1. smoked a cigarette - Nope. 2.crashed a friend's car - Nope. 3. stolen a car - Well... I was gonna 4. been in love ? Who hasn't at my age? 5. been dumped ? Yeah, sadly. 6. shoplifted ? Yep 7. been fired- Nope. 8. been in a fist fight ? Aw hell yeah... 9. snuck out of your parent's house ? About ummm what comes afer 70 thousand? 10. had feelings for someone who didn?t have them back ? yeah... 11. been arrested - nope. 12. gone on a blind date ? >< Are you nuts? 13. lied to a friend ? yeash 14. skipped school ? Umm school? NO.. class? All the time. 15. seen someone die ? not at the exact moment 16. had a crush on one of your internet friends ? I'm not gonna lie... yeah 17. been to Canada - HELL NAW!! 18. been to Mexico - NOPE! 19. been on a plane - yes.. once. 20. purposely set a part of yourself on fire - not yet. 21. been to Germany - I WISH!!! 22. eaten Sushi ? Nope. ((don't think I wanna)) 23. been skiing - nope. 24. been snowboarding - yep. 25. met someone in person from the internet ? No... 26. moshed at a concert ? Not yet.. but I will soon!!! 27. taken painkillers - Too many.... 28. did drugs - Nope. 29. loved someone or missed someone so much that it hurts ? Yeah.. 30. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by ? YEAH!!! That's my past-time. 31. made a snow angel - duh... I live in cleveland... 32. had a tea party ? Oh yes yes yes... My stuffed animals are fun to hang with 33. flown a kite - Yep... I was kinda scared it was gonna fly away though. 34. built a sand castle ? yep... 35. gone puddle jumping ? YEAH! 36. played dress up ? Once... 37. jumped into a pile of leaves - My fall past time. 38. gone sledding - Winter past time. 39. cheated while playing a game ? THEY STARTED IT!!! 40. been lonely - too many times. 41. fallen asleep at work/school - yeah 42. used a fake ID card ? I use my fake schedule to get into my friend's lunch period to see them. 43. watched the sun set - plenty of times. 44. felt an earthquake - Yep. But it was a minor one. 45. touched a snake - Yep... 46. slept beneath the stars ? Yepers. 47. been tickled ? I'm too ticklish not to be tickled... 48. been robbed - Nope. 49. been misunderstood ? plenty of times. 50. touched a goat - nope. 51. won a contest ? Yeah... an art contest in 5th grade and a water melon eating contest when I was thirteen... 52. ran a red light? To young to drive. 53. been suspended from school - whee I can't count how many times. 54. been in a car- . . . . . . Does that NEED and answer?! 55. had braces - Nope. 56. felt like an outcast - That's a given... yep. 57. eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night- Yep... Damn depression 58. had deja vu ? Yeah.. it was kinda scary. 59. danced in the moonlight ? yep. 60. liked the way you look ? quite a bit lately. 61. witnessed a crime - yeah 62. questioned your heart ? Once in a while. 63. been obsessed with post-it notes ? I still am. 64. walked barefoot through the mud ? Once... it felt odd. 65. been lost ? I'm lost now... 66. been to the opposite side of the country - Nope. 67. swam in the ocean? Yeah... The Atlantic 68. felt like dying ? one too many times. 69. had kinky sex ? No.... ((kinda odd how it's #69 that made it as this one.)) 70. cried yourself to sleep ? yeah.. 71. fallen asleep on some you love ? plenty of times. 72. recently colored with crayons ? YEAH! And later that day I realized why they say, "fun to play with, not to eat" during the pay-doh commercials. 73. sung karaoke ? once 74. played cops and robbers ? YEAH!!! I was the robber and I never got caught. 75. paid for a meal with only coins ? no... 76. done something you told yourself you wouldn't ? yep. 77. made prank phone calls (were you caught?) ? YEAH I DID!! no I wasn't caught. 78. laughed until blood or some kind of beverage came out of your nose (specify what kind) ? Nope. 79. caught a snowflake on your tongue ? yep.. they're DEEEE-LICOUS
80. danced in the rain - all teh time. 81. written a letter to Santa Claus ? Who? 82. been kissed under a mistletoe - No... 83. watched the sun rise with someone you care about - yeah 84. blown bubbles ? normally and with my spit.. 85. made a bonfire FIRE!!! WHOOOO!! twisted 86. crashed a party ? yeah.. 87. gone roller-skating ? I was "born" on my roller-BLADES if that counts... 88. had a wish come true ? Yep... 89. worn pearls - I own a pair. Black ones. 90. jumped off a bridge - No... why would I? 91. ate dog/cat food ? I ATE CAT FOOD!! I was real little and me and my sister thought we'd turn into cats if we ate it on a full moon. 92. told a complete stranger you loved them - no... well, yeah... 93. kissed a mirror - duh! 94. sang in the shower ? YES!!! It's soo fun 95. had a dream that you married someone ? no... 96. glued your hand to something ? I glued my hand to itself, my desk and to my wall.... 97. got your tongue stuck to something ? my dad's car. 98. kissed a fish - ew no.. 99. sat on a roof top - yep... 100. screamed at the top of your lungs - all the time. 101. done a one-handed cartwheel ? nope... 102. talked on the phone for more than 6 hours ? HELL YEAH! 103. stayed up all night - Plenty of times. 104. didn't take a shower for a week. - No... 105. pick and ate an apple right off the tree ? I wanna 106. climbed a tree - I have a pic of me in a tree.... so yeah I climbed a tree 107. had a tree house- quite a few times. 108. scared to watch scary movies alone ? no.. 109. believe in ghosts - hell yeah 110. have more than 30 pairs of shoes ? Why have 30 pairs? 111. worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say ? No... 112. gone streaking - Nope. 113. gone doorbell ditching - Once. 114. played chicken - In the middle of a main street 115. pushed into a pool/hot tub with all your clothes on - yep... 116. been told you're hot by a complete stranger ? Do I have to count? 117. broken a bone - Yep.. my wrist 118. been easily amused (are you still) ? I am and will always be easily amused 119. caught a fish then ate it ? no... *shudder* 120. caught a butterfly ? THEY'RE TOO FAST!!! 121. laughed so hard you cried - yeah 122. cried so hard you laughed ? yeah 123. cheated on a test ? I had to... 124. forgotten someone?s name ? once or twice 125. French braided someone?s hair - I can't braid... well not french braid 126. gone skinny dipping in a pool - no.. sounds like fun, though. 127. been threatened to be kicked out of your house ? No. but I ran away about 7 times in a month 128. been kicked out of your house - ran away.. never been commanded... 129. licked someone?s body part ? Yep! Humans kinda taste funny though... 130. bitten someone or been bitten ? I bit my friend Jeff and my friend Kyle... and Jeff bit me back...
Glow Stick Mosh Pit · Tue Oct 11, 2005 @ 10:38pm · 1 Comments |