Clyde and me

Circle talk with Black_Rouge

Wow! Winter rose gown chicks! xD

Brides without grooms[but with flower girl! xd ]

~Selle, Sora, Scilla~ The "S" group! xD

Crying Ladies...LOL

Friends forever!

eek surprised eek Father carnibal is after us!!! Heeeeeelp!!! xD

The first meeting[I think....Or maybe the second?!]

Hangin around

Newbies in purple!!![I like this part! xD]

Sisterhoods with me

Me bored in MTV! scream

Winter Rose gown parteeeehh!

Wow many people comen'

OMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![Oh My Sister] My favorite part!! ~PEACE, LOVE and MUSIC~

Many pictures of me in the Hollywood x3

Poor beggars soaked in the rain without any place to stay xD

Slumber party! Party guests: Hime, Ze Dane, Ze Dane's sister and me! xD

Me in towns

Me and Natalie in checkered towns

Rui Hanazawa!!!!![Shun Oguri]

I still miss my school right now! D: C.I.Y.F.C.A.!!!

Angelic Gaians

Cute Gaians 4laugh

~Teh Valentine Party~

Me and Scilla Hangin around!

LOL More of the winter rose gown party xD

Uhmm? Another party? Or I should say "Winter Rose Gown addictness?" xD

biggrin Group picture!!!

~Whee! whee Adorable pic!~

LOLz! All the newbie!

*Halloween Party in towns! [I'm collecting candiez house-to-house at that time! xD]*

Same avi dudes sitting on their car! xD

A line with my bros and sis

My not-so-beautiful aquarium

UUrrrrghhh!! Me so boooored! Still four hourz before the movie start!! scream

LOL the madagascars makes me wanna dance! xD

Translation: be careful, Mr. panda, you might hurt me!

Watching in my VJ

A cool looking house bar!!

Me in z0mg! trying to kill all the fluffs! haha

Wow, that'z Rina!! Isnt she cuute?~ x3 LOL

My first picture when I entered the Green Village

Me in my weird all-you-can-eat house! LOL! [and I dont get why I put my bungee jumping right in the middle! xD]

My favorite NPC... Nicolae!! LOL But I call him Nicu.. x3

Itz so hard to climb all the way up those stairs!! scream

All of our cars!! [But mine's different now]

Christmas in towns!!

A weird looking-Christmas-tree in z0mg

*Takes a closer look*

Me ish richyyy!!! Wahaha!!

Thankies, Nicostine!! This is a cute Christmas picture! x3

heart I really luv my Christmas Avi!

Yay! New Christmas Avie

Yay!! Christmas!!


Snowball Fighting!! Whee!!!!

Whee!! I saw me and Hime in a pinoy gaian's youtube!!!!!!!!

White Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now this is what I call "Christmas Tree" yay!!!!

*takes closer look again*

Axel, Me, and Hime

Gaia Logo.. Yay I made it xP

Wanna see me when I first registered in Gaia? Tan-ta-nan-nan.... drum roll please! Say hello to seishun_gakuensenpai, my first account I ever made in Gaia!!! xD

Lookie at this picture! haha LOl itz sooo funny! marimar being attacked by rich gaians! xD

The Death Note Cosplayers:

I caught david dating a girl!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA

I interviewed and asked stupid question the people in the picture!! xD LOL

~Royalty Rulez~

Our own group! Uhmm What ish the name again? xD

We are behind hime!!! Yay! Now she will never find us! > biggrin

I hate you puppy rockie cuz whenever I post you alwayz get on my way D:< scream stressed scream

xP I made this fer nothin...

:OOOOOO xD Itz full already?! xP

eek surprised Wow I reslly like the new Gaia banner now! xP I luv the drawing.. Especially of the vampire girl xD

Friendies in MTV! ^_^

Wah heeeeelp!!!! We froggies are being cooked by soraaaaaaaaaa!!!

Teh crazy creepy Coraline maze! Find meh!! xD

LOL! Cheering! xD

I got these shots in the watever cheering squad whatever! xD


LOL If you can understand what the message says, it would be so funny! rofl rofl rofl

Proud to be!!!

My date mate: Ian xDDDD

LOL!!!! xD O_______________O

Lol I took a pic the first time I played this in Scilla's aquarium

Awwww! Why is it only number 4???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha sakura kimono in zengardens

Dazey dazey to you! LOL

Entrance in zen gardens

WAAAAAAAHHHHAAAHAHAHAHA! Mx.Purplee's Lover of the day!

Bridge in zengardens

Easter biggrin

Haha this so funny!

Swimming in the beach.... It's summer today! Yay!

Swim swim...

Is that a treasure chest?!

Swimming outfit

It's flowing with skittles! biggrin

Me and Hime [Hime's back!!! whee

Coke Ice

Skittles Carnival. smile

Hime is BACK! [June 18, 2011] (First meeting: 2007) Yay it's 4 years since we've met!!

All three of US YAY!



BYES sad

masquerade halloween party at louie's von helson castle

cosplayers for halloween costume: kanoko as yui, radiojack as kyuubey, sasha as miku, josie from x-men

the wolves attacked the castle

wolves attacking me

the wolves' bite infected me with gro-gain and turned me into a wolf!

yays! the vaccine shot made me a human again!

the dead store

ewww trashes

more ewwwwwwwws to this!!


towns trick or treat

my debut in gaia xD

into the ball dance? lol

dancey dancey!

polar bear =w=

wheee swimming!

sliding down!

rocket ship?!

dancey dancey again in rocket ship!

party party people who are in my debut party! hahahaha!!

BOWLING I got perfect score

Thing Lift

Bowling again...

Gaia art I gave to a cool durem-themed dude

My avatar for team durem art made by me