Name: Ariana La Ruix
Age: 21
Race: Traditional Lockjaw
Sexuality: Lesbian
Mate: None
Weapon(s): None, has no need for one.
Personality: She's shy, not too trusting of humans due to her past. She will normally stay away from people, turning to the forest for her home and scapegoat. If someone does get to know her, she will do everything within her power to protect them, no matter the cost.
Past: Ariana's father was a body guard for an important figure in Ireland who was trying to take over the country, due to the poor shape the country was in. A group who was loyal to the true king set up a resistance to him, taking down as many of his followers as they could, which included targeting Ariana's father. After a couple years of bloodshed, Ariana was born. Fearful of what the resistors would do to her if they knew of her existence, Ariana's father arranged a ship that would take Ariana and her mother to France, to stay with relatives for their safekeeping. With a promise of their reunion, Ariana's father chose to stay behind for a year, to find a replacement and to try to leave his former life behind.
A couple months later, Ariana's mother received a letter, saying that her husband had been taken by the resistance and was set to be killed within the week. Leaving the young Ariana with her aunt, her mother rushed off to Ireland to try and save him. She never returned to France. So, Ariana grew up with her aunt, never knowing of what happened to her mother or father, for her aunt kept telling her that they died in a car crash. Once she turned sixteen, Ariana learnt that her father was the bodyguard for a key figure in a plot for a total takeover in Ireland. Thinking that her father's death had something to do with that bit of information, she ran away from her aunt's house and stowed away on a cargo plane, bound for Ireland. Once she was there, she traveled to the nearest town, asking around for information on her father and mother. A group of old resistors overheard her asking around in a pub one night and they attacked, beating her ruthlessly, breaking bones, leaving bruises, cutting her. Once they were done they carried the unconscious Ariana to a forest, dumping her there and leaving her to die. But a group of creatures called Lockjaws found her due to the smell of blood, and they nursed her back to health, teaching her their ways and making her one of their own. On her twenty first birthday, she left her clan of lockjaws to seek out the group of resisters, making a promise to herself that she would get revenge.
Lockjaw form: