Name: Mercedes Caduce
Codename: Hermione
First Date of Appearance: November 4, 2008
First Post: AX Ver 2.0 RP Thread
Academy X Student Team: New Mutants under LJ's command
Age: 19
Birthday: June 6th
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Skin Tone: Heavily tanned
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 95lbs
Build: Tall & lanky
Race/Nationality: Of Greek descent but raised in central Texas
Noteable Characteristics:
Uniform: TBA
Standard Dress: Light clothes that allow her to move easily
Place of Birth: Athens, Greece
Family: TBA
Superhuman Ability: Flight from wings around her ankles. When she has her version of a caduceus she can shift the space around her to make it appear that she is located elsewhere, but only for a very short time
Abilities (not gained from mutation):
Power Levels: (Total 29:26)
Physical Strength (1-10): 3
Power Mastery (1-10): 5
Speed (1-10): 6 (in air)/ 3 (on ground)
Durability (1-10): 3
Intelligence (1-10): 4
Energy (1-10): 3
Agility (1-10): 5
Personal Strengths: Quick-witted and inventive, but she can also be a smooth-talker when the occasion calls for it.
Personal Weaknesses: Since the appearance of her mutation, she has become more and more claustrophobic.
Personality: Mercedes is a classic Gemini. She is often described as flighty, disorganized, high strung, and often finds it difficult to make decisions. Many others claim her to be charming, caring, and adaptable.
Hobbies: Collector, of information, of things, of friends.
Mutant/Human Relations View: At this time, Mercedes doesn't really care nor seem bothered by the current tension between mutants and humans. She knows though, she will have to take a stance on the matter. For now, she's just content ignoring it altogether.
Mercedes Caduce Class Schedule
Second semester Senior (again)
1/Sociology "Karma"
2/Ethnics & Mutants "Cyclops"
3/Teamwork "Colossus"
4/Culinary "Gambit"
5/Dramatic Prose "Husk"
6/Music II "Dazzler"
7/Flight "Angel"
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My Random Musings For My Sheer Entertainment
I think the title says it all, but if you've got questions drop a line.
[center:c97caf65f7]She really had to stop talking to those evil mutants bent on world domination...
AX: finally a soap opera for mutants.
AX: finally a soap opera for mutants.