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chapter 1
enter:miterashi clan village.
tobi:whoa havent seen this place in like forever. kai:we moved from here to konoha a long time ago. gin:*shivers and drops crutches*...v-village. *has flashback* ABOUT 8 YEARS AGO.gin:*see's kids playing with a ball* hey guys can i play? kid1:no way half-breeds cant play this. kid2:yeah so get lost retard. gin:..*walks away* mom:gin..where have you been? gin:*hugs mom* mommy whats a half-breed? mom:...*tear falls down cheek* gin:mommy? dad:*comes out* gin..you are a half-breed be proud of it. gin:but why wouldnt they let me play with the ball because of it? dad:they cant respect any kind of demon. gin:its not fair. tobi:*comes out eating cookie* haha! half-breed atleast i fit in im a human *points at self* kai:*comes out* shutup tobi. dad:now ..try going back there. gin:why? dad:go on son. mom:*wiping tears away* gin:*walks over to kids* hey..can i play? kid1:i thought we told you to get lost half-breed looks like we are gonna have to force you to. kid2:i'll teach you to not listen to us *throws ball at gin* gin:*looks down and catches ball*...ok..nice shot my turn..*throws ball at kid2* kid2:*flies into pond* kid2:no fair!! *runs home* kid1:*grabs ball*...i told you half-breed get outta here *brings 2 more kids over* gin:the games over already? before you go lets play out...*throws ball at kid1* O....*throws ball at kid3* U *throws ball at kid 4* T...bully:try getting me out halfbreed! gin:*throws ball really hard at bully* OUT. kai:*runs over to gin* whoa.. ayato:hey gin what happened. gin/kai/tobi:aya!! IF YOU DIDNT KNOW AYA IS OUR COUSIN.. gin:nothin.. aya:..hmm..so the good thing is im gonna be living with you g- ???:alright kaiza..now pay up or else. dad:i aint payin s**t. ???:*gets army of people* ok..then die!! *starts shooting* gin:dad!! dad:everyone run get in the car. everyone:* except aya gets in the car* tobi:aya!! hurry up get in!! gin:cmon!!! ayato:*runs towards car* dad:no time..im sorry aya *drives off* gin/tobi/kai:*looks out of back window* aya!!!! gin:aya!!! aya:gin!!! fFLASH BACK OVER.. tobi:gin!!! kai:gin!!! gin:wha? huh? shizuko:lets get going pick up ur crutches. gin:n-no way! *tries to run away but falls* owwww shizuko:whats your problem? *puts gin on crutches* tobi:is it..aya? shizuko:aya? tobi surprised ur cousin. gin:..*in mind wonder if aya..is still alive?* *walks in village* aunt:gintoki? obito? dakaime?*hugs us 3* gin:auntie.. aunt:and whos gf is this? gin:im guessing she took a lucky guess it was one of our gf's gin:not mine! never in my whole life would i date h- shizuko:*hits gin in back of head* tobi:*raises hand* mine..auntie. aunt surprised h little tobi got a gf i didnt think it was possible. gin/kai:*laughing* tobi:*clunches fist* and ..*thinks* ah ha! so who did you think was most capable of having one? aunt:gin and kai. aunt:so..kai do you have one? kai:sure do. aunt:gin? gin:i uh.. tobi/kai:dont have one!!! gin:i..i i am just looking for the perfect one auntie. aunt:aww. aunt:and who is this young boy? kazuki:i am their step brother kazuki! aunt:so..your the girl that kaiza married's son...i see..and where is hidan and cloud? gin:in konoha. aunt:i see. gin:...auntie..wh-wheres aya? aunt:...oh..well..he is inside. gin:do you mind if i? aunt:go on. gin:*steps inside* aya? aya ya here? aya:*comes down steps* who are y- gin? gin:yeah! aya:gin!! i thought you'd never come back. gin:sorry aya dad is retarded. aya:i know..he isnt here is he? gin:dead as hell my friend dead as hell. aya:hm good biggrin gin:aya yeah im so sorry. aya:its ok. gin:*twists leg* gah! *faints* aya:gin!! 2 HOURS LATER.. gin:..wha what happened? aya:*puts hands on bed* well you fainted..you twisted your leg i could see you were already on crutches. gin:*smirks* ....i see *falls back asleep*
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