In a world,full of people and animals and oceans,there are four estupidas that have adventures unlike any other.This is their story......
*Theme song music here*
*Theme song music ends here*(We couldn't come up with one xd
There was a sound,then there was a ringing,and then it was the phone.I picked up the phone and it was Teresa.We spoke,talked about going to watch Twilight and then hanged up.After that Anais called and we talked about the same thing.
After a while,(ten minutes to be precise) everyone arrived at my house.We left to go pick up Mackenzie and she couldn't go,because her parents didn't let her watch the movie after all. =( She went back home with my mommy after she dropped us off.It was funny though.When we got there we got our tickets and went inside.We went to the theater we were assigned to go,and well of course we were there pretty early. xd We left my house at 5 pm and bought our tickets for 7.So hehehe we were there for two hours. ^-^ But before the idiots at the movie theater decided to tell us we have to go into the theather were everyone else form 6 were going to into,we snuck in to watch Twilight for a bit. smile We saw the part were they were playing baseball and James,Victoria,and Laurent show up.But then we left to go outside before we got in trouble. xp When we got outside of theater 7,this guy tells us that we can form a line with people who were going to see twilight at six.Either it was for six or for seven I really don't care. smile Hehehehe so anyways we went inside the theater got good seats and we went to go get popcorn!!!Yay!!!They finished my sprite though. emo So we watched the movie it was great!Awesome!!Fantastico!!! blaugh And I got sometihng for you Mackenzie. wink Hahaha,so the movie ended and we stayed outside in the lobby for a while.Teresa randomly found a dollar and we looked towards that place where they sell food,and ice cream,and food. xd So it was funny because I found something they sold for only .54 cents.Guess what that was?It was.....EXTRA TOPPINGS!!!!Desiree and Tere went to go ask the cashier lady if we can buy any extra toppings.Surprisingly,she said yes!!!So they come back and I tell them,"Get sprinkles and nuts!"
They came back 10 seconds later with both sprinkles and nuts.It was funny.We mixed the nuts and sprinkles together and they tasted salty. >w< lol.Then we raped Dez xd wished a lot of people could've gone with us. Well anyways,GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!
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Just Stuff on Life

"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
Romans 10:9-10
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"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
Romans 10:9-10