gin:*yawns* *back cracks* gah! dammit! *pushes tobis head* tobi get off my leg! tobi:mmrf..*turns and falls back to sleep* gin:*pushes kazuki* im falling off the bed!! move! demon:wtf guys stfu. gin:wheres dark? kazuki:..dark!! where did she go? gin:its not that serious im sure she at the pool or something. cenn:*gets up* pool!!! kai:woot pool. soon everyone except dark and eros go to the pool. gin:woot!! *jumps in pool* kai:wheres dark? gin:..i dunno i thought..she was here. kazuki:lets go find her. do sure she is fine damn you retard she is probably uh...somewhere. tobi:yeah..uh..she is just..outside somewhere..hopefully. gin: stare ....tobi you know you wanna go with him. cenn:hey gin! lets hit the hot tub. kai:yeah cmon gin! gin:coming! you two go look for her or whatever. dark:lets head back to the room eros. eros surprised k!