Just whatever I feel Like writing whenever I feel Like writing It.
Ha~ And now I am home alone for a few days! I'm somewhat happy. But still sad. I like not having my dad here but I WANT my sister here. I'd be nice if mom would come home more then 3 times a week from her parties too. Sister doesn't like it at our house, she tells me every time I see her that we deserve more then this, that WE did nothing to get this. I use to think that we did something for this but sister tells me it's all mom and dad's fault. Mom loves us but...I don't think she likes us. I think dad's too drunk to know what his name is let alone love us. *Sigh* I'll be home alone for 2 weeks unless sister or mom comes home. Sister is here every other day so I won't be so alone. I hope mom comes home too.