I live off my music.
I love color.
I need my friends.
I have low self-esteem.
My parents are cool, no matter how hard you try to tell me they're not.
I enjoy taking pictures.
I need a smile a day.
Art pulls me in.
I hate posers.
Skinny girls who think they're fat make me mad.
I enjoy funnies.
I like thick books.
My birds help me stay sane.
I'm eco-friendly, or as much as I can be.
Everything I do is thought about for at least a millisecond
llamas intrigue me. dramallama
I have the sleep regimine of an old woman.
I burn candles.
Fire intrigues me as well.
I am agnostic.
Gaara is amazing.
I think sharks are interesting.
I use as big a vocabulary as I can when talking.
I hate chatspeak.
People who speak out loud with it are worse.
Public speaking is horrible.
I belong in Dum - Dum Anonyamous. they are the shiznit.
My hair is currently at it's longest in my life - 2 in. below my shoulder.
I like thinking.
Doing easy math problems are fun; they make me feel smart.
I love the trumpet.
I love marching band.
I could easily be considered a band geek and a bookworm.
I like the paisley pattern, and am proud of it.
Pokemon are cool.
I am incapable of drawing with a white pencil on black paper.
I have suspicions.
I make up conspiracy theories.
I am obsessed with having clear skin. Zits bother me beyond words.
I don't think old people are ugly.
I've cried over wanting my fantasy books to be real.
I'm obsessive. Obviously.
I read everything. If there are words on a paper, I will try to read them.
The game "slug-bug" is now an instinct.
My friends all want porches and Jaguars; I want a Jeep Wrangler.
I'm a sucker for dimples; boy or girl.
I tend to attach myself to people I hate.
One of my life goals is to be able to braid my hair into one long braid.
I think the American colors are cheesy.
I like laughing
I can dish it out, but I can't take it in.
I compare the ankle pains I get to a pregnant woman.
Noodles are my favorite food.
Noodles and Company is my favorite restaraunt.
I love meat. heart
I flush easily. Very easily.
I don't like drawing attention to myself
I am the fastest typer in my family.
I have blue eyes
I really want green eyes.
I wish wholeheartedly.
I can make a story out of a pair of boots. (literally; I have.)
I really want to use the word "touche" during conversation.
I hold a lot of useless information.
I have had such a runny nose that I had to stay home once.
My most common word is "extreme".
My most common phrase: "to the EXTREME."
I get mad a lot.
Things bother me for no reason.
My favorite fruit is mango.
I despise Hanna Montana, and the Jonas Brothers.
I hate losing.
I hate being bad at things.
I'm excited to be a teenager.
I'm desperate.
I like grammar... none of my friends do.
I've only ever had one friend in my life who would call me.
I strongly believe in ghosts.
I find religion ridiculous.
I don't know why, but have recently found that I hate clumsy people.
I trip over flat surfaces sometimes (see above for irony).
I really like the color orange.
I don't find myself an interesting person.
Nor a pretty one.
My irises are bigger than anyone else's in my family.