought: Oh my god I'm practically naked with Harry Potter! And laughed at the absurdity.
Suddenly Harry went forward and tightly wrapped his arms around Ginny's belly the best he could and hugged it.
Ginny gasped and after a second she whispered huskily. "Oh Harry." She wanted to hug him back but could not since she was now taller than he plus her arms were plump and partially pulled in. Her body began to shake and they wondered what it was. Harry pulled back and heard a squeaking noise.
"What's that?" Harry asked.
Ginny's eyes slitted as she felt her panties slowly slide up one of her butt cheeks, then the other just as slowly. When her underwear was finished adjusting she smiled and thought I've been meaning to try thongs for a while.
Harry came forward suddenly and smothered his face into Ginny's stomach. She moaned.

"They like it!" Malfoy nearly shouted.
Pansy slowly rubbed her stomach. "Malfy. You don't suppose you could-"
"I always knew that Potter boy was a freak!" Malfoy sneered. He did not see Pansy quickly take her hand away from her flat stomach. He turned to his girlfriend and said in a calmer voice. "What were you saying?"
"Nothing." Then she frowned. "I can't believe Potter likes seeing his girl like that. He is a freak. I'd be so embarrassed if that were to happen to me!"
They watched in disgust, Malfoy's real, Pansy's somewhat fake, as Harry gently moved Ginny so that she was on her back. He then kissed her slowly and rubbed her stomach some more.
"We have to spoil their fun!" Pansy finally said.
It took a second for Draco to take his eyes away. "What?"
"We have to spoil their fun!"
He blinked then looked at her. "Right right! Of course. And I just know how! Professor Snape taught me a second spell. Just watch!"
Again Malfoy pointed his wand at Ginny and mentally casted it. Then he quickly started to crawl back the way the two came, down the hill. "Come on." Malfoy said and Pansy crawled with him.

Harry was happily kissing his girlfriend. He sometimes brushed his cheeks against her full ones, causing her to emit a 'mmm.' Then Ginny suddenly pulled her head back.
"Oh!" She cried out.
"I feel weird."
"You're a pretty balloon girl. I think you're suppose to."
"I mean weirder."
Harry had his right hand pushing against the flesh close to Ginny's head. His other hand was against her stomach and very close one of her breasts. He moved his right so that it joined his left then stepped to the side so that he was next to the lower portion of her body. He wondered if he was going too far while he slide a thumb beneath the waistband of her panties.
"Maybe I should get these off you." He muttered.
Some of Ginny's senses came back after she had the 'weird' feeling."Harry, I don't think we should. We're still quite close to the house. What if my parents saw us like that?"
"It would look like you lost them with the rest of your clothes."
"I really don't think so.
"Are you sure?" He gave a light tug.
"Okay." He sounded disappointed.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about it. You're right."
He pulled her one scrap of clothing back up and then a very familiar voice said. "We're really glad you didn't Potter!"
Harry's head shot up to see Draco and Pansy walking towards them from out of the woods.
Pansy then said. "Yeah we had an early dinner."
Harry's face was turning red. Ginny's was too but so was her entire body. She could see that her two enemies had their wands. And though she nor Harry did she felt even more helpless as a giant balloon.
Oh this is so bad! And this is so embarrassing! Ginny thought while kicking her legs.
"Did you do this to her?" Harry said through gritted teeth. His hands had balled up into fists but he still kept them on Ginny's body.
Malfoy smirked. "I did. And you should thank me since we saw the way you were snogging her."
Ginny stopped kicking her legs and took on a dignified appearance. "What are you doing on our property, Malfoy? We would appreciate if you two would leave."
"We'd like nothing more. But I came here to have a duel with Harry Potter. If you don't have your wand you can go get it."
Pansy moved with a seductive swagger and went next to Ginny. "That's right. Leave so we can be alone with this pretty balloon for a few minutes. We'd take good care of her." She rubbed some skin that was dangerously close to Ginny's right breast.
Harry lashed out with one of his hands but Pansy jumped back and shrieked with laughter. Malfoy joined in.
Ginny could see that Harry was twisted. He wanted to fight Malfoy but did not want to leave his love alone.
She spoke, "Harry go get your wand. I'll be fine, just blast Malfoy back to the last Quidditch world tournament."
He looked into her eyes. "Are you sure?"
He caught the twinkle and knew what she wanted him to do. "Yes and BRING mine." Ginny said.
"All right."
Harry had taken his hands off Ginny, turned around, took three steps when he heard at the same time: 1) Ginny shouting for him. 2) Their two enemies laughing all over again.
"HARRY!" Ginny cried out.
Harry spun back around to see Ginny five feet in the air.
"I'm floating!" And she rose higher.
Harry's heroic instincts took over and he jumped. He jus barely caught Ginny's left foot and pulled her down. But she was being pulled back so strongly that he had to hold on to her with both hands and his arms were forced up.
She wasn't like this before. Harry thought his mind a blur.
Malfoy chuckled. "I guess it's true about Gryffindors. Brave but very brash. Nothing like us cunning Slytherins."
Harry understood what Malfoy meant. Holding Ginny like this he was wide open.
"Harry." Ginny moaned.
Harry looked up and noticed how close he was to her barely covered sex and had an odd feeling. He snapped out of it and would have slapped at himself for thinking about that at a time like this.
Pansy sniggered. "Really Ms, Weasley a thong's a bit tacky for you. Besides I thought you were a good girl like Granger."
Malfoy laughed again and pointed his wand at Harry. "Now Potter. I think we should perform as many hexes,spells, and curses on you as we can. Just hang on tightly to your fat girlfriend there."
Ginny desperately tried to look down but her body was too big. Her cheeks and full shoulders would only permit her to turn her head a little.
But Malfoy could not help but gloat and he lowered his wand. "It was pretty brilliant of me to first fill her with air then change it to helium! Those two spells are just as good as an Aerventilo-Santuro potion!"
Harry and Ginny felt anger flare from within.
"I had a feeling that was you two!" Harry shouted.
Pansy bowed. "Yes it was I who put that in that ugly Granger's potion!"
Ginny kicked her free leg. "How dare you!"
"Stop wiggling fatso! You might pull yourself free and float up into space!"
"I don't care! Let me go Harry so you can pay them back!"
Malfoy aimed again. "Who said I was going to let you get your wand Potter? How about a stunning spell first!? That should help you hang onto your girl!"
Harry was going to try to jump to the side. It was the one thing he thought he could do but none the less it seemed impossible. He could not squat down and pull Ginny with him.
Malfoy practically had the spell thought out when a voice said.
"You two are acting exactly like the villains in a bad serial!"
All of them turned in the direction that the voice came from. To Harry and Ginny's relief they saw Fred Weasley standing near some bushes with his wand pointed at the two Slytherins.
"I'll even it up a bit!" Fred said but then Malfoy's wand flicked a spell. Fred did not even seem to flinch as the spell flew towards him and to everyone's horror Fred Weasley exploded-
-into a shower of paper, rubber snakes and loud whistling.
"What in the name of-" Malfoy began to say when the real Fred Weasley jumped from behind the nearby bushes.
"Got you!" He shouted and fired a disarming spell. To Pansy's dismay her wand went flying past Harry and Ginny and into the thicket of trees that hide all of them from the Burrow.
Harry wished he had reached out with one hand and caught the wand but his attention turned back to the fight. Malfoy counter attacked with another stunning spell and this time he hit Fred. The red haired man fell back and a hand went to his chest.
Pansy was deciding whether she should help Draco or go after her wand. She looked back and forth while Malfoy lowered his own.
Harry thought he heard a storm of twigs snapping behind him. Then a voice insanely similar to Fred's shouted. "Ginny catch!"
George bounded out of the thicket and ran past Ginny and Harry. He threw Pansy's wand up towards his sister. At the same time Draco was turning towards George and Fred was recovering.
Ginny caught the wand and pointed it at Pansy and loudly shouted with all of her anger "Stupefy!" Ginny was always excellent with her defense spells. This one shoved Pansy back with enough force to cause her to hit a tree. She landed on her butt with the wind knocked out of her.
Malfoy shouted out. "How dare you!" And raised his wand towards Ginny.
Before Harry, or either of the twins could react Hermione Granger bounded out of the thicket of trees as well. Her wand was pointed at Draco and she screamed "Petrificus Totalus!"
The spell struck Malfoy. His arms fell to his sides and his legs straightened. He looked like a soldier at attention but then Draco lost his balance and fell onto his back.
Fred quickly got up while Ron, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley rushed out of the thicket.
Hermione turned to look at her inflated friend. She looked upset and muttered. "Oh Ginny."
Harry clung onto his girlfriend while all of their friends and relatives rushed around them in a panic. The Weasley parents were trying to remember a deflating spell while George jumped up and grabbed Ginny's other foot and began to pull her back down. No one thought to pay attention to the two Slytherins.
Malfoy was just barely able to get his wand at the right angle and thought Deflatus!
Just when half a dozen hands were going to pull Ginny back down did she get struck by another spell. Suddenly helium began to fly out of her and she was torn out of George and Harry's hands.
"Ginny!" Harry cried out.
The balloon girl was up in the sky. Helium escaped from her body. Though it wasn't actually flying out of any of her orifices, but in fact emitting from her skin, Ginny kept changing directions. Red zig-zags, insane curves, and spirals filled the blue sky. Ginny was screaming at the top of her lungs. Something flew from her and landed near Pansy. Her wand!
While Harry and the Weasley family were scrambling to follow the deflating Ginny. Pansy jumped forward and grabbed her wand.
First she pointed it at Malfoy and de-spelled him. Now free Malfoy and Pansy tried to apperate away. They tried several times but could not.
Damn these impoverished idiots! They've but an anti-apperate charm around their whole property! I had a feeling they did! Malfoy thought viciously. But he had planned ahead for this. Together they pointed their wands away from the chaos and thought Accio broom stick!
From eighty feet away their fancy hand crafted broomsticks heard their owners command and l flew from their stashing place. Ten seconds later they flew into their masters hands. They mounted their broomsticks and sped off. Once they were off the Weasley property they apperated away.
While the Slytherins made their escape Ginny continued to lose helium. Her body started to shrink and regain it's original thin look. Her bright red hair whipped around her face and out of reflex grabbed onto the waistband of her panties with a plump arm. She pulled them up over her very chubby belly. Below her, her family and friends were either running around or apperating. The could not catch her with a spell since she was moving too violently. Suddenly she flew straight up, curved and started to fly straight towards the ground, the whole time screaming and loosing helium.
Ron quickly calculated where his sister would land. He dashed forward while watching her fall like a red comet. He shot out his wand just as Ginny was nearing the ground. The spell formed right beneath her and Ginny slowed then steadily stopped a few feet from from the ground. She looked like she was lying on her stomach. All of the helium was out of her now, once again she was thin.
Everyone else began to catch up.
"Ginny are you okay!?" Harry nearly shouted.
"Yeah-yeah I'm fine. Thanks brother." Ginny began to edge around the invisible pillow like cloud that Ron had formed. It was actually a spell that Fred and George had worked on. The point was to make it look like a person was able levitate and trick people.
Thanks guys. Ron thought and sincerely meant it.
Hermione caught up with Harry, Ron and Ginny. She patted Ron on the shoulder without stopping her run. Quickly she grabbed Ginny into an embrace.
"I was so scared for you!" Hermione held back a sob.
Ginny hugged her back with one arm. "Don't worry Hermione. I'm fine. I'm not even in any pain. Unless you hug me any tighter."
Hermione got the message and she stepped back while quickly wiping at her eyes. Harry glanced back and saw Ginny's parents and twin brothers approaching by foot.
Harry turned back to Ginny. "So you're sure you're all...right..." Harry trailed off.
"Yes. Harry I'm fine."
Harry was a bit speechless for he was looking at his girlfriend, who was nearly naked, for the first time. Wow was an understatement.
Ginny turned a little red. "Stop looking at me like that Harry." She let go of something to use both hands to straighten her hair back. She heard and felt something drop around her feet. Remembering something Ginny slowly looked down and yelped.
"I'm naked!"
Ginny's over stretched panties were far far too big for her now. They had slide down her legs when she unconsciously released them to brush her hair. She jumped backwards and went behind a tree while crossing a hand across her breasts. Ron quickly turned to catch Harry trying to shift his gaze away but he was too late.
"Harry, stop looking at my sister!"
Ginny's head appeared from around the tree. "He's my boyfriend he can look as much as wants. I'm embarrassed to be in front of YOU."
Ron sputtered. "ME!? I'm you're brother!"
Hermione had turned away with a slightly red face. She was smirking at Ron's indignant attitude.
The rest of the family arrived on the scene. Mrs. Weasley was crying while the three other men looked furious. Molly went to Ginny and hugged her even tighter than Hermione did.
"Ginny are you okay! Are you hurt!?"
Ginny sighed. "Don't worry mum I'm fine. I've been hurt worse in Quidditch games with the Hufflepuffs."
Fred and George were able to laugh, since they had played against the Hufflepuff house team many times. "I guess that's a pretty good indicator that she's all right."
Molly continued to hug her only daughter until Ginny said. "Mum could you please let go of me. I'm naked and I can't conjure up any clothes since I'm an under-age witch."
Her mother finally released her and regained her composure. "Oh my! You're right. The owl should arrive with you're warning letter any second now."
Mr. Weasley waved his hand irritably while his wife conjured up one of Ginny's bathrobes and slippers. "It's no matter! Ginny had to do it out of self defense! I swear the next I see Malfoy at the office I'll throttle him for raising a boy like that!"
Molly shushed him. "There will be none of that Arthur. We will report Draco and that girl to the Administration. Ginny I think you should come inside for some tea."
Ginny finished knotting her bathrobe. "I'll have some in a little bit. Can I stay out here with my friends for a bit...please? It would help me feel better."
Mrs. Weasley smiled. "All right, Ginny. As long as you want." She turned away with her husband who grumbled that Draco and his father would probably bribe their way out of the matter.
Ginny turned to her three brothers and two friends. "Well what an interesting day this has been."
Fred broke a branch off a tree and smashed it to the ground. "Damn that Draco! How'd he get here!?"
Hermione crossed her arms and said. "It is most likely they apperated some distance away from the property then snuck in."
George turned to the direction he saw Draco and Pansy sped off. "Okay Malfoy you want war? Fine! You had it already when you blew up our lame brother's awesome girlfriend!"
"Hey!" Ron said but George acted like he hadn't heard. Ginny and Harry laughed while Hermione looked flattered.
Fred stood beside his twin. "But now you've blown up our favorite sister! This time-"
"-IT'S PERSONAL!" The twins said in unison.
Hermione nodded her head in approval. "Let's finally get to work on the pay back plan." The twins walked back to the group while rolling up their sleeves.
"Righto." George said.
"The sooner the better." Fred said.
They stood in a circle now. "Any ideas?" Harry asked.
Hermione held up a hand. "Hold on. Did you two bring what I wanted?"
George went to one of his pockets. "Yes. I nearly forgot about it." He extracted a small vale and gave it to Hermione who gave him a several coins for it.
"What's that?" Ron asked.
Hermione blushed then explained. "I asked your brothers to try and make a less complicated inflation potion. If they got it right the drinker will shrink back in time." Hermione gave Ron a rather alluring look. "Or the air can be lost through exertion."
He raised an eye brow. "Exertion?" And he smiled.
Fred whispered into George's ear. "I think we should create a whole secret adult menu and this will fit there."
George whispered back. "Adult menu? It fits perfectly well as a prank item."
"But still-"
"But still!"
Harry and Ginny looked at each other. They smiled then Harry looked back to the twin.
"You wouldn't happen to have a second one on you would you?"
They could get to planning later.

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